If jason ever got added, what would his power be?

Honestly one of my favorite horror killers but im suprised hes not added yet, but if he ever was i could imagine him working similiar to myers but less stalking oriented and more aggressive, and his perks would probably support endgame or late game
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I can’t see him other than a walking tank. How cool would it be if his power gave him some protection from pallets at the cost of speed.
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Something similar to his power in the FT13 Game.
A faster breaking/vaulting/lunging speed that builds up throughout the trial.
Maybe the Sense and Teleport powers from the game. The Shift ability would be just a reuse of Spirit so not that. Same with Stealth and Chucky.
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Good idea!
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Grab a survivor - put them in the bag - smash them against a tree.
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His powers would be closely based on what he currently has in the F13 game I would assume.
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Huge Jason fan, and I did post a suggestion back in my more formative time of the dbd forums, that I'm embaressed to share now... However he's a weird one, cause Jason has changed wildly over his lifetime, and it kinda depends where you personally fall on your favourite iteration of Jason.
Nerd guff:
I personally think Ft13th2 was a great intro for him, and in Ft13th parts 3 and 4 is when Jason really hit his stride. Ft13th5 is not even Jason so that sucks and is a blight on the series, but part 6 manages to take that and make chicken soup out of chicken ######### somehow...
Then everything got progressively weirder in 7, 8, 9... like they are fine popcorn films, but the lore around Jason just becomes so silly, just turn your brain off and go with it.
Jason X I actually like at the start, as daft as the plot is... I think it's Jason at his best in this film... but RoboJason is... well, its just not Jason, its the Terminator... totally different feel...
I think Freddy vs. Jason is probably my favourite iteration of Jason... he looks amazing, his behaviour/presence/aura are Jason to a tee (seriously he is a perfect unstoppable tank), he gets some frigging brilliant kills that are hell fun to watch, but also make sense... and the plot is actually surprisingly intelligent and treats him well with a lot of respect for the haracter... honestly if a handful dumb/goofy moments were removed/reworked in that film, I'd genuinely say its near perfect... and I'd love to see Jason from that film.
With all that in mind, the main beats around him for his power far as I'm comcerned are: -
- Jason is comparable to Myers, stealthy, but he doesn't stalk, he's more of a predator, always waiting for the right opportunity to strike. I'd be tempted to make his a stance switcher, a bit like Pig between stealth and aggressive mode.
- Jason is a very creative killer, he doesn't really have a set MO, and uses anything and everything he can find around him as a weapon. I'd like to see some interaction with objects around him. I think catching survivors near lockers/generators/totems/chests/even pallets should have additional interactions somehow. (Though it would be broken, slamming a pallet on a survivor is such a Jason thing in my head xD)
- He is strong, relentless and ruthless, and needs some kind of means of relaying that. Relating back to the previous point I envisioned his power being like a speed boost into a grab type mechanic for him... a bit like catching a survivor with Mori Myers, but it instead allows him to pick survivor up and use nearby objects on them for an instant down+additional effect. Breaking an unused pallet on survivors, breaking a generator by slamming the survivor into it, destroying a locker by smashing a survivor through the doors, throwing them headfirst into a window vault, etc, etc... If none are nearby for him to reach in time (or Jason chooses) the survivor is instead thrusts to the floor and the survivor loses a regular health state as normal (maybe even allowing you to throw them a short distance at another survivor)... something like that...
But regardless, yeah, Jason is a hard character to think of a power for, cause he is a surpringly versatile killer that is hard to pin down to one idea... xD
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The only power that really bugged me from F13 is his shift ability… I understand why it was needed form a gameplay point of view, but the ability to teleport was never presented as an ability Jason actually has in any of the films. Like Myers its more presented as a uncanny ability to predict victim movements and sneak around perfectly.
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Yea shift wasn't my favorite skill of his in the game.
