Genrush doesn't exist - A Killer's Perspective

Yes, the title is correct, a Killer main is roasting other Killers for complaining about genrush, Survivors rejoice!
There is no such thing as genrush, guys. Unlike tunneling, which directly tampers with someone else's gameplay quality, genrush is simply just the main objective of Survivors.
"But, but, but...! They're ruining my game by making me sweat!"
I'd agree, I guess? But it's not like Survivors have a side objective. Any second a Survivor is spending NOT on a generator is actively throwing the game unless they are healing or are in chase. Survivors "not genrushing" is like a Killer staring at a totem for 10 seconds because the skulls on it look pretty. It's just ignorant and selfish to blame the other side because they are playing the game correctly.
What about tunneling then? It's efficient and not doing so is technically throwing. Which is true, tunneling is better. But DBD chases are designed in a way to favor the Killer, as the Killer needs 12 hook states. That's why Killers get bloodlust, that's why they have powers, that's why they have better perks - most chases are meant to end in a down, as it's asymmetrical. Imagine if your skill as a Survivor meant you could beat a Killer alone. Could any Killer even statistically, consistently get a 4k?
Point is, one side is stronger. For a good reason. Your fun should not be directly sourced from ruining someone else's game ON PURPOSE. Even as a collateral, tunneling is way too direct, compared to how indirect genrush is.
Tunneling is a problem in on itself. The only solution to tunneling is giving Killers buffs for hooking different Survivors. It's true that it IS the most efficient way to play, but Killers need Survivors to also protest the lack of incentives for the sake of a healthier future for DBD.
Genrushing def exists. Survivors can bring 4 perks that cover a variety of areas or they can all bring BTL, SW, Prove and SB. With a commodious toolbox and double charges. They can bring a whole build just for crushing gens like I have done with my SWF. Streetwise stacks too so you can knock out 2 gens in 80 seconds before having to use Built To Last to get your whole toolbox back for free.
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Genrushing exists but not in the way people say it does. No, someone being efficient and playing well is not a hard sweating gen rusher. Gen rush only exists when the survivor brings a dedicated build for it, and even then its not much of an issue. At worst some toolbox nerfs wouldnt be unbearable. At best leave as is.
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No different from a Killer bringing powerful chase perks and add-ons.
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Like..... What? Bamboozle is the only strong chase perk I can think of. They aren't meta for a reason.
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There is no such thing as genrush, guys.
It does, but the term is simply overused exactly same as tunneling, camping and slugging.
Unlike tunneling, which directly tampers with someone else's gameplay quality, genrush is simply just the main objective of Survivors.
Killing survivor is killer's objective.
Actual gen rushing definetly tampers with killer's gameplay, because game is simply way faster than usual.
Tunneling is a problem in on itself
Tunneling in general? Not really, most killers are simply opportunistic, which is fine and should be a thing. 8 hook every game is unrealistic for most killers.
Tunneling since first hook (going into the game with a plan to tunnel) is exactly same issue as actual tunneling. But I would say both are quite rare…5 -
Genrush doesn't prevent you from playing for chunks of the game. A Killer still has the ability to play the game without being stuck on a hook, unlike a Survivor.
And yes, hyper sweaty 4-man gen focused builds exist, but obviously most people don't refer to that when they say "genrush".
As for opportunistic tunneling, it's fine. If someone is off the hook and I have no one else to chase, that's just fate at that point. But actively choosing to hook the same person consecutively even when presented with alternatives is simply toxic behavior until all other options are exhausted.
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Genrush doesn't prevent you from playing for chunks of the game.
With that logic neither does tunneling. You will get to have a chase for majority of the game even if you are being tunneled. All other survivors get to play the game too.
A Killer still has the ability to play the game without being stuck on a hook, unlike a Survivor.
Because of tunneling, survivor won't experience end game (if killer manages).
Because of genrush, killer won't get to experience early game (most of it at least)
if being on hook is your issue, then you are playing wrong game. That's kinda core mechanic. Staying on hook is counterplay against tunneling anyway, so this sounds more as camping for a change.hyper sweaty 4-man gen focused builds exist, but obviously most people don't refer to that when they say "genrush".
I would say most people take "genrush" as survivors using perks/items for faster gen speed. I don't know what you have under the term…
But actively choosing to hook the same person consecutively even when presented with alternatives is simply toxic behavior until all other options are exhausted.
What is toxic about it? It's logical.
If I have survivor on dead hook and survivor who wasn't hooked yet, I don't have any reason to go after the second survivor (unless I use perks for it).
It's definetly understandable to do so, if there is like 1/2 gens left. You simply need to kill a survivor to win at that point.
Even if someone does it at 5 gens, that's not toxic in my opinion (clearly even more overused term).6 -
I really don't think I need to point out how much you know the fallacies in your argument. Don't argue just for the sake of arguing please.
I'm just going to do the first one for good measure, you can do the rest by following the formula:
You're robbing the person being tunneled of:
- The chance to win
- Any interaction past chases (ie. hiding, healing, repairing, saving, rescuing, choosing where to take chase)
This is like downing someone when a gate is open with old DS when it didn't cancel during endgame.
Sure, you're chasing. Sure, you're mind gaming. Sure, you down the survivor. Now what? They escape anyway.
Unless you are magically happy with your only interaction in game having been delaying the inevitable, you're not making a lot of sense here.
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Gen rush exists but it's mainly 3-4 SWFs that can execute it well, which is why you don't see it much. Gen rushing occurs when everything is done extremely efficiently by cutting out redundancy and time wastage. A SWF is needed to do this.
