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I can't feel relax playing killer

Member Posts: 63

you can't chase the first one u see, cuz you have to find the first repairing gen. You can't tunnel cuz OTC babysitter and DS. You can't play hit and run cuz it will trigger a perk that lets surv repair faster. You can't be slugging cuz Unbroken. You have to catch the toolbox one, you have to slug and hook one by one, you have to hit every M2 cuz you can't afford the time loss of missing one. You have to be very careful when you carrying up a slug, like disassembling a bomb, even tho you are the killer not them.You have to play like a precise computer as a human. While Your components benefit from all of your behavior, even hooking. Survs can easily counter any killer by gen rush, survs has three chances, they just need to annoy on the forum so BVHR will nurf the killer.

I must be sick that play killer in 2024 rather than play SWF.

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  • Member Posts: 63

    No, your are all wrong. You can't tunnel cuz babysitter, OTC and DS is too strong, you can't afford missing any M2 cuz any chase time should shorter than 1 min. BVHR never nurf surv but give them more and more OP perks.

  • Member Posts: 2,194

    The things is that the mmr will put you where you belong. What’s even nicer is that one of the iridescent medals for Killer requires you to have 9 hook actions. So even the game itself rewards you for spreading hooks.

    My point is that if you spread hooks as much as possible, the mmr will put you in a spot where you can mostly do that. People who want to win at all costs play with the same kind of people, and I can’t imagine that those games are in any way shape or form relaxing.

  • Member Posts: 448
    edited September 2024

    sounds like you can't do anything because it's not efficient and convenient without some effort. You fear the unknown of what someone may have even though there 0 guarantee that anyone is even running any of said perks or playing in said styles. Just learn how to play the game instead of expecting everyone to throw themselves at you

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    It’s not supposed to be relaxing. It’s the role that has to keep interacting with and go against 4 different people. By its very nature it is stressful. It gets more stressful when you want to win as much as possible and gets even worse when you’re playing a non-anti loop Killer.

    If you want to have less stressful matches, I suggest you master the Nurse or The Cenobite (people sleep on him, he has a high skill ceiling but once you get good with him, he’s super oppressive). You’ll suffer until you get the hang of them but you won’t have as much frustration as you’d get from playing other Killers.

  • Member Posts: 1,152

    To be honest it's pretty chill at the moment outside of funny swfs with eyrie of crows offerings. You can tunnel very easily even through ds 90% of the time (at least with chucky), slugs are only relevant to be carefull with in case of flashbangs, flashlights or palettestuns and even then it's okay most of the time. At least with chucky hit'n run is also very easy a lot of the time. You also don't have to get the toolbox, I use lethal most of the time and I just chase the nearest one I find in a good position because the first gen gets done anyways. You can miss m2 a relatively huge amount of the time but of course that depends on the genspeed.

  • Member Posts: 1,152

    Well depends on time, people playing and the killer I play. With chucky it's between 2-8k hours sometimes more, sometimes less.

  • Member Posts: 1,152

    Because first of all eyrie offerings somehow attract the most annoying people ever so ether swfs with sabos, flashbangs- or flashlights or just pure genspeed you can't do anything. And second this map is absolutely insane regarded to the loops, chucky may be a better option so I don't have as much a problem with it at the moment, but with many other killers I just despise this map xD

  • Member Posts: 7
    edited September 2024


    This is a SURVIVAL HORROR GAME. If you want to play a game to relax to, play Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, a Yoshi game, Balaatro, you have options, this is not that.

    Second: As somebody who's play time is 70% killer, this is a skill issue.

    Yeah, competent Survivors will know how to play the game. Yeah, missing your M2's will set you back a bit, that's always been how the game has been. You need to be aware of what perks the survivors have, learning as you play the match.

    You're sounding like the guy who wanted to get clips in Call of Duty, lobby stomping terminally ill kids.

    You're not going to be handed 4k game after 4k game. You will come across capable Survivors who are TRYING TO SURVIVE.

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  • Member Posts: 105
    edited September 2024

    I dont know where mmr puts me but i have been spreading hooks since BBQ and chilly rewarded BP for doing that. I have been playing for a while i can tell you that if i want to spread my hooks and try to make the game fun for everyone i can get 3 -4 and if i am lucky 5 or 6 hooks and the game is over. Some peoples MMR is a nightmare and a sweatfest 24/7 after killing 4 people 2 times in a row while other people can play against survivors that are trolling or that just booted up the game and are still learning 24/7. Why?! Nobody knows…

    Don't get me wrong i still love the game but its a fact that:

    if you play killer you dont know what to do because everything goes fast and optimized.
    When you play survivor 99,9% of the playerbase you get never touched a gen or cannot keep chase for more then 5 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 1,960

    Can I have a suggestion?

    Play Impossible Skill Check Doctor.

    Perks: Unnerving Presence, Hex: Huntress Lullaby, Overcharge and Merciless Storm.

    Add-ons: Two of the "Calm" add-ons.