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Part 8 had some pretty suspect moments. I know there was a full game theory that proved every instance of supposed teleportation was within human range of movement, or could potentially be chalked up to hallucinations, but the way the movie intentionally frames a lot of its scenes really feels like they intended the character to have the ability.
He was also turned back into his kid self by sewage in that one, so there was definitely something funky going on there. Which tbf, it isn't like perception of Jason's abilities has ever been concrete. The director of 9 even made that film with the idea Jason was a deadite resurrected by Pamela after he drowned.
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Yeah, solid take that man... as much as I like the franchise, it kinda went a bit cult/paranormal voodoo at that point... nothing really makes sense and things just kinda deus ex machina themselves in to keep the films going... it's been years since I've seen 8 and 9, but looking it up it was 9 where I remember just straight laughing out loud. Jason gets destroyed at the start, and after spending this whole film body hopping, trying to reunite his heart with his sisters dead body... he is reborn back in his old body (clothes, mask, even the injuries he had and all), and literally just pops out of the ground like a jack in the box. I bloody died laughing at how stupid it looked xD
I had fun... but christ I have to totally turn off my analytical brain during those films otherwise I start unavoidably picking them apart... Undying zombie of vengeance that keeps coming for people who disrupt his haunting grounds is such a simple concept that doesn't need any more around it... 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Suffice to say, I don't really consider that point of the franchise a high spot... even if we enjoy the films and their jank, I believe very few would pick them as their favourite era for Ft13th and Jason...
Where do you fall as your favourite era, if you were to pick a Jason to be the "default"? Toss up for me is either between FvJ/Start of Jason X Jason vs. Part 4 Jason... mostly I like later Jason cause he looked cooler, but with the goofiness toned back down by those points... but I wouldn't be upset at old green dinner shirt Jason 😅
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He goes through pallets and walls. He can also break windows which survivors have to repair if they want to vault it.
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Jason being able to use pallets against survivors sounds hilarious.
A stance switch power sounds fitting for him - how about a stealth mode where he builds a haste speed when stalking which is then applied when he switches to an aggressive mode where said pallet power etc comes into play?
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Ahahaha, I like the sounds of it xD
I'm kinda imagining an ability kinda like the Pig, where you charge it up and then get a strong speed boost for a short duration that then leads into a grab. I can see PWYF actually being kinda awesome on him...
Might be really interesting if it's an ability where the longer you charge it the further you go, a bit like Nurse, but also if you tie that longer charge to letting you carry survivors further for your... what do we call them... environment powers? It gives greater rewards for successful longer charges.
In my head it's like Jason is still a towering monster, so I can imagine him stopping and charging at a weak tile, or using it at shack and the survivor has to decide if he's bluffing and charging his grab attack, or if he's not and just gonna come at you for an m1? Do you prethrow the pallet to be safe to ensure if he does grab you he only gets a pallet break, instead of instant downs you with a pallet slam.... maybe he gets a power where like.Bkigjtnro Billy, of you ore throw while he is charging his grab, he just smashes the pallet and sticks to you.
I like the idea of reaching a window and him simply throwing you through for a wound, with a stagger a bit like Wesker throwing you into a distant wall... can you imagine Jason stepping through ten window after you? Would look bad ass xD
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That should be the Mori absolutely
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I think he should have 2 stances Stealth mode for undetectable stealth gameplay and his second power Rage mode immune to pallet stuns can break pallets faster vault faster Walk through breakable walls destroying them
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Oh dang that sounds scary haha awesome
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I think Part 4 is the best Jason design in terms of representing his human aspects while keeping him scary (the axe wound I think puts it over 3), but I don't think anything would be better than his Part 7 resurrection with the exposed spine and chains, that was peak.
Honestly though, the MKX and Multiversus collabs make me think we'll get a design emulating FvJ, which I wouldn't complain about either. The brown coat and simple shirt seems to have evolved into his defining look.
