Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Clown in serious need of buffs

Member Posts: 1,132
edited October 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

The Clown buffs in 7.6.0 brought him from unplayable to semi-playable. Clown is still one of the worst killers and is sitting at the bottom of kill rates. This is why Arinad complains about DBD nonstop.

Looking at the more recent data, he's basically tied for last place with Ghost Face.

People say Clown has insane chase, but I disagree. He has the most overrated chase in the game. He gets countered by pre-dropping and does not play around jungle gyms well. He also has no map pressure due to needing to constantly reload and the long chases.

For Clown to be at least B tier, he needs buffs to his chase and map pressure: 7 Bottles base kit and no detonation delay for Antidote Gas Cloud.

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  • Member Posts: 279

    I feel like he should instead be given a creative buff

    ex: players under anti gas cloud being hit in gas cloud lose a health state

    Im also strongly against him having shared bottles, haste and the hinder bottles should be separate, maybe haste could have 6 whilst hinder could have 4 to encourage plays other than hitting survivors with toxic gas.

    As for his addons, they are looking at bit choppy and could use refinement

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited October 2024

    his base-kit is stronger then before but he received two nerf that really were not needed. the first nerf is pinky finger. Clown has no rewarding direct bottle hits and he is a killer that entirely rely on fast chases. Pinky finger was easily only add-on for clown to speed up his chases. It got nerfed unfairly. One way to buff clown is buff pinky finger to have -2 bottles instead of -5 bottles.

    The other nerf that clown received was that his purple tonic bottles no longer impair vision. i am not sure in how many cases this came into play but the change unnecessary nerfed him.

    A low performing killer should not receive any negative changes. they should only receive positive changes. So i would say buff pinky finger and buff his purple tonic back to what it was. I also think it would be a good idea to maybe increase duration of his pink tonic by +1 second so that the blinding effect lasts longer.

    I don't think clown is as bad as he was base-kit wise as before. He feels a lot better to play at base-kit. I think his low kill-rate is by product of his complexity. Despite having simple kit, he is fairely difficult to play. He is not that easy to pick up and it is easy to throw a lot bottles and not get much value out of his kit. As a result, i think he is not a good killer for new players/intermediate killer players. He is a killer that requires you be a experienced killer to gain value from his kit.

    Sure he could use maybe few tweaks but i would not consider as large priority.

  • Member Posts: 122

    Please do not buff this killer he is already insane in chase. If you do buff him, then remove some chase aspect and give him something else.

  • Member Posts: 1,132
    edited October 2024

    I don't think Clown is in a good spot if the Clown goat Arinad thinks DBD is in a terrible spot and barely plays DBD anymore. I've been watching his streams, and he barely streams nowadays and mostly plays Escape from Tarkov because he's sick of DBD's unfairness and unbalance. Though, he only thinks that way because he's playing one of the worst killers in the game. I would too if I mained Clown.

  • Member Posts: 47

    The problem with buffing a character like clown is that his counterplay doesn't have much work around, and although you could say 'just press w', that works on basically any killer. And clown even slows that down just by hindrance. I don't think he shouldn't get ANY buffs, but I find it quite hard to give him something that would be fair for both parties. I don't mind some buffs to his add-ons though, as another user mentioned they got nerfed a bit too much.

  • Member Posts: 95

    Every clown I've faced tunnels and camps off hook. Imo, if a killer can slow you down and speed himself up, it's really the skill of the player atp. There's really no counterplay other than high cover and walls, and even then, he just needs to throw his haste bottle to catch up. Sure I can predrop, but his hinder bottles negates any distance really. On top of that, his haste bottles speed him up. Blood favor works wonders on him. Try it next time. Have a good day.

  • Member Posts: 1,561
    edited October 2024

    Pinky finger was nerfed due to his camp potential it was not nerfed unfairly, clowns would get a free hit at any hook it took no skill at all.

    As for OP Clowns 1v1 is fine, it needs no help, it's his 4v1 which is the issue right now, as is every low mobility killers issue. Also is that Nightlight… these aren't official stats right? These are select games giving only part of the picture, unless it is from BHVR themselves.

  • Member Posts: 1,132
    edited October 2024

    Nah, not every low mobility killer. Plenty of killer with no mobility and high kill rates, e.g. SM, Plague, and Cenobite.

  • Member Posts: 1,561

    I am over generalising Plague, SM and Cenobite have 4v1 tools.

    Clown was sat at 58 percent which is equal to most killers on the official stats because his 1v1 is really good, especially on the newer smaller maps. I feel recent stats would be worse with the new map reworks too

    I don't think he needs any help honestly, and definately not bringing back pinky finger, a rework however not what it used to be.

    The help he needs doesn't really lie with his ability, more so the base game and how it affects multiple killers atm

  • Member Posts: 1,132
    edited October 2024

    If we're going by tier list, there are many high tier killers with no mobility and 4v1 tools, e.g. Huntress, Pyramid Head, and Chucky.

