We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Fatal Frame Survivor Perk (Power) Idea - Camera Obscura

Was looking at speculating on potential licenses that might come into DBD, and learned more about the Fatal Frame series.

Working with a general concept: Taking Pictures of Ghosts.

We've got a Lute object in the game. So it stands to reason that they could introduce a Camera object like the Camera Obscura in the game.

The Person with this Perk equipped would see a set number of spectral Haunts spawn around the map (only visible to them, if multiple Survivors bring this perk they see their own specific Haunts and not those of others). These idle Haunts would not be visible or interactable with those without the Perk.

While standing still and unmoving, pressing the active ability button brings up a Camera overlay (with the character pulling out the camera obscura), the Spectral Haunts becoming more opaque if they're "In Focus".

Pressing the secondary action key "takes a picture" after a short delay. (this has a cooldown)

Any Haunts within focus will release a wail (and suddenly appear for all players, a jump scare) before disappearing. Survivors within the range of this "proximity detonation" gain Haste for a few seconds (flight) and scream, while Killers are Hindered for a few seconds (fight).

Depending on the location the Haunts (randomly) spawn in, it could make some loops safer, some dead-zones actually safe, and possibly used to assist another survivor that is in chase/being carried, by taking advantage of the slowdown/haste effects if the players are in the right spot.

It would be a new kind of perk that introduces randomly generated interactable objects across the map a survivor player could leverage, in this case, as a kind of "remote mine for chase".
