Request for improvement of the system for deaf people

If I were a developer of this game, I would create a skill check screen notification for deaf users
They didn't even know there was a skill check notification sound in the first place, so no one complained
I dont think this is necessary. They're deaf, not blind. You can see when the skillcheck pops up. Its a interesting idea though. I think people would abuse this though, they already abuse the VTR.
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I need this as not deaf person. You don‘t want to know how much I struggle against huntress lullaby or when somebody gets hook while a skill check appears.
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Well I'd assume during Huntress Lullaby it wouldn't appear lmao
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You're supposed to get a noise notification BEFORE you see the skill check.
Deaf people are essentially playing with 5 stacks of Huntress Lullaby at all times, and that shouldn't be the case. This is a relatively simple accessibility feature that should've been in the game ages ago.
Also it's already a thing on mobile, because these things are only considered with any sort of urgency when they affect abled people for some reason.
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I don't care if its introduced to the game and I am fine with it, as long as its not a mechanic that can be abused. The VTR is already horribly abused and I am not a fan personally.
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You can't "abuse" an accessibility feature that doesn't give you new information. All it does is exactly its job: makes it easier to read differences in terror radius stages for people that struggle to, cannot, or just prefer to have that information conveyed differently. If you think the only reason to add or maintain accessibility features is for people that "need" them by whatever your arbitrary personal definition of that is, then you don't seem to be in favor of accessibility features in general.
Visual skill check notifier is a fantastic idea and I'm in full agreement with OP on this one. As a suggestion for visual representation, maybe having some kind of "spark" effect in the survivor's head, similar to the current VTR, could work thematically.
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VTR turns sadakos lullaby from an easily missed background noise that gives her a measure of stealth into a visual siren you cannot possibly miss.
Like there's a reason everyone uses it. It gives you a tiny hair of advantage. Finding that annoying doesn't mean somebody has a torch out for deaf people, it just means it's annoying.
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It's not abused, you're just upset that Onryo has a lullaby.
I don't think it's fair to target your frustrations at an accessibility feature when it's a specific balancing feature of the killer you main that's causing it. It wouldn't be an issue at all if she didn't have a Lullaby as big as her TR.
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That is pretty much the only issue I have with the visual heart beat sensor. It makes her stealth pretty much useless, which it wasn’t before its introduction. It would already help a lot if they made the lullaby have a 12-18m range instead of 24m.
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>Deaf people are essentially playing with 5 stacks of Huntress Lullaby at all times
>You can't "abuse" an accessibility feature that doesn't give you new information.
I like how every time someone suggests a change, we have to spend the entire first page correcting people who chime in without understanding the issue.
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My thoughts exactly….
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You’re wrong. I’m not upset at all actually. I don’t mind her lullaby and I find it quite unique. It’s the literal sound from the movies. How could I not love it!?
Thank you for the assumption though - I don’t agree with how it’s a directional lullaby…I also don’t like how bad her stealth is.What’s not fair is for you to assume how I am feeling and try to torch me for it instead of trying to understand where I am coming from. 🤷🏼♂️
I had already mentioned I don’t care how it’s implemented as long as it doesn’t take away from normal gameplay.2 -
I don't see a problem with it.
Huntress Lullaby would, ofc, cancel this feature when active, but there isn't a lot that can go wrong here.
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This is something I was thinking too and I agree 💯
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I mean if you want to miss my point entirely and interpret my post as a personal attack for whatever reason then go for it I guess?
Your issue should be with how her lullaby is implemented, not the accessibility feature. It's honestly not that hard to hear it if you know what you're looking for. I don't use the VTR at all and it's still easy to hear Onryo coming.
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I didn’t miss anything. You threw assumptions out, I simply corrected you. Don’t back down now because I simply drew a line.
I don’t disagree with the OG post.
My issue with her lullaby is that at 24 meters away you don’t really hear it at all which is great!
Most people won’t…however the VTR pops up immediately, so if it wasn’t in your awareness then, it will be now. That’s my issue. I don’t use VTR either and I would agree. I can hear her coming, unless if the gen is really pumping or other external noises but again the element of surprise is gone with the VTR.
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Honestly the entire sound design of this game needs to be rehauled. Everything from the chase music to the killer's terror radius are so ridiculously loud it's pretty much impossible to hear anything else.
I've never understood how people always know exactly where I am as killer or how killers can hear my breathing when I play survivor without somehow turning off the music. I can't even hear the Wraith's breathing when I'm working on a gen, but somehow people go running before I've even rounded the corner whenever I play him lol
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I figured my intent in saying "new information" would be pretty clear in that it's information that players are supposed to have access to because it's mechanically necessary. The game already has a method of conveying it, but not everybody can receive it that way, so allowing people access to information they're supposed to have is the topic of discussion here. Hope this helps 👍️
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Good idea. I would also like a visual feature for killers that tells them a nearby gen is being worked on / has progress. The sound can easily be missed.
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More accessibility options for both sides would be appreciated, and they should more prioritized. Things can always be rebalanced if they cause an issue.
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Hearing players aren't playing with max stack Huntress Lullaby at all times. Hard-of-hearing players are. Therefore - create a visual indicator to reflect the auditory one that's already in the game.
I don't get why this is so hard for the playerbase to get behind.
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Yeah, the opposition to such a feature doesn't make sense.
It also doesn't make sense that it's still not a feature yet. It literally is just a PNG icon on the screen when a sound plays.
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I’ve already cleared up my point on this. I’m not going back over it again. Respectfully.
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As a Deaf Player, I would love this addition or atleast a small glow on the generator. People and I were already discussing this on reddit. This would be a good change and obviously it can be turned off for features like Huntress's lullaby. It shouldn't be hard since that image would just follow what is supposed to be an audio ping for those who can hear.
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If I remember correctly DBD Mobile already has this feature and it works with Huntress's Lullaby.
Obviously they'll have to implement their own version, but seeing how we still don't have visible perks on the loading screen I think it's safe to say they're not up to it.
I wonder what grudge BHVR has against DBD Mobile that they continuously refuse to make use of their good ideas.
I think the only way we're getting this is if the deaf community organizes a call out. 📢