New killer: The Manifest aka The Entity's Manifestation

Jarred2504 Member Posts: 37
edited October 2024 in Creations

Would be a rather unique killer in design and lore as for once the killer would not be a person or being from some other world drawn into the Entity's nightmarish realm but actually a killer made by the Entity itself, sort of a full physical form.

Variety of designs to go by but there be some cool artwork people have made before

Could perhaps have shapeshifting abilities like The Dark Lord and like turn into a spider or scorpion form given the Entity reveals itself with arachnid type legs.

The killer's main ability is it can repair sabotaged hooks and spawn up to 4 cages (like the ones in 2v8) around the map which serve as extra hooks and are like scourge hooks. Additional ability is when a survivor is unhooked from either a regular hook or the cages, the killer can then teleport to that hook/cage within the next 8 seconds.


  • A_T_E
    A_T_E Member Posts: 199

    I like the idea, and the concept art, too, but I can't help but feel like it wouldn't make sense lorewise, unfortunately.

    I could be wrong, but I've gotten the feeling from the lore, that the Entity could be capable of this, but doesn't want to. The Entity's goals and machinations are beyond our comprehension, but one thing I seem to understand is that the Entity gets some kind of thrill out of watching his little kidnapped puppets play out their roles on the stage it created (the Fog), but not be part of it itself.

    As for the Main Ability, it seems a bit too weak, compared to the power level it should have. It's the Entity in its own world, it could kill anybody it wanted instantly. Spawning hooks sounds lackluster. Plus half the ability is useless, if Victims aren't bringing sabo perks or toolboxes.

    Shapeshifting doesn't sound intriguing, either, especially so close to the aforementioned Dark Lord's ability to shapeshift.

    I would love to see the hypothetical character concept closer to a spider, than what's present in the current images. A scorpion and spider mix makes sense, but a figure I'd feel more like: "That looks like a spider or scorpion, but that's probably only because my mind tries to ascribe something familiar to this horrid abomination I am witnessing."

  • Jarred2504
    Jarred2504 Member Posts: 37
    edited October 2024

    You make some good points, I was trying to think of some new concepts that can sort of revolve around the world itself when thinking of the powers, like being able to create and repair hooks as OFC The Entity is who creates them.

    As for the killer think of it more as not exactly The Entity itself but more something it created in its own image to do its bidding, unlike the other killers who just do what they are told given that they are trapped in the same twisted realm this killer is a creation made by The Entity to torture the survivors in its own ways and can be directly controlled by it and so can actually accomplish things some killers aren't able to.

    Small bit of lore surrounding it I thought of is like "The Entity having tried and tested numerous indviduals lured into this world by the fog had become increasingly displeased by the performance of some so has now brought forth a being made from a manifestation of its own anger and need for sacrifices. The Manifest is the Entity unleashing its wrath on the elusive survivors that continue to outwit these merciless slashers that it expected more from." So basically the killer in question is a creation made by the Entity that using only a small portion of its power, intended to make survivors stay more on their toes and still give them some chance.

  • A_T_E
    A_T_E Member Posts: 199

    "The Entity having tried and tested numerous indviduals lured into this world by the fog had become increasingly displeased by the performance of some so has now brought forth a being made from a manifestation of its own anger and need for sacrifices. The Manifest is the Entity unleashing its wrath on the elusive survivors that continue to outwit these merciless slashers that it expected more from."

    I kinda like that idea.

    There are also examples of Killers being resistant to the commands of the Entity, like Trapper. If one or two more Killers get some lore surrounding not quite following orders, I could see it paving the lore-path for 'The Manifest'.

    By all means, don't let my previous points stop you from thinking more on the concept, it seems there could be something to it.