We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

What is your biggest "L" in Haunted by Daylight 2024 Livestream

Backmon Member Posts: 318

I think they overbuffed survivors in next 2vs8 game mode. Cause if you didnt know, killer should pick up survivor before sending them to a cage (so welcome back frustrating and annoying altruistic survivors with flashlight and pallet save). They also nerf "snowball" mechanic, so as i understand for every caged survivor gen repairing speed became increased (even in original modificator gens pop too fast). So maybe we start to have another problem, when no-one wants to play killer cause they say nothing about nerfing gen rush potential in this mode, that was the only thing killers complain in original mod.


  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,249

    I'm sad that Survivors don't get to release ghosts in the Halloween Void event this year. That was fun.

    I want my ghosts back.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,630
    edited October 1

    Haunted by daylight event coming back…

    Portals to a different realm was the most annoying thing to deal with in the past.

    Besides - the ghosts were so useless before… Let's see how they will affect the gameplay now…

  • Backmon
    Backmon Member Posts: 318

    maybe i miss something, but i heard that gen speed increace for every caged survivors

  • Backmon
    Backmon Member Posts: 318

    If its true its still a bad desicion cause both sides get punished for doing their main objective

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 372

    I think they just want the matches to feel fun and not like washouts. It may just be a small subtle percentage that isn't really noticeable. May help keep the snowballing from happening too early or too often. I didn't get to play it the first time so I don't know how it felt to play. I do know the queue times for killer were long. So they are trying to give people more reason to play the survivor role as well.

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 618

    The most legitimate reason killers slug is literally due to pallet saves and flashlight saves. So they announce they are going to 'fix' slugging by allowing flashlight and pallet saves in 2v8.

    Instead of less slugging, we will have more. The killer needs to only spot the job that can unbreakaBill (one of the classes can pick themselves up), and that's the only survivor class that they have to cage. Everyone else will be slugged because you have now given them a legitimate reason to slug…

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,819
    edited October 1

    I actually don't mind if survivors get overbuffed in 2v8 for one reason: It's an iteration.

    While I do think it was quite balanced in it's first iteration, survivors did not have enough incentive to run it over killer. Unfortunately, that means giving them more shiny things like repairing broken pallets and generator speed adjustments. That said, I do believe it won't be enough.

    The main draw for me is killer's playing with a friend. I don't care how OP survivors become momentarily because the prospect of playing 2 killers against 8 survivors is just that amazing. Which is a bit of a double edged sword, because I still think queue times will be lopsided due to it.

    For the topic though, I think the only L I can think of is when the twitch stream died midway through.

  • Unequalmitten86
    Unequalmitten86 Member Posts: 205

    You are right that doesn't make sense. The only way to fix slugging is basekit unbreakable without being hooked at all. However the thing is they acknowledged slugging was a widespread issue and maybe now it will go into regular play for a solution. I wasn't slugged all that much during 2v8, but the one time was even a killer bot.

  • FinalFantasybalthier
    FinalFantasybalthier Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 9

    I'm happy they buffed survivors it might actually reduce killer queue times this time.

  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 554

    Too huge buffs for survivors, the killer is literally punished for hooks + imagine how difficult it will be to lift a survivor under a pallet against swf when every survivor can create pallets

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,249

    Killers will basically be forced to never split up: stay attached at the hip or your downs will count for naught.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 667

    I don't have a biggest "L". In fact, every announcement was good to hear. This might be their best livestream.

    • I am very surprised about the changes to 2v8 and that the developers listened to us and try to fix slugging and to make the matches more intresting by giving us comeback option. This is really cool because some 2v8 matches were like "okay this is lost, go next"/"We won, ez". But with the little changes it can become really cool. It is also cool that the developers try to fix the long qtime by making the survivor role more intresting with new abilities and enable flashlight saves. It is also great to get 2v8 back next month and not next year. I'm exited for Spirit, Blight, and Deathslinger as new killers and for killerroles.
    • The Haunted by Daylight event sounds much better than last year because last year was really survivor sided and it felt bad to play killer (no power in void made so many killers easy to counter while survivors were able to take three hits thanks to endurance) but now it might be overall balanced for both sides with nice items for both sides.
    • All cosmetics look great and amazing. The Artist rift-cosmetic was my highlight because I love her and this outfit looks amazing. The banners, charms, and badges also look great. The cosmetic team is always doing a great job.
    • The community corner was also cool and it was funny that they said the winners must check their emails (so we don't get a Haddie situation again).
    • Peanits and Dork were great as always as well as every one else.

    Overall, a really great stream to watch - the DbD team made a great stream for us.

  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 374

    There was no incentive to slug in 2v8 because there were no pallets and flashlights, but it still happened and happened frequently enough that they are making changes to address it now. They did not have any legitmate reasons to slug in 2v8 but many killers showed that they don't need a legitmate reason to do it, if they can they will because it was easier and some people have fun doing it. I understand your worry that because they have to counter flashlights and pallets they may slug more, but if they slugged without those things, then what is the solution?

