Why do people keep doing that?

It's becoming more and more that people start slugging at 4 or 5 gens remaining for several minutes or tunnel and/or proxy camp for the most part. This was in the Chaos Shuffle game mode and some players just keep ruining the fun for everyone involved. It's like this community is allergic to fun.

This game mode is supposed to be fun, refreshing, NOT in the meta and it's supposed to bring out different playstyles, yet people do boring stuff and it just sucks. Slugging has become such a big issue in many games now, I've seen many people complain on many platforms and it's just ruining the game I loved for so long and put a lot of money in.



  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,924

    "Funny nicknames tho…"

    It is sucks. Sorry that happened to you, there is no telling why these players are doing that.

    It's what I call - killer being not in the mood, and want others to suffer the same - and somehow it makes them feel better… I guess?

    I don't understand it at all.

  • SoloQKev
    SoloQKev Member Posts: 164

    Yeah me and my cousin and I had this happen last night. We all had flans as well :(

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,393

    Isn't there that "experiment" thing (which, I suppose, would be classified as unethical in an actual research setting…) where people are supposed to slug to find out if it's more reliable than hooking?

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 2,002

    Simple answer, people are boring. Literally yesterday when I played, some guy decided to slug me to kill A BOT that had DC'd in the first 30 seconds of the game. slugged to kill a bot…… a bot. like i need people to understand how silly and stupid it is

  • dwight444
    dwight444 Member Posts: 448

    chaos shuffle just reaffirms that removing the ability to load in with 2nd chance or 'gen rush' builds changes nothing. People will still continue to take the path of least resistance, in this case now there's a really low probability that any 1 survivor has DS, DH, or OTR, so tunneling and slugging are still employed here because tunneling is that much easier.

    no mode will mitigate this until the core gameplay issue is reviewed. Lights out was garbage and killers optimized by playing stealth killers and in CS they just tunnel and slug more efficiently because it's inherently more efficient in this mode.

  • DeBecker
    DeBecker Member Posts: 454

    I expect killer players to learn how to play their character properly. Why should bad players be compensated with buffs?

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749
    edited September 2024

    first, why shouldn't they? don't stack as 3-4 survivors, don't throw for pick up saves, do gens and you should be fine against slugging.

    second, they do this because hook related perks are crazy strong and "anti tunnel" (MASSIVE QUOTATION MARKS) perks are infuriating to deal with if survivors choose to abuse them so here you go. ds buff on top of broken otr comes with a cost.

    this is chaos shuffle but that's a playstyle established and went rampant as a result of said perks.

  • Phenomenal_Ox
    Phenomenal_Ox Member Posts: 50
    edited October 2024

    The more the killers do it the faster the devs will take action against it, so let them and they will act surprised after that why they did something about it, I had similar experiences in chaos shuffle I been slugged more then Usual.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 658

    When I play killer now I hook under certain circumstances.

    Killer wastes so much valuable time carrying a survivor to a hook.

    Killer also gives a survivor some power that they’ll exploit from being hooked.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    Hooking started losing value when BGP got introduced. Not sure why people didn't see this coming.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,079

    Playing properly?

    They targeted camping and holding games hostage with a 3 gen. Camping is just staring at furniture and is barely considered "playing" since you can basically do that afk, and holding a 3 gen until the match closed is against game rules, so isn't "proper" in any way.

  • Shinkiro
    Shinkiro Member Posts: 142
    edited October 2024

    If its within the game rules its playing properly, you can try and deny it all you want but its fact. Them reducing its effectiveness doesn't mean its not proper gameplay, what a silly thing to suggest, it was just disproportionately effective and needed adjusting. You're not even addressing my points.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Unequalmitten86
    Unequalmitten86 Member Posts: 378

    I had to slug yesterday and I hated it. I had a toxic SWF that had one person doing gens and the other 3 followed me around clicking flashlights jumping through windows. When I found the gen jockey, which was an easy down, they all herded me away from the hook. Which ended up slugging 3 and hooking 1 at 4 gens but they wasted time. I saw their builds too and it was nothing but a bully squad, and yes those players play like this and cry about being slugged in a situation they created. Oh they all brought the hook spread apart offer too.

