Sabotaging has been left behind, and should be forgotten.

Sorry Jake mains but Sabos are in a weird spot right now and I don't see them coming back.

Changes to the hook placement on maps makes sense to prevent dead zones. I too have been victimized by Midwich both as killer and survivor. And getting bled out because there's no hooks isn't a good experience.

But now it's useless to sabotage without a coordinated team. Sabo 1 hook and there's always 2 others within range. You need two-three teammates following the person being chased to successfully sabo somebody out. Which means you aren't doing gens. You know what kind of team does this? Bully squads. They don't care about winning, they only care about giving the killer a hard time.

So now what happens to a team of solo queue survivors if the killer sees even 1 hook get sabotaged? They turn into a French chef because you're getting slugs. They immediately assume you're a bully squad and punish the whole team because 1 survivor used a mechanic of the game. Exciting, fun, high pace floor inspection.

So we have a mechanic that doesn't work in solo play, is detrimental to team play, is only ran by teams who are being toxic, and actively promotes toxic behavior in killers. It is my honest opinion that Sabos see the Light burn treatment. Rest in Peace.


  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,509

    It works only on times when killer already made a long way to the hook and someone got sabo on it, so they don't have time to go for another.

    I can tell - right now it's a VERY NICHE situations, most of the time killers are just surrounded by hooks.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    I can only speak from experience, but as a SoloQ player Saboteur has worked a fair few times to help others. It's not a dead perk. It does work better in a SWF, yet nearly every perk also works better in a SWF.

    My builds are always randomized, so whenever Saboteur appears it's mixed with all sorts of non-coordinated perks. It still works fine and has been useful. Of course there are better perks to use, but given the right conditions that perk has made a real difference when I've used it right.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,574

    Remember when you could Sabotage Trapper's traps? Good times.

    I think Sabotage was better back when it took longer to do and it had skill checks, but you could leave hooks 99% and try to finish it when the killer was approaching. Those plays could work sometimes, but they required preparation and time. I liked it.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,227
    edited September 28

    Saboteur was probably one of my favourite perks back in the day. 99ing hooks and creating temporary hook deadzones was a really nice side objective. It's definitely for the better that you can't sabo traps, though.

    Both systems had their positives and negatives, but the increased number of hooks has made Sabotaging a lot less effective as a whole. It's good for if a killer gets greedy for a Scourge Hook or something but that's about it. I don't think the mechanic should be removed as a whole either way.