Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Nerf the plague.

Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1
edited September 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

An unbalanced killer, her ability is too strong, she does not allow the survivors to play adequately.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 2,117

    Her puke sometimes just decides "No" and she misses a perfect shot.

    Any small object can be used to avoid the puke completely.

    DS and Head On disable her power.

    If the whole team can agree on whether to cleanse or not cleanse, she can get countered just fine.

    If anything about her has to be nerfed, then her Iri add-ons and that's it.

  • Member Posts: 2,117

    I play her too, and agree.

    If no one cleanses, she gets no information, only one or two power uses (which survivors can wait out) and is just a 4,6 M1 killer.

    And if everyone cleanses, she has to constantly get the red puke to not get the complete fountain restart. Plus, you only need a nice tight loop and her red puke it useless.

  • Member Posts: 2,249
    edited September 2024

    Cleansing is so good against her. Its a free heal and you can force her into power if you cleanse enough.

    The #1 rule to beating Plague is to be patient.

  • Member Posts: 1,227

    All you have to do is to know when and when to not cleanse.

  • Member Posts: 1,077

    OK well let's see you post some of your gameplay using Plague to stomp survivor teams if she is so OP

  • Member Posts: 3,147
  • Member Posts: 9,513

    I suspect they'll nerf them further. Like i bet the iri add-on that gives you a corrupt puke on gen completion will be 1 fountain filled automatically on gen completion and idk what they'll nerf for black incense. probably make it that it only gives aura reading when you are NOT fully infected.

  • Member Posts: 8,612

    The only thing that needs to be changed about Plague is how long the infection lasts on gens with one of her brown add ons. I can't recall the name of it. But that's it. Everything else is fine.

  • Member Posts: 537

    I think pinhead is worst, if you are not on a swf with comms, you are done. Plague is still tolerable and matches are winnable.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    Counterplay is just not cleansing, after the pools she has basekit/additionaly she's just a m1-killer you have to play injured against. Her red puke has to be strong because it's really easy to deny and the survivors have to be punished for denying it because she's powerless otherwise.

    In conclusion she's pretty okay balanced.

  • Member Posts: 1,567
    edited September 2024

    I started cleansing aggressively coz most run aura reading when infected or the like, I think the issue is survivors still love to stay injured against her giving her all the pressure she desires… instead of pressuring her back to reinfect everything.

    Red vomits problematic sure, but just cleanse away from an area of interest to her… like at a finished gen. Plus you can reset all the pools by everyone aggressively cleansing and force her into red against her will.

  • Member Posts: 102
    1. Unbalanced? She's one of the tallest killers that leaves a trail of smoking incense as she moves - literally the easiest killer in the game to see coming, Undetectable or not. Her "glass cannon" approach focuses on attack/aggression with no defensive OR logistical features whatsoever. Demogorgon, Knight, and even Legion, etal. can easily deal with pallets. Plague cannot. In fact, if she's stunned while holding Corrupt Purge, she loses it. Blight, Nurse, and Singularity, etal. can bounce quickly around the map. Plague cannot. Even Clown does it better. Doctor, Nemesis, and Xenomorph, etal. have various ways to see survivors around the map. Plague cannot. Yes, she's unbalanced - in the survivors' favor.
    2. Her ability is too strong? No, people just don't know how to play against her. And I'm not going to tell you how, because if everyone learned how and started doing so, it would completely nullify her one and only gimmick (again - unbalanced? Seriously?) that she relies on and there would be no reason for anyone to play Plague at all because she would be an M1 killer with no power.
    3. She does not allow survivors to play adequately? Again, that's bad survivor choices more so than anything about the Plague herself. Just because you don't yet understand how to beat a killer doesn't mean said killer must be nerfed.

    She's a glass cannon killer that does a single thing and so that one thing is super awesome. People like you are going to get this amazing killer nerfed into the ground. It's not like she's the only insta-down killer in the game. In fact, if you compare her projectile to Huntress's hatchet hitbox, she is comparatively weak. Maybe if puke had Huntress's hitbox, you'd have an argument. Stop complaining about mediocre killers just because you get hooked by them.

  • Member Posts: 75

    She should rather get buffed.

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