What precisely is the counterplay to Singularity?

I feel like especially against Solo Queue this killer just thrives. Getting an emp takes like 20-30 seconds, then you can TEMPORARILY DISABLE not even get rid of one of his teleport stations but TEMPORARILY DISABLE one of them which btw he can instantly just well substitue haha fun killer design ;).
Idk man he feels suuuuper strong and IMO there is barely any counterplay other than predropping every pallet on the map which still is no counterplay since he has no cooldown on his teleport and just perma teleports himself to you. Fun killer design haha fun to face I am having so much fun hahahaha. Bstrd company Behaviour…
Anyways thanks for listening to my Solo Queue player rant and I would love to hear some counterplay measures against him :)
Have a great day and see ya in the Fog…yet again.
Your G
use the free item the game makes available every five feet and which turns the entire killer power off
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Are you trolling? I think the last time you went against him must have been half a year ago :,D stop living in the past.
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always carry an emp. hide behind objects when you first get hit with a streamer, then blast the original and rhe one on you. whenever moving or working on a gen, look up to see where the boogers are. (what me and my friiends call them)
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All that know is: when you have his cam on your back, you can force him to tp behind you. If you have a window in front of you when The Singu will tp, he will be forced to tp outside, behind the window.
In disorder:
- If you have to drop a pallet bc he is close to you, the best is to pre drop if you have enough time or if you have his stuff on your back because depending to his add-ons or something else, if he turns pink in chase, he will insensible to the stun the few next seconds and he will probably M1 regardless the pallet. So you can faint & to hope he will miss but dropping anyway is a waste of time & resource. The best counter seems to be using the vaults as much as you can do…
- The Singu uses (sometimes? often ?) 'Coup de grâce' (The Twins' perk) to have an extended lunge during chases & to hit you during a vault or close to a pallet.
- He usually lurks his cams after all hook to spot survivors on gens or in open areas… You can anticipate this & to sneak behind rocks, logs or structures in the environment to avoid his next tp on you.
- If you don't have his stuff on the back, you can make him to miss his spy shots with faints behind cover or disabling the Pod during chases (or someone else can do that for you when you are playing in SWF).
I'm writing all this but I'm not a decent player countering The Singu but I'm used to watch some good players doing a very good job against him, so I know it is feasible.1 -
You prepare an EMP ahead of time, ideally holding it while you work on a gen.
After you get hit with a sac, use the EMP to both remove the sac and the biopod that gave it to you. You've just undone the killers power, and forced them to walk all the way back over to you in order to chase you off the gen and reset his pod. The killer is now an M1 killer who wastes time looking through cctv cameras instead of progressing their objective.
At least that's how you counter the static biopods that the killer sets up near objectives. When it comes to chase you have much fewer options, which is how it should be as the chase power involves more skill expression. You might get the opportunity to cancel one mid-chase biopod if you have an EMP and that's it.
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Seriously though, use EMPs. I’ve been playing almost nothing but Singularity since the first Chaos Shuffle, and the number of games where people either don’t use EMPs or use them once and never pick up another one is astounding.
- Always carry an EMP. Always. There are tons of them, they make themselves up to like 95%, use them!
- Pre-run as early as you can, trying to break LOS with any pods in the area. Singularity is probably going to check the gen with a (hopefully EMPed) pod, and start marching over. If you see the pod turn on, just get out of there. By the time Singularity gets there, you’re miles away.
- Never work on a gen without having an EMP (see item 1). EMP any biopods near the gen.
- If you see an EMP box that’s almost done (they’re yellow), go finish the EMP in it and leave it there for you or someone else to grab.
- When in chase, just break LOS as much as possible. Treat it like you would getting chased by a Nurse.
- The bipods take a bit to lock on, and breaking LOS with them even for a split second is usually enough to keep from getting tagged or slipstreamed, which forces the Singularity to exit the pod and chase manually.
- If he slipstreams you as you go through a window, he’ll either wind up on the same side of the window he started on, or you’ll be able to vault back through as he’s spawning. If he waits a bit after you vault, he’s trying to wait until he can slipstream you and get past the window, so break LOS as soon as you vault. Avoid just running straight after a vault.
- Do not camp pallets or try to get pallet stuns on a slipstreamed Singularity. I know it sounds obvious, but again, it happens almost every game, and people get real surprised_pikachu when the pallet just breaks and I hit them.
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People giving op advice fail to realize they already built an opinion that singularity has no counter and is not actually looking for help, more to confirm their bias rather than to understand that effective EMP use can buy a lot of time.
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'against solo q this killer just thrives'
I hate to tell you but every single killer thrives against solo because solo is terrible.
this is like putting a professional NFL player against a middle school team and arguing that we should break the NFL player's kneecaps because he was too strong against the middle school team.
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Grab EMPs. If you see a yellow box, the EMP has printed as much as it automatically can. It doesn't take long to finish and grab. If you or a nearby survivor is infected, use it. Otherwise, just hold onto it. If he infects you while he's far away, block line of sight with the camera to stop him from teleporting and use the EMP on it and yourself.
I've been seeing him a lot lately and I just think that's because people realised Survivors forgot how to play against him.2 -
wait until you get hit with the streamer to use the emp. immediately run for cover and then use the emp. often it will come back while you're doing the gen otherwise. always look for the thingies up high to know where it is.
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EMPs and rush the middle gens. If you manage to 3 gen yourselves GG.
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It'd be great if after singularity teleports to a survivor they would stop being slipstreamed as well as when you are downed.
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You need to have an EMP on your hand. If you don't have one, all you can do is break line of sight the best you can and pray. The Singularity is damn near impossible to counter without an EMP.
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Every five feet is a huge stretch, and after you disable the pod on your back he can get right back on adding a new one.
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I'm still wondering what did they do to singu…
It was THE WORST KILLER based on kill rates somewhere like… 1 and a half year ago or 2 years maybe… It was less than 45%.
Did singu got buffed or something?
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He's 3% faster while in overclock and had a bunch of QoL changes like an auto aim for hitting biopods shots (I think it's slower than manually doing it but still)
People probably just started to give up on him because it worked for skull merchant cof cof
And Singularity players started to improve their gameplay too
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I feel like they need to have more emp boxes for this reason. Sometimes its so hard to find one
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Hey those are some really good advices :D thanks
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What? I am very much appreciate the advice everyone is giving here? What nonsense are you yapping about.