  • Backmon
    Backmon Member Posts: 318

    they need at least remove altruistic action with flashlight-pallet save, cause this type survivors the most annoying even in the main game

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,703

    The biggest "L" are the smoke bombs. Bully SWFs will have the survivors take turns using them to ambush a killer that is in a chase.

  • Backmon
    Backmon Member Posts: 318

    Also haunted by daylight is still the survivor sided garbage as before

  • exzachely
    exzachely Member Posts: 45

    I know I am a bit biased because I like BHVR and think they are doing a really good job in general, but I really appreciated the entire live stream. The gruff looking guy that gives Vittorio vibes and spoke about 2v8 balancing was my favorite part. Hearing a DBD developer say "Slugging is a problem. We are making you a game mode that combats this entirely" made me cheer and clap. It's so cathartic for me to know the developers are fully aware it SUCKS to deal with and that's all that matters to me. If they do the same thing in the next developer stream and bodly tell killers to stop h**mping people on the ground I might fall out of my chair. They need at least one of the on camera personalities to be a bit more stern like that and remind people to act right so the game grows.

    But, to answer your question, the biggest "L" was the Behavior Intern that accidentally ended the stream on Twitch when the Tomb was first announced. It made me laugh how Dork and Eric said the tomb name in a really dramatic cool way, and then the stream feed just abruptly ends because of how just powerful the tomb name was. Made me laugh out loud while I looked for my FireTV remote!!! I really like the energy that Dork brings to the table as a community manager, and Eric redeemed himself this stream after he panicked last time and had that strange moment where he wanted to end his segment to get off camera because something had happened or he was overheated? Not sure.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,824

    The part where killers have to pick up during 2v8 was the only announcement I had negative feelings about. Part of what I liked about that mode was that a down was automatically a hook and there was no annoying back and forth around it. In a game mode where there are so many survivors and they have powers that can let them see you at all times, I think you'll have to fight way too hard for a hook now.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,410

    Between gens slowing down upon hooks and the reintroduction of pallet/flashlight saves, this just promotes more slugging.

  • Sandt1985
    Sandt1985 Member Posts: 328

    Biggest L of the livestream is also the biggest DBD L of the year: No Freddy update till 2025. (and forgive me if I expect it to be delayed even further then that)

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 883

    That's not the only reason; with so many more survivors you kinda have toslug more while you kick gens and pallets just due to efficiency. No point letting somebody get saved while you are in downtime

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,622

    Cawliflower didn't win >:(

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    I did think it was weird they said slugging became a problem towards the end of the first iteration of 2v8 but then talked about the change to allow flashlight/pallet saves and the snowball mechanic that increases gen speeds when someone is caged - both which will encourage killers to slug over cage. Unless their plans for the anti-slug mechanic works before a cage state I think slugging is going to be a bigger problem in this iteration.

  • PetTheDoggo
    PetTheDoggo Member Posts: 70

    I didn't watch it, what are they going to do against slugging? So far I have seen only reasons to do it.

    because need to pick up, is very good reason to always slug. I rarely did it in past 2v8, but I might with changes I have seen mentioned.

    Slugging seem as way to go. No faster gens, no pallet/flashlight saves

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,622

    I believe they mentioned something like this:

    Every survivor class comes with a chargable ability. It recharges over time. What this does varies per class, obviously, but they mention you can also spend that ability to pick yourself up from the ground.

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 742

    A more simple solution would be to just send downed survivors directly to a cage, as you say there’a no reason to slug as it only took a second to send them yourself even if you want to chase another close by survivor.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,024

    For me it was that Spirit and Blight are getting added to 2v8 instead of older killers like Myers, Hag or Doctor.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,521

    No L here. Its a mode to have fun with, not comp. You'll never enjoy this sort of thing, so stick to the usual 1v4.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,503

    None yet, as I'm reserving judgement until I get to try it out for myself. I do feel there may not be alot of incentive for survivors to enter the void realm (that smoke bomb or whatever in the trailer looks like it only lasts maybe a second, so I dunno if it's going to make much of difference but will see).

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,002

    Freddy rework in (maybe) 2025.

  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 374

    I agree that your suggestion would completely remove slugging, as it would be literally impossible to do so. But it takes away even more interaction between killer and survivor, which the devs did mention was one of the main complaints. Personally as long as slugging is heavily discouraged be it this pick up system they’re talking about or by your idea of survivors instantly getting hooked while down, I don’t care too much. As I can’t do flashlight saves for the life of me. But for the overall health and enjoyment of the game mode, it was something people really missed so I suppose we will see what happens. I just don’t want to be slugged and bled out again lol