We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Do people not like Dracula?

Or is it my build? I made someone dc and 2 others give up. Granted I did have a full Hex sentiments build and got 5 stacks. But they were giving up before the 5th one.

Also sidenote: does Dracula not get much deviousness or am I crazy? It feels like I need to be M2 only to get 10k


  • Sngfun
    Sngfun Member Posts: 270

    No, we are currently going though a DC pandemic. Whith any punsihment for dcing gone, survivors are free to DC as they want

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,374

    Nah ppl just D/C over anything anymore. You breathe on them and that's a D/C.

  • mysticalCat
    mysticalCat Member Posts: 31
    edited September 27

    exactly, DS needs to be 10 seconds at this point and put it in the shrine of secrets bc honey! This tunneling has gotten way outta hand. Killers complained about it being 5 seconds well now look at where we are at. Make it 10 seconds I bet they will stop. Just saying ❤️ and WGLF should be 300% to combat slugging more efficiently since it is OFTEN that the survivors are left in the dying state here recently , and as far as Dracula goes, yeah I would not want to go against him either, wayyyyy too OP. Reusing killers powers like pyramid head is so boring 🥱

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,126
    edited September 27

    I use Wolf form to catchup to survivors after I hit them/they use SB/Lithe/etc. because I think that using the bat form is a bit too cheap in such a scenario.

    Haven't really seen people DC much in my lobbies (but I'm playing casually competitive and "fixing" my MMR so this isn't great feedback from a "Competitive mindset").

  • dwight444
    dwight444 Member Posts: 405

    Just finished a match on The Game:

    • 1 on hook
    • 1 in chase
    • I'm on gen across map from hook
    • last guy is injured and crouch walking. Refused to unhook (one of the scaredy cat injured types) and guy on hook eventually killed himself (can't blame him)

    After this, the person in chase went down and killed themselves on hook as well. Obviously, the match ended shortly after that. Some matches are indeed pointless and you it's visible early on, you can usually tell who is going to be responsible for throwing the match by how they use resources, play when injured, etc.

    Solo q is oppressive and it's due to bad teammates; a result of bad matchmaking. 1 player can singlehandedly change the course of the entire match for everyone and the other 3 really can't do much to turn things around. Add in low effort, high reward tunneling and solo q is really hard to win, let alone hard to enjoy.

    for OP, I'm not a fan of the trend of multiple power killers that we've seen lately and will likely continue to see. They're boring and Dracula is forgiving in terms of mistakes. I also don't enjoy the 'hold power, cancel and zone' killers which is not limited to Dracula but he tends to do it a lot imo, especially since he can zone and opt to m1 or m2 which has some distance - as a survivor you lose distance either way because you have to anticipate the m2 and juke. Drac is likely a noob stomper

  • RFSa09
    RFSa09 Member Posts: 728

    I Noticed a lot of people DCIng because they got downed by my nemesis, perhaps they wanna do a skull merchant treatment to other killers? Idk

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,798


    I don't dislike him because of his visuals, music and the castle. He is a good fit for the game. But hell I wish his power was something else entirely.

  • SlinderReaper
    SlinderReaper Member Posts: 7

    Alot of people DC against Dracula bc there are alot of things about his kit that makes him an unfair killer, they pretty much gave him the map travel of dredge (bats) the stealth counter of legion (wolf) and the ranged attack of pyramid head (fire pillars) and the fact transforming takes a matter of seconds, how do you counter that? Does he seem fun to Plat? Yes. Does he really seem fair to have to go up against? Not really.

  • Pit_Bull_Love
    Pit_Bull_Love Member Posts: 47

    Wait, Dracula is actually in the game?

    Kidding, but not kidding. I have only played against him once. No one plays as Dracula. So I truly have no opinion of him 🤷‍♀️

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,630

    Not about a specific killer, but a specific player preferences.

    Players just don't like going against some killers, based on their preferences.

    Not a Dracula problem.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 942

    What's Hex Sentiments? Do you mean Pentimento? I mean, if you got five stacks, that might explain why people decided to DC.

  • Polyphenol
    Polyphenol Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

    I like to play against dracula no idea why they quit

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 1,668
    edited September 27


    I have no idea! Wolf-form alone is impossible to resist so I’m not sure. Maybe those Survivors were more cat people than dog people? 🙃

  • CLHL
    CLHL Member Posts: 164

    If you outplay someone they tend to DC at first chase nowdays. No matter the killer, no matter your playstyle, don't search for a justification...

    It is a problem with the acceptance of this behavior since bots where added to the game. The devs sent the message that it was okay to DC, since a bot will take your place in the game. And DC, as expected, skyrocketed.

    You don't like the Skull Merchant? No problem, leave the game and force the killer to play against 4 bots. And if he also leaves that game, which is already meaningless as it's no longer PvP, he will also have a penalty. Punishment no mather what.

    What a great idea, those bots. I can't wait for bots killers in the game, so when something goes wrong the killer can just DC and force the survivors to play against an AI. That would be hilarious.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,993

    He's kinda busted and there's little counterplay to him. There needs to be higher cooldowns on him going back and forth between Bat, Wolf, and Vampire form

  • RootsofDredge
    RootsofDredge Member Posts: 46
    edited September 27

    Yeah people don't like facing him for some strange reason.

    He's really not that good.

    He has two mediocre anti loops and map traversal, and combined they don't make a very good killer.

    Instead of complaining about Dracula we should complain about actual broken killers like Nurse.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,376
    edited September 27

    He's probably the most annoying killer they've dropped since Skull Merchant in my opinion. (Not including Skull Merchant obviously)

  • ShiroSaburo
    ShiroSaburo Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 5

    Dracula is amazing.

  • SlinderReaper
    SlinderReaper Member Posts: 7

    Oh yeah no, I agree with you, I'm not saying he's "op beyond reality" but he is still with how agile he is still up there where he can be rough in alot of matches.

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 980
    edited September 27

    The issue is that his power lacks anything interesting, just another killer with an anti-loop ability that puts survivors into lose-lose situations while also having some map traversal, and making distance against him is useless when the Bat is incredibly fast, he is the worst designed killer since Skull Merchant.

    Visual, theme, and design wise? One of the best, I love his chase and lobby theme so much, probably my favorite killer theme. I do enjoy his voice lines as well.

    There are some positives included but it's such a disappointment, since he simply became another boring anti-loop killer with no skill expression, at least they removed hug-tech Wolf though.