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it doesn't really help the current killer meta is about snowballing with perks that activate on hooks/downs. Of course survivors are going to gen rush when everyone is running gen regression.
it's a push and pull and nerfing gens is just going to make the game even more boring, maybe speeding up side interactions like chests and blessing totems (not cleansing) among other things would make survivors not feel like they are wasting precious time to do off meta builds etc.
Also the old pip system encouraged to not gen rush and do more than get out quickly, the flaw comes from the current mmr system being based off escapes.0 -
Killer main here: genrush is just survs being efficient about doing their job. i can't fault them for that. survs that are on point deserve to escape.
now as for the REST of you… >)
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Not gonna lie, this has some real: "How do you do, fellow killer mains?" - vibes to it.
Gen rush does exist. It means that survivors do everything in their power to finish the match so fast that the killer can't keep up instead of the normal trying to delay the killer while keeping efficiency high. Whether or not this "ruins" your game is irrelevant. Some players claim to like being tunneled too, so for them it wouldn't ruin the match and yet tunneling does exist.
The main thing gen rush does is to minimise interaction between the survivors and the killer, which is simply boring. Survivors do what most survivor players consider to be the most boring part and pretty much nothing else because the game ends much else can happen, while killers have very little time in the match and won't feel much tension because they are simply outpaced.
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Yeah, I'm totally an undercover Survivor, clearly displayed by my ridiculous bias towards one side.
I really doubt you can't see the logical fallacy of expecting Survivors to NOT do generators as quickly as they can. By default, if 1 Survivor is in chase, 3 should be on generators unless the situation demands otherwise.
Is 3 Survivors doing the objective considered genrush?
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Both are just doing your objective killers suppose to kill survivors suppose to do gens.
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"I really doubt you can't see the logical fallacy of expecting killers to NOT kill survivors as quickly as they can." There. I turned it around. See how worthless this claim is?
Now, where were we? Ahhh, yes, you said gen rush didn't exist, which is simply wrong.
There is a difference between playing the game normally, which entails things like trying to buy time for your team, healing etc. and just investing all possible resources into gen speed. If anything, this is far less natural than tunneling, so you could make an argument that tunneling is a logical way to play the game, while gen rushing isn't.
Once again, I am not talking about a normal group of survivors that stick to gens whenever they have the chance. I am talking about the modern day equivalent of the old depip squads.
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I really don't think I need to point out how much you know the fallacies in your argument
You are one to talk…
The chance to win
Not really, it's not like tunneling is guaranteed way to win. It's not like survivors have nothing to do against it.
Unless you are magically happy with your only interaction in game having been delaying the inevitable, you're not making a lot of sense here.
Nothing magical here. Chase is main interaction between survivor and killer. I like to chase, tunneling is giving me chase most of the games.
I am usually not annoyed by the killer when I get tunneled, more like by my teammates who gave him the free option and simply don't know what to do against it.1 -
Stepping in with a reminder to please keep discussions in the thread civil and respectful. Thank you.
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It does exist but people exaggerate it a lot. There is no way in heaven people that complain are getting sweaty SWFs rushers every match since most of the playerbase is solo survivors.
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You're being a bit self oriented, you didn't even realize I was referring to the survivor winning the game.
If you tunnel someone, even if his teammates are on gens 24/7, that person is dead 90% of the time. You're robbing someone specific of any chance of "winning", which is that individual making it out of the trial alive.
Besides, tunneling gives you less chasing because you only have... Let's say 1.5 health states to go through, along with the fact that you have to be within a certain proximity to the hook to make it in time.
On the other hand, equipping an information perk to go after another survivor will result in quicker chases that are also higher quality.
So please, stop making excuses because the only way you can win is through a strategy that's sucking the fun out of it from others.
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I think Gen Rushing does exist, but itan entire build dedicated to doing so, along with items (and I base this on what the original term was created for). I asked long ago for people to define "gen rushing" and I was met with a miriad of answers. Pretty much everyone said, "It's what I want it to be." Which did feel very strange because if everyone gets to decide what gen rushing is then you can't define it and if you can't define it you can't understand it. And when compared to tunneling, which has a very clear and strict set of requirements for it to be considered tunneling, it is difficult to hold the two comparable since one seems more opinion based than the other. That said, while gen rushing might not exist in the same way it did when the term was coined (since the game has changed), it's still possible to build for it today, it’s just evolved from its original form and is nowhere near as broken as it used to be (which is good!)
Appreciate your perspective though.
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Neat post OP. I do think there are some unhealthy ways to egregiously get gens done quickly with commodious toolboxes and hyperfocus stakeout etc, but overall I agree that generators have been slowed a great deal now especially with slowdown perks and oppressive killer powers and weak maps.
Tunneling feels kind of separate to me, but yeah it would be nice to reward the killer for spreading hooks more without forcing hook trades or something like that.0 -
You're being a bit self oriented, you didn't even realize I was referring to the survivor winning the game.
Well, I don't care about it exactly because I am not self oriented. I couldn't care less if I escape or not. I just want to get 3 out as SWF, or at least 1 survivor to escape as soloQ.
This is team game (at least survivor side), if you want win to be specific to single player, then go play killer. It's expected in most game some survivors will die.On the other hand, equipping an information perk to go after another survivor will result in quicker chases that are also higher quality.
Higher quality is always the survivor closer to being dead… Information perk won't result in quicker chase than chasing injured survivor, it will only get you into chase faster (depends on the perk).
So please, stop making excuses because the only way you can win is through a strategy that's sucking the fun out of it from others.
Lol, I have never said I am tunneling in my games, but nice try.
I just disagree with your claims.