Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

SMMR is a BS lie BHVR

Member Posts: 237
edited September 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

3 years without playing this game, 3 F years and when I try to play with my abilities obviously in a very bad state, I get what? People with 500h to 1000k hours against me... I'm now a baby killer and I don't have shame to admit that, all those years without playing hurt me a lot, I lose track of the survivor a lot of times, I don't know how to mind game properly and etc. And I keep match with survivors who have gen rush builds and know how to loop properly, because I don't know what I doing anymore, if that is the type of welcome that DBD have with new players... Man... I just gonna play another game. Playing against those players will not help me become better again, will just make me feel bad about this game and I'm not a player that seek win after win, I just want to make some points and LV up my killers.

I don't know... I think DBD kinda lose its shine, this game is a race of who is more fast to complete his objective, but for the killer, if I make one mistake... That is, for people that returned after a long period or are new in the game, is not fun at all be matched against very good players with meta builds, this is very sad, but I gonna give a try tomorrow, maybe with the knight I have a better experience with the guards helping me a little.

Post edited by darksouls3600 on

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  • Member Posts: 32

    This is a sort of situation that is best remedied with a change in mentality. When you're focusing on refamiliarizing yourself with the game don't worry about doing well. If you don't go into a match with any addons or offerings you literally don't lose anything from a loss. You could lose a million games and be in the exact same situation you are now.

    So, if you change your mentality away from a 4k being the only thing you consider a "win" towards just familiarizing yourself with the mechanics. Anytime you do a clutch play or really take advantage of your perks/abilities they're all little wins. You're learning and getting better.

    Also, play around with the survivors some. Each game doesn't have to be this "me vs them" mentality. I like to think of matches where I'm killer as me being the DM of the match. I have four people in this game who are completely reliant on me for how much fun they're going to have in this match. When you play with survivors and give hatches at the end of the match (I like to reward hatch at the end to Survivors I think tried particularly hard or just got unlucky/screwed over by teammates). Its significant how much doing this changes your enjoyment game after game.

  • Member Posts: 237

    Most of the time I play like you said, but... Some times is a little annoying, but yes, is the game, for my luck my piramid head have tons os add-ons because he was my main and i got some easy time playing with corrupt, the artist perk that block gens, cenobite perk that block gens and pain resonance, just to have time to relearn, but even with that I have some match that I don't played, because survs was well communicated and efficient om gens, but loosing is part of the game.

  • Member Posts: 488

    New halloween game mode: The Purge

    1 week without mmr!

  • Member Posts: 3,936
    edited September 2024

    Not saying the OPs experience isn't accurate at, as lobby shopping and backfill has always been a thing...

    However threads like this amuse me, cause we also get a bunch of threads saying stuff like "Being constantly matched with people of similar MMR is so stressful, it makes the games uber sweaty and unfun!"

    I now consider SMMR to stand for Schrodinger's Match Making Rating. Simultaneously ruining your games with sweaty players of your own level and pitting 10'000 hours players against 10 hour players at the same time.

    Of course we only need to look at the completely one sided nonsense of the PTB to see what games with no MMR are like... it looks awful, but we skate happily by that little detail in our MMR bashing quest 😏

  • Member Posts: 1,561

    Lobby shopping has been getting worse recently, I think they should just make the lobby close if a killer leaves honestly, or impose a lockout.

  • Member Posts: 1,152

    To be honest 500-1000k hours is pretty good to learn to play again, they are anything between pretty bad to okayish so you should have a good mix for the start. At some point you get 2-8k hours or even more and it's really stressful depending on how much they hate you regarded to perks and map-offerings xD

  • Member Posts: 237

    I away for s long... That I don't even know the term "lobby shopping" in DBD

  • Member Posts: 237

    Yeah, I'm having some good matchs using Alien, but I noticed that a lot of survs are using map offering with deja Vu, DS, DH and the other perk being a second chance perk or another gen perk and that setup is what is hurting me a lot, because if I take to long to down someone, by the math... The game gonna have already 2 to 3 gens done, I still "loosing" more then I "win", but I having some good time now. I not loosing the track of the surv so easily anymore

  • this is your ego hurting you.

    also total hours don't mean anything. you said it yourself, you're a baby killer.

    i used to be top rank killer and I could phase in/out as Rin and just snipe people. I literally downed survivors in 10 seconds or so in high ELO a few years ago. I quit and now I struggle to get 4Ks. I have 500~ hours played prob? Means nothing.

    You need to play a few games to calibrate the SMMR. Also, maybe it's just a skill issue. Have you ever considered that?

  • Member Posts: 1,561

    it basically means killers looking for lobbies which suit them the most, it could be for a lot of fabricated reasons like the recent one is people dressed as defaults are pretending now, coz before it was people who were dressed in cosmetics… based on what I've seen people say, basically dodging what sbmm gives to you causing the current backfill issue. People dodge toolboxes etc also.

    before it was avoiding prestige levels.

  • Member Posts: 237

    It's a skill issue I have, but going against 4 DS, 4DH, 4 deja Vu and 4 whatever other op meta perk and against people who play a lot of DbD is a little annoying, not every match is like this... But you gets the idea and it's fine, I'm slowly get on the feet again, but using pyramid head is really difficult right now, I having a good time with Alien, I'm literally relearning everything, the game changed a lot since I played

  • Member Posts: 1,993

    Lobby dodging should be given the same punishment as DC'ing in game. Hot take, I know.

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