    Clown was sat at 58 percent which is equal to most killers on the official stats because his 1v1 is really good, especially on the newer smaller maps. I feel recent stats would be worse with the new map reworks too

    That's old data from January. Since then, many killer perks have been nerfed, e.g. Pain Res, Pop, and Deadlock.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    yes it is sample size but it is only real clear-cut data that is exceptionally organized where reading numbers is easy. Like BVHR never tells us what all killer's kill-rate distributions are. they only give us kill-rate and only way to figure out what that means is by going nightlight, looking at killer with similar kill-rate and than just seeing that as other killer's stats.

    As for OP Clowns 1v1 is fine, it needs no help, it's his 4v1 which is the issue right now, as is every low mobility killers issue.

    that's the problem. clown's 1vs1 isn't suppose to be just "fine". it is suppose to be REALLY GOOD because it is only thing he is about. Clown's 1vs1 needs to be PINKY finger good. that is why i think his stats didn't improve because he got nerfed but also buffed so it is net-0. revert nerfs so he has net positive and than his stats will be… net positive.

    Pinky finger was nerfed due to his camp potential it was not nerfed unfairly,

    What about other killers with base-kit instant downs…. Like billy, Myer's, Oni, Plague? Like why is clown of all killer's being targeted for camping with instant down when most of those other killer do it base-kit and are stronger at camping. like what.

    It was nerfed unfairly. there is 0 reason for add-on to be nerfed. He wasn't over-performing at least statistically. His add-on got nerfed because of usual "Survivor main this is unfun, please nerf to ground bvhr", BVHR: ok.

  • Member Posts: 1,561
    edited October 2024

    Most Clowns use haste these days I face, maybe surge/pain res also, but its usually chase perks with him where his strength lies anyways as it makes his tunneling easier.

    Also regarding @Devil_hit11 it is really good, it just doesn't void pallets, which personally I'm getting tired of all S tiers basically being good coz they just ignore pallets one way or another, the main resource of chases.(that said clown isnt an S tier, more a comparison)

    Until Solo Q and SWF disparity is brought closer together, we really shouldn't be tweaking killers to further stomp the casual playerbase. It will end up getting you nerfed anyways.

    I'm going to agree to disagree, if you feel these buffs are valid whatever. But clown is miserable to play against with his current playstyle of tunneling, and I feel something with the base game needs to change first before we buff and encourage this playstyle even more.

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited October 2024

    back before skull merchant got released, i used to play a lot of clown. i play some clown during events usually. He's not bad. I think his issue is that he rely on gen defence, stacking gen defence and tunneling to be viable. He doesn't down fast enough to not need to tunnel or use gen defence. it is sad but true.

    Clown needs way better downing speed. his 1vs1 isn't good enough for the type archetype he is as a killer. Clown needs to be Chucky good. Nurse good in term of 1vs1. He is like dredge good in term of 1vs1 or Vecna good in term of 1vs1. that's alright but the thing is, dredge and Vecna have other abilities in their base-kit…. like map mobility which clown doesn't. Clown should be BETTER chase than these two killers than you'll see his stats improve. Right now he has equal chase.

    the missing parts to make his chase good is what they nerfed. Pinky finger and purple tonic blinding effect, maybe 1 second extra for pink cloud duration.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    my build on clown is pain res, corrupt intervention, deadlock, grim embrace.

    the 4 chase perk that are good on clown are rapid brutality+stbfl, coup the grace and disolution. the problem is that these perks aren't worth running because killer's base game-delay is crap. it is too easy to gen-rush a build like that.

    I'd say at minimum, clown should always run corrupt+deadlock, it is literally his best two perks. you can run rapid+stbfl with it, it's alright. decent for hard-tunneling off-hook. you can run coup. that makes so you don't need break 99% of pallets and it is also good tunneling perk. Dissolution can be good. if you get a hit, survivor often panic drop vs clown and some pallets like… shack pallet often need to be kicked but with this perk, you can outplay some god pallets and avoid kick action in certain instances.

    for me personally, i just take straight 4 gen defence route on him.

    Until Solo Q and SWF disparity is brought closer together, we really shouldn't be tweaking killers to further stomp the casual playerbase. It will end up getting you nerfed anyways.

    it isn't killers problem that soloq has poor healing efficiency or gen efficiency. you can't balance around people that play bad.

    But clown is miserable to play against with his current playstyle of tunneling, and I feel something with the base game needs to change first before we buff and encourage this playstyle even more.

    what do you expect? clown has no map mobility, no 4vs1 game-delay mechanic, no time-saving mechanics like instant down. the only way you pressure survivors is eliminating survivors quickly. He is like a nurse that is worse nurse and i know you'll be like…isn't every killer worse than nurse…. and you might be correct on that but i am saying this in literal sense.

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