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Chaos shuffle the worst modificator BHVR ever release



  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    I know reading can be hard for some so let me point out the first word of the name of the mode: "chaos".

    1. A condition or place of great disorder or confusion.
    2. A disorderly mass; a jumble.The desk was a chaos of papers and unopened letters.
    3. The disordered state of unformed matter and infinite space supposed in some cosmogonic views to have existed before the ordered universe.

    So you can expect disorder and confusion.

    As for the second and last word, "shuffle", it implies this desirable situation of chaos is caused by the random distribution of something. In this case, the perks.

    So it's a mode where people enjoying mindless chaotic fun play with ever-changing random advantages or disadvantages match after match.

    Glad to help.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,635

    I’ve been games very quickly. Bonus blood points are still in normal lobbies for me.

  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 427

    Feedback tagged threads are not the only ones that bhvr interacts with. There have been plenty of times other posts have captured their attention, and they will comment. Sometimes it's random stats that have to do with the post in question, sometimes clarifying information or misinformation, etc. Also when it comes to your opinion on most players being children, I'm not comfortable assuming or unassuming that because I'm not sure there is any evidence in support of either claim. All I can say is throughout the years when meeting other players in game, on streams, or through other social media I've only ran into a single 17 year old, the rest were all adults (just from my small pool of experience ). And I'm unsure about your personal interactions but I have met plenty of adults who are quite entitled lol.

  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 427

    Yeah, fair enough, I do agree there's definitely a line between constructive criticism and just complaining. I see what you mean lol

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,405

    Surely that implies that everyone else is enjoying chaos shuffle??

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,020

    Thats exactly what the mode was designed as though? Everyone gets a random assortment of perks and sometimes you can get good stuff, sometimes not

    and I’d rather not see Lights Out again that game mode is awful

  • LadyOwO
    LadyOwO Member Posts: 390

    Plus With champion of light existing it's even more annoying to be blinded. All my killers have Lightborn equipped because if I want to have any fun against flashlight squads this perk is a must.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,382

    I honestly like the concept of Lights Out, my old friend, but I don't want to see that mode again unless Freddy is available. Having him excluded twice was awful.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 1,015
    edited September 29

    Chaos Shuffle is the best modifier by far. It's exciting and engaging, funny and fun to load in with random perks and to have to make them work or to have to make do with them, and the same being the case for everyone else. It also leads to people trying perks they otherwise never would have, for whatever reason (including that they simply don't own them), as well as experiencing others using such perks, and this can lead to people discovering new perks and synergies and evaluating them from both roles' perspective.

    …Of course, one issue with this is that too many perks in this game are too bad and simply not up to snuff to compete with the ~20% of good perks. While this is not a huge issue if everybody has random perks, it obviously can lead to skewed matches if someone happens to get lucky and score multiple of the select few great perks, and it also takes away from the excitement and discovery aspects of loading in with perks one normally doesn't use - because the most one will often discover in these cases is why nobody uses these perks to begin with. That said, there are still quite a few perks that while not being up to par to actually compete for slots with the best, are at least still good enough to use without it decimating your ability to succeed and can make for fun and interesting gameplay interactions. And there's also something to be said about playing the game for fun, and not caring so much whether you are put at a disadvantage or lose, and to instead even go out of your way to try and get perk value even if it's detrimental to your chances of winning. Living a little.

    My biggest disappointment with this mode however is that not only did they not randomize items, add-ons and offerings the first time, but they didn't even do it the second time around. I thought they were looking to improve these modifiers iteratively. Most of everybody will most of always be using the strongest add-ons and items and offerings and that not only takes away from the fun and makes things more repetitive, but it also encourages a cycle of tryharding in what's supposed to be a more fun environment, because you know everyone is still trying to get any advantage they can. Having 5 random offerings would be hilarious, and random items and add-ons would really spice things up. And if the issue with this is that they don't want to rob people of stuff in their inventory that they might not have wanted to use, simply give them add-ons/items/offerings for free that they don't get to keep after the trial (unless they randomly get a Black/White Ward, ha).

    Hell, even random cosmetics would be great chaotic fun. Spawn people in with a random selection of cosmetics from all of the ones available, even ones they don't own. Not only would this create some hilarious outfits and make for a funny moment every time people load in, but it could even lead many to purchase cosmetics after having been able to "trial" them.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,861

    How would that even work? Is there a dev that monitors your game and always gives you worse perks than your opponent?

    Come on, it's random. There's a good chance you'll end up with something terrible. But the same goes for your opponent. Many of us like this game mode because it brings back the randomness that was lost when people started optimising the fun out of the game.

    Plus, this game mode teaches you to appreciate some perks you wouldn't use otherwise, so you may even come up with some fun builds when the randomiser is gone.

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 677

    The concept of chaos shuffle is fine it's just the playerbase that makes it bad (no surprise there).

    Most games are just proximity camping or tunneling, incentivized by 3 X blood points. Who would have that that might encourage players to not have fun.