Was the Knights rework a failure?

I'm curious to see what people have to say about the Knight. Since the most recent time he's been changed I haven't played him a single time because I just don't enjoy him all that much anymore. I have nothing against complicated Killers, in fact, I really tend to love them a lot more than simple Killers but the Knight feels like there has been so many unnecessary things added to his kit that makes him feel really overloaded. I feel like in BHVR's attempt to rework the knight they removed the simplicity he had before to add a million different things to him that ultimately didn't even solve some of the major issues he had with his power, and now all we're left with is a Killer who stills needs to run certain addons in order to make his power not feel so awful and clunky to use.


  • tech
    tech Member Posts: 45

    I personally find the knight to be just alright.

    Map of the realm isn't a required addon anymore which is nice but the addon like call to arms (yellow one) to be very necessary, or maybe I'm not an epic knight player like others out there.

    I find myself not using cartifex as often as I used to but the pallet breaking speed saves chases at times but I find the assassin to be the best one.

  • Sngfun
    Sngfun Member Posts: 458

    He requieres more brain power and has skillexpression on both sides, so I think he Is mostly alright, at least WAY better than his 2 previous iterations

    Outside of addon dependancy he is really fun to play as and against

  • Backmon
    Backmon Member Posts: 318

    Hes ai guards is still dum and useless if you know one bug that devs for some reasons made a feature