When your playing Killer, High MMR is so frustrating, my gaming session is filled with VAC Banned players every other match which leads me to believe these people are possible DBD Hackers, Im led to believe they are hacking when we get into chase and it always seems like they can read my movements thru walls. Now I play survivor and im well aware of the red glow from killers and im also aware of using holes in loops to see where the killer is and when I play survivor I admit its pretty easy to prolong a chase around obstacles however, I have no idea in the heat of a match who is a subtle hacker and who is legit. I have been pretty successful in my reports against subtle hackers from the feedback I've been recieving from BHVR but this is getting very old fast. I hate MMR. Im at a point I only want to play survivor because of the MMR all of my killers are stuck at. I typically get 2-3ks in my killer matchs and I have even noticed some of the survivors I go up against are in Comp Teams or Big name TTV's….im so tired of playing these super intense matchs and its so much chiller as a survivor.

Are there any plans to make Killer a little less stressful? Again, the hackers hasnt been addressed and im guessing most likely never will so whats the plan?


  • Rick1998
    Rick1998 Member Posts: 217

    only things thats suck is getting sent to erye and badham back to back to back to back to back . When i play at night those are the only maps that exists because of map offerings. Then i feel forced to only play blight and twins to compete . I'm not trying to play a mid tier killer while being sent to a survivor sided map .

  • JohnnyRash247
    JohnnyRash247 Member Posts: 9

    I play both survivor and killer, just want to make that clear. I put as much effort into escaping as I do as a killer, my point is its a lot less intense as survivor. Once you learn how to loop killers for at least 1-2 gens its easy day almost every other game. However you all failed to address my issue with the subtle hackers. Subtle hackers are definately more of a problem for Killers than they are for Survivors.

  • JohnnyRash247
    JohnnyRash247 Member Posts: 9

    I rarely see ppl dc or hook suicide, maybe im in a higher mmr…

  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 307

    I think to most people high MMR is the peak of their own skill level, that they can't surpass at a particular time. I don't take any mmr in this game serious as no one actually knows they're exact magical mmr number or even more loosely what bracket they reside in.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 894

    I swear, my games get stressful sometimes, but hearing about all the stuff that happens at high MMR makes me be perfectly fine with being somewhere in the lower ranks. (at least I assume I'm there)

    High ranks be damned, I'm staying down here. It's calmer here.

  • A_T_E
    A_T_E Member Posts: 65
    edited September 30

    "Make killers less stressful" = Stop checking people for VAC bans, take a deep breath, and just have fun chasing, hooking, and killing.

    "Address hackers" = If somebody off-handedly seems too suspicious, then report them, but don't overthink it. Just report and move on with your life.

    I am curious what Killer you play, because sometimes the way to stay ontop is to play something a bit meta. There's a big difference between Trapper and Doctor as an example.

    Doing poorly in a match or two doesn't matter, just let it slide off you, like water off a duck, and move on to the next match, where potentially worse Victims will be ready to be stripped of their lives.

    PS: "Big Name TTVs" I wish that was me, I'd love to be able to tunnel/camp some Big Name TTV.

    Post edited by A_T_E on
  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 704

    Outside of map-offerings it's pretty well balanced for me at least with chucky, I mostly win my matches and if not it's still a relatively balanced match more often than not. I rarely see obvious hackers I don't know about subtle ones, if I got a few they got completely destroyed or they are on the side of the relatively balanced ones xD

  • n000b51
    n000b51 Member Posts: 653

    High MMR is probably depending of the gameplay time that you often can check in the waiting lobby. And I think above 4-6kHrs., your opponents certainly have a high MMR. But it is only my personal feeling.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,685

    BHVR actually gave us an MMR estimator a while back, when they released a graph of dead hard across MMR levels.

    It basically meant players (at the time the graph was released) could track what percentage of survivors were using dead hard, and estimate their MMR from that.

    That is why I assume I’m at high MMR.

  • n000b51
    n000b51 Member Posts: 653
    edited September 30

    Old graph & stats I guess @Coffeecrashing .

    This graphic shows the amount of DH users when it was really OP (I mean, when this perk gave you invulnerability + distance) 'cause today Unbreakable is more used as it was...On the graph, you can clearly see UB is ridiculously low.
    And Self-Care reaches the 25% at 'High MMR' (& that would be huge).
    Same thing for Borrow Tme that it should reach the 50%.

    IMO this graphic is probably showing stats from 2019 or from 2020 (because of the Boon: Circle of Heal. stat. & before the Spine Chill's nerf).

  • coolgue1
    coolgue1 Member Posts: 118

    Another case of I want to win eveRY game but don't want their MMR TO GO UP if you 3k ever game something Wong

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,685

    I literally said “at the time the graph was released”.

    As in, I literally used this graph back when it was released.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,765
    edited September 30

    This all day and most of the night.

    Were talking about an imaginary number here, so we're trying to quantify sweat basically.