    Now yesterday as survivor I played about 15 games and was slugged in EVERY game. I recently changed my load out to include unbreakable and it was used every match. Usually slug to win. It was boring and not fun. There is no reason for it.

  • SpicySliceOfApplePie
    SpicySliceOfApplePie Member Posts: 40
    edited October 2024

    just want to comment on the time wasting, I almost always try to hook anyone I down unless I know people are working on a gen right next to me (I want my devot points for pips). And the amount of games that I’ve lost due to putting people on hook and on the other side of the coin won by slugging is kind of ridiculous

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,175

    Because it’s easy

    Because they can.

  • LadyOwO
    LadyOwO Member Posts: 390

    As long as killers have any type of ability that gives them an edge over Survivors it ain't happening

  • Phenomenal_Ox
    Phenomenal_Ox Member Posts: 50

    It's really funny because I seen multiple killers mains Claim that the slugging happens because certain perks for the survivors activitie after the hook so they slug, but this is not the case in chaos shuffle and they still slug so I'm pretty sure survivors perks have nothing to do with this behaviour.

  • DeBecker
    DeBecker Member Posts: 454
  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 747

    More like the guy who gets unhooked, healed and still has active endurance from OTR and also has DH.

    Guy purposely runs into my face and starts another chase knowing he has nothing to worry about.

    If I stalk to expose during chase as Ghostface and manage to get the hit (tough play), it's suddenly turned into a regular hit (which is BS, I worked for that and it wasn't easy), followed up with DH at pallet at the tip of a coup lunge (which is icing on the BS cake in a lose/lose situation for me).

    Not all killer kits have the ability to reliably rotate hooks in the small amount of time that gens are completed, especially if all sorts of hits aren't counting in order to safeguard survivors feelings.

    Is it logical, fair or cool in the slightest to get mad that killers are adapting and playing around invincibility perks, and demand that the devs basically funnel killers into a wall of 'endurance' so that you can easily beat anything except S-tier killer kits?

  • Grimlet09
    Grimlet09 Member Posts: 76

    i dont feel very good when i make it so the killer doesnt get any hooks it doesn't feel fair. i dont think u shiud be able to have a lot of hits for free or easily. so i get why killrs do this but it isnt fun. :( i think bhvr should make some perk that limits endurance more, or pauses it. idk something cause this isnt fun.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,079
    edited October 2024

    The devs ultimately decide. And them targeting face camping is a pretty big indicator that they don't want people standing at the hook doing nothing. That's why I don't call it "game play", the killer is just spectating at that point, and the devs seem to agree that it isn't engaging for anyone in the match.

    As for 3 genning for extreme amounts of time, such as holding the game hostage until the match ends at an hour, that is actually against the game rules, so you're just simply wrong there.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • 手帳の神様
    手帳の神様 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 11

    Hook too many counters and anti mechanics, slugging stress free gameplay.. easy choice?

  • 手帳の神様
    手帳の神様 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 11
    edited October 2024
  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,077

    Let's keep the discussion constructive and respectful, disagreeing is fine, let's just avoid personal attacks.

    Thank you.

  • dwight444
    dwight444 Member Posts: 448

    you don't have to chase him? Players make it obvious when they have second chance perks, sounds like you deliberately decide to go after the guy that's in your face knowing full well that he has endurance…..

    you don't need to rotate hooks but don't continuously go for the unhooked survivor or do this after the 1st hook and call it the 'tough play' - it's the path of least resistance.

    Invincibility? They introduced mechanics to mitigate dumb stuff like downing someone fresh off a hook w/ 0 counter-play besides hoping the surv performing the unhook had BT. By adapting do you mean the silly rhetoric going around the forums of 'no point in hooking, me just slug now'? Oh brother, let me guess, anti face camp is bad and the 10 sec hook timer extension needs to be reverted !!!!