I'm most excited about a potential power tbh. I think it'd be neat if he had a rage meter that filled up over the match, sort of like a naturally charging Myers tier up system that moves him gradually from a stealth killer to pallet destroyer.
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The thing i've seen kicked around would be that he would have different weapons around the trial that he could switch to. So his m1 attack is effectively his power, and they do different things.
Then he has some kind of teleport thing like in the movies where he just kinda "pops" up out of nowhere.
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After wanting him in game I just don't want him to be added anymore. Don't know why but I just feel he would be another generic M1 killer like The Trapper. A
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It doesn't matter because he will be nerfed into oblivion with next patches anyways.
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Could maybe have a second objective like his mother's head, survivors have to collect it and place it on an altar within a certain time or Jason goes into a rage and can teleport etc
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No thanks. It was annoying in the f13 game and it would be absolutely broken in this one
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Walk in wall, wall breaks, me happy
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After how Alien was received and got put in the trash bin, im curious to see if Jason will remain played for more than a month or if he is going to be despised, called boring, bad design etc. Just like Alien, we're going to have massive hype with "omg, waited 6 years for that, massive fan and yare yare", then if the power is not deemed worthy, his fanbase will depop and he will rejoin Demogorgon, Pyramid head, Xenomorph and others in the "Ye, cool, we have him, Terminator next ? Dude, massive fan, i would cry OMG, i want it so bad".
Jason can't really have a dash attack to assure "good design" and "fun to play/fun to play against" so it's going to be a 50/50 on his succes. If he throw things, he will be "a boring killer", if he teleports and m1 with different weapons, it's going to be "weak and uninspired killer" so it's difficult.
What is "good design" for the majority ? Wesker, Billy, Oni, almost every dash based killer plus huntress (the chosen one), every unique killer that focus on macro is despised, ranged is despised, slowdown is despised, stealth is forgotten and not liked much...
He would need something very simple with potential for plays (Low skill floor, high skill ceiling), simple but strong add ons, a power above average in term of strentgh, and something not too unique that does not impact macro gameplay like Sadako, Pinhead and Singularity. With how the game engine is, you can't really avoid the "This killer is just x + x killer", because they are limited in what they can do.
I would probably go with his machete as the m1, the power would be special interactions in the map like picking up other weapons to throw or use temporarily. Settings up traps like nets and other things, a white fog that he can teleport to and a rage mode where he gets buffs to it's destructive potential.
Good luck to him tho, i hope he remains liked for more than a month.
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I would assume the opposite. BHVR isn't looking for any lawsuits. I think Jason's power should be a very simple and straight forward power. Of all the ideas I've seen on this thread, the idea I like the most is a grab or grapple. Then Jason could carry the survivor for around 3-5 seconds depending on add ons then throw the survivor.
It would be similar to Wesker, but Jason would have full control in which direction to throw the survivor allowing him to zone survivors easier for a follow up hit. If the survivor hits an object then they are injured and if the survivor hits a generator or breakable wall then it breaks them. In the case of throwing a survivor into a generator, it would do an additional 10% damage to the generator. Like Wesker, if Jason throws a survivor at another survivor and hits them then they both lose a health state.
For map mobility, maybe he could have a series of man-hole covers in predetermined locations on the map that he can crawl into and emerge from. Basically like Demogorgon's portals but he doesn't place them.
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If Jason's power doesn't involve walking through/breaking through pallets and breakable wall as if they aren't even there, then i'll be dissapointed
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So, you assume they wouldn't make things based off what he already does in f13 and yet your favorite ideas are a variation of grab and a map-wide teleport with pre-determined locations? Well, that sounds like what he already does in f13 with extra steps…
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Haven't seen any of his movies other than s bunch of YouTube clips. Can't really see any possible power for him other than a walking tank, but then every DBD killer is already kinda like that since survivors cant fight back.
The only thing I can see is a legendary Jason skin for The Trapper.