Option to Disable Mori Animations

Valuetown Member Posts: 561
edited September 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Not sure why this isn't a client-side accessibility option yet. Same thing for changing Plague's power. The SOLO DEVELOPER for Lethal Company added an arachnophobia mode only months after players raised concerns. I hope something similar is added to this game.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • jamally093
    jamally093 Member Posts: 1,783

    Option to disable mori animation...unless your talking about survivor side like if you get moried you auto-skip it so you can go to result screen and more on to your next match. Then I guess? But if you like all together then it makes no sense the mori is there as a quick kill the animation plays as both a reward but also that way survivors have a chance to repair gens and quickly reset while it goes one. Disabling the animation wouldn't happen as your basically just saying okay hold down button and dead if you want it disabled then play Onyro since at max condemned she has maybe the fastest mori.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 1,184

    Why would I deactivate the only horror aspect that this game has outside of the characters?

    It's a killer brutally trying to murder you while you try to escape in panic (at least in the lore, after it feels like 10 rounds this game isn't very scary anymore xD).

    I feel like the moris and looks of the killers should be even more brutal and disgusting, it's relatively light for the most part.

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 561

    This game being classified as "horror" is like calling call of duty zombies "horror." It's only scary for the first 10 games, then it becomes a strategy game from there on out. There are other games created nowadays that are "rated appropriately" that also have accessibility options to tone down blood and gore. Besides, if it's a setting, what does it really matter? I personally wouldn't turn them off, but I have friends that would love to play more of this game if they didn't have to see Dracula slitting their throats for the 20th time in a day, or singularity melting their face off. Just because it's "rated appropriately" doesn't mean that everyone in the target audience is desensitized to blood and gore (and plague vomit).

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 561

    Odd thing to say when talking about accessibility settings that would not affect you if you unless you opted in to them.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 2,022

    Nothing odd about it. Accessibility is always welcome. Dbd has quite a bit in it! But to play a horror game and want to cut out the horror? As a developer, I'd be a little confused. As a player, I feel its silly to complain about blood in a game promoted, sold, and defined as a horror game.

    But to be open, Im not against this. I just feel its silly with all the things wrong with this game to put resources to.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 2,022


    I sincerely did not mean any disrespect. Merely giving my view. But to that degree, I'd like to give an open invitation to do some customs with you and said friends. I play Trapper, so no gore or even horror, just snaps and traps lol. I hope they can enjoy dbd for what it is < 3

    Customs are always better than live, imo :)

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 561

    No worries, I did not interpret your message as disrespectful at all. I know this game's initial pull was the horror aspect, but it has long since moved past that in my opinion. Like I said, this game is more equivalent to a game of chess, where the killer is one queen and the survivors are 4 knights. Especially with how fast paced the games have become, and with almost the full removal of stealth as a viable strategy, it's gone from horror to pvp co-op action.

    Also, horror does not automatically mean blood and gore. Some of the best horror movies have little to no blood and gore in them, and it's the suspense and what ifs that propel the feeling of horror throughout the movie. Like I said before, I would probably keep all the settings enabled, but for those who appreciate the strategy aspect of this game but not necessarily all the over the top gore, this would be a great option. Some people are just naturally more queasy with gore than others, which is perfectly fine, and I think there should be settings to tone that part of the game down.

    In reality, the true horror of this game is seeing 4 slowdown on killer.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 2,022

    " full removal of stealth as a viable strategy, it's gone from horror to pvp co-op action."

    Yeah… Dbd never really heads into a good direction. Its unfortunate great ideas and good feedback falls on deaf ears at the Entity HQ®

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,558

    I Alt-Tab during mori's, this is a non-issue. I dont find it gruesome or too much either, I just would rather play my afk game while I wait to die.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,206

    You're playing against twenty Draculas with twenty Moris? That's some interesting matchmaking. If your friends are so put off by a ten second animation I can only assume they'll find something else to be put off in short order.

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 561

    Do you like the Wizard of Oz because that's the best straw man impression I've seen in my life. I'm sorry not everyone has the same desire to see superfluous blood and gore but still would like to play the game all the same. Categorizing these people as "baggage" because they'll "find something else to be put off in short order" is completely disingenuous, a slippery slope fallacy, completely unwelcoming, and does not align with the values the community of this game shares.

  • dwight444
    dwight444 Member Posts: 448

    I was inclined to agree if it was an accessibility issue but so far op it just seems like they are more put off from a BM pov rather than the 'gore' (gore would be a stretch for some of the moris, especially Dracula's). You're comparing lethal company and saying there was an outcry from people, well, I don't know that I've ever seen an outcry for the gore in this game? This is probably the first post I've ever read tackling the issue.

    maybe if someone had a mori where they started spamming strobing lights or something, sure, but this just doesn't seem like a legitimate issue, let alone one that is causing rounds from its player base to warrant designing an option to disable. Seems more like nitpicking if your friends really refuse to play this game because of the moris; based on your responses they seem more annoyed than anything.

    all for accessibility, not all for dedicating resources to problems that don't exist when we have tons of problems in this game already

  • A_T_E
    A_T_E Member Posts: 200

    Categorizing these people as "baggage" because they'll "find something else to be put off in short order" is completely disingenuous, a slippery slope fallacy, completely unwelcoming, and does not align with the values the community of this game shares

    I disagree. Also, don't start speaking for the entire community.

    Just because you disagree with him, doesn't mean you should start putting words into his mouth. He never mentioned them being "baggage", his assertion that easily offended individuals would find something else to be easily offended by isn't unreasonable, at all.

  • Altan
    Altan Member Posts: 38
    edited September 2024

    Mori need an animation, would be broken if you just kill and go

    Also it's a literal game about hitting, hooking and killing people? How is mori too violent

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 561

    Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it isn't happening. I have seen plenty of people that say they will disconnect against plagues because of her power and mori.

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 561

    Not sure what part of my comment made you think I was "speaking for the community." I can recognize what the community values are without saying "everyone in the community feels this way." You're free to disagree, but I'm also not putting words into his mouth lol

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 561

    I never said remove an animation altogether to make it a 0 second mori. Have the killer's face cover the screen or something for the same duration, or have the screen fade to black and say "You Died."

    Getting hit and flopping on the ground is no where comparable to blight's mori, oni's mori, plague's mori, Dracula's mori, etc.

  • A_T_E
    A_T_E Member Posts: 200

    You speak about being disingenuous, yet you sit there and attempt to convince me, that "and does not align with the values the community of this game shares" isn't speaking for the community. I see you're simply projecting.

    And you're just lying outright, when you say you aren't putting words in his mouth, when you're saying:

    Categorizing these people as "baggage"

    Despite none of those words were used by @Ohyakno.

    You're literally making up things, acting indignant about the meaning you ascribe to it, then pretend like you didn't do that.

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 561

    I'm sorry you incorrectly interpreted my message in this way. For one, I'm not trying to convince you of anything. If I say the sky is blue, I'm not "speaking for the sky," I'm just stating my observation based on what the sky is. I would also look up the word projection before you keep using it incorrectly.

    So if the person I was responding to said "food you eat in the morning, usually after you wake up," would it be fair to say they're talking about breakfast? Am I putting words in his mouth if I say they're talking about breakfast? Saying people will "find other things to be put off by" is constituting those players as problems because of their perceived baggage. If they didn't perceive these players as having baggage, what would be the problem with adding these options for them?

    You're literally making up things, acting indignant about the meaning you ascribe to it, then pretend like you didn't do that.