    Offering: Mary's Letter

    All you have to do all game is shock survivors from time to time, kick gens and shoo survivors off of your totem. And of course chase people.

    9 times out of 10, the survivors will just fail skill checks, not requiring you to protect gens as much, giving you more time to do your stuff.

  • Member Posts: 1,914

    The stress of playing a killer is only be present when you starting your journey.

    Once you got enough experience (and I mean, lost\win matches, played through many of flashlight saves or other "embarrassing" scenarios, etc.) you will never get stressed again.

    It's like in real life - when you got into a new job, you'll be thinking: - "Oh, there is so many things I need to remember and consider in order to do my job right and not get fired… Or make someone sick (depends on the job)"

    Once you've done this job plenty of times for about… Couple of months - everything will feel much easier and doable without any stress.

    You will feel yourself at ease. And free from stress.

  • Member Posts: 2,280

    Not sure why we're going to bother trying to show reason {maybe outta boredom}. You say we're wrong but you have yet to either explain or prove so. And one part is an outright lie.

    None of those perks are too strong and if you are so concerned about them, then don't tunnel and said survivor has 2 dead perks {babysitter is on the rescuer so they get value from rescuing others still…bar stealth killers}. You can go harass the others for 30 seconds and by the time it's up, no more haste and very very likely that the survivor did something to turn the other 2 perks off. If your dead set on tunneling then, your free to still do so as well, it's just not going to be as easy as you probably want.

    We know blight can miss an m2 and be fine. We know frickin Billy can afford to miss at least 5. We know Artist can miss some shots and be fine and same goes for Huntress and definitely Trickster. Wesker can if he's smart about where he aims. The lawnmower can afford a time or two each chase. A personal rule of thumb for PyramidHead is two chances to hit with punishment before moving on. Pinhead Larry can afford to miss depending on the survivors and how well they deal with the box. It's shorter to list the ones who actually can't afford it, and this one isn't complete.

    If we took say 70 seconds on a chase and removed all the strong resources during that time, how do you think the next chase will go? And the one after that. And so on. Under a minute is good, but it's not going to immediately loose the game if you take longer for some as long as you got something outta it.

    Now as for the lie, would you like some of the more powerful survivor toys back? Old dead hard, old bloody object of obsession, old balanced landing. How bout old Mettle of man, maybe old Brand New parts too? Those old infinite loops where chases HAD to be dropped till the end? Notice those are gone now? That's not even touching the recent things like upcoming distortion and how very much not op the perks Laura and Belmont brought. Both ends get nerfed and buffed so enough with the "woe is my side". If you want to say we're wrong prove it instead of saying it.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    old balanced landing


    Nerfing it specifically because of Haddonfield wasn't good, imho.

  • Member Posts: 2,194

    would you like some of the more powerful survivor toys back?

    Old mft please

  • Member Posts: 194

    I feel the same way as a survivor. Even when I'm by myself I feel there is somebody that's going to chase me at any moment. Gives me the shivers.

  • Member Posts: 679
    edited September 2024

    I mean playing killer is inherently always going to be more stressful because you basically have to always be in chase or as close as possible to maintaining 100% up time in chase when you aren't travelling between gens, kicking gens etc. Naturally that makes games much more stressful due to increased levels of concentration. Playing survivor on the other hand you basically have a 25% chance of being chased the rest of the time you're basically just doing a mundane task and keeping an eye out for the killer and skill checks. Much more time to just chill with significantly less attention needed to play games.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Well, my friends, you did ask if we would like some stuff back. And that is my answer.

    Not everything that was nerfed in this game's history had to be nerfed.

  • Member Posts: 887

    You realize that this is ridiculous, right? No player is going to have all those perks, and many will have none of them. Essentially you are not playing certain ways for fear that a survivor may have a counter. Guess what, survivors have the same issue when gearing up for a killer. Certain perks are only good on certain maps and/or against certain killers. If you can't play a certain way because of perks that counter the strategy, play differently. Learn to adapt. And don't tell me that it isn't possible.

    Btw, if you are going to tunnel and slug, expect counters. I get that you want survivors to just take it, so that you have an easy game. Most of the perks have timers, or other restrictions, so it's not like they can use them non-stop. Unbreakable can be used once per match and you are going to whine about it? I know that playing killer can be stressful, but come on.

  • Member Posts: 4,903
    edited September 2024

    Yet, as many others, I completely agree with @Rulebreaker.

    Some people on this thread are quite experienced. It would do you good to take a step back and think about this again.

    In my opinion, in the very first line of your post you are are already making a mistake.

    You don't ignore a survivor because another one is on a gen. Statistically up to three of them are on a gen and there is nothing you can do about that. Take your first chase, make it short, get a hook, then assess the situation for your next step. (e.g. using BBQ)

    The rest of your post has already been answered to in the first reply so I've got nothing to add about it.

    It takes hundreds of hours to get decent at the game and killer has always been more stressful than survivor : killers have no downtime.

    (I usually play Claudette to relax after a stressful match.)

    Good luck.

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