After the Bloodfeast has ended i noticed something that i had forget

Farming bloodpoints is so horrendous without any event
No, let's be honest and a little realistic. :D
400% is WAY TOO much bloodpoints coming from 1 match.
For each event cake or party streamers (BPS) you can get to these numbers anyway so...
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I really wonder when these people started playing? I do not want to be annoying about it but how can it go any faster? I just looked up the dates to be shure.
(These events last atleast 7 days)
For only 2024 :
16/01/2024 - x2 Bp
21/02/2024 - x1,5 Bp
18/03/2024 - x4 - x5 Bp (bloodmoon event)
14/05/2024 - x3 bp
03/06/2024 - x2 bp
13/06/2024 - Farming cakes for 3 weeks (100% anniversary cake)
05/09/2024 - x2 bp
24/09/2024 - x3 bp
Every month you can get 2 mil bp if killer and survivor is rank 1
On top of all the codes we get, free gift in store every week and not talking about logging in bonuses with events? How fast you want to get bloodpoints? We have been so spoiled this year with bloodpoints its ridiculous. Enjoy the game and enjoy the grind. Because after you have everything P3 you basicly do not need bloodpoints anymore.
Ow yeah i forgot the 20 tomes you can complete with 4 levels of challenges rewarding you with BP as well. Thats around 2mil BP some more some less per tome depending on the characters you have.
The last 2 or maybe 3 rifts also give about 400k bp just for playing?
Not talking about the little event tomes we get in between all the stuff.
Just enjoy the grind and have fun if you want bloodpoints for a p100 let me remind you there is nothin a p100 gets… After P9 you stop getting rewards.0 -
As long as you have P1 to P3 on all characters you own, BP isn't all that important.
They should still fix survivor BP gain though, 1250 for an entire gen is pitiful, and getting 300 from greats and only 50 for good skillchecks on gens only hurts new players. Also the "Survival" points being entirely tied to escaping and getting nothing for surviving for 1-5 gens is lame.
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i agree they need to overhaul the bp system its way to outdated. Especcialy the survival and altruism side of survivor.
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Every time I read a post like this I cant help but think how much newer players would be tweaking at the old rate youd get BP, or how much more expensive Bloodwebs were.
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But we had BBQ/WGLF so it felt better idk (I just miss post game bp bonuses on perks)
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I really can’t understand someone complaining about having too little bloodpoints. I hate spending them so much. It takes years to spend them lik it is a half time job. When they are finally gone they fill up to 2million too fast again, so I have to go through the process again.
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It's more about how unfair the distribution is. Killers get a ton of bloodpoints and survivors barely get any by comparison. This is an obvious problem that can be confirmed just by playing a few dozen games on each side and averaging out how much you get. This became worse when they removed the BP bonus from Prove and WGLF.
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Laughs in BBQ and WGLF.
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I’m still going through withdrawals. It’s okay though, Distressing has been helping with the cravings.
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Even then on average you still get just as many points as you would with those perks back then with how many people bring BP offerings nowadays, not to mention you just get more points in general thanks to new score events that have been introduced.
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Yes killers get a lot more, but why don’t just farm more bloodpoints by playing killer? Since I prestiged everyone to P3 I hated spending them. Most times I sit constantly at 1,9million, which forces me constantly to spend bloodpoints to not loose them. Mostly playing killer does probably also not help, but I don’t like playing survivor.
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It would help if our past event-only offerings could be used out-of-event, or were at least converted to BP. So many of our characters are just sitting on 80-100 event offerings, and are not able to do anything with them. Same with offerings and add-ons we will never use. Obvious solutions have been proposed for all this.
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Throw in beast of Prey too....
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It’s okay Fog, we’ll manage. . . . Somehow. Idk how but somehow.
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No, I mean throw it in to farm bloodpoints, it still has the 50% for actions in the hunting category.
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Yes, but even then it isn’t enough bloodpoints.
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You probably wouldn’t have liked the bp grind +4 years ago if you think this is bad.😅
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The progression is slow.
There is never really enough BP.
I don´t want to imagine starting a fresh game now. The grind for new players must be awfully slow.
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Eh, the thing about the grind of old DBD was that after a certain point there was nothing to spend the BP on in the first place. I remember how often I just sat at the cap because all my mains had every perk and I couldn't be bothered putting points into characters I was never going to play. But now we have a hundred levels of prestige to go through on every character.
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Oh I know that objectively it's the same or even less, but it just felt nice getting to 4 stacks and seeing your total double.
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I agree.
Especially BBQ. That honestly took priority over killing survivors or defending generators.
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I think that was more perception than reality, though. I'd rather have the incentive and an extra perk slot than go back to the way it was. Not even mentioning the old cost of things on the web. The current BP economy is much better.
That said, the one thing that's always bothered me is how relatively worthless BP relative to other currency (like shards) in terms of the time it takes to earn them. I don't mind the rate at which they are earned via play, but the BP "gifts" and compensations are a joke.
Take this last iteration of the deep rift for example; each tier was worth 5K BP, which is like finding a penny in your couch cushions. I think they could give 50K per tier easily. I don't think 100K per tier would be outrageous. Like in the gameplay time I spent unlocking each tier, I probably accrued at least 250K. 5K like tipping your server $1. It's almost worse than nothing. Why even bother expanding it to begin with?
Pretty much every gift, code reward, and compensation could be doubled or have at least one zero tacked on and it would be totally justifiable.
So I take it you have all you characters P100? Have all the iri items you can use?
Man, give me all the BP.
And don't even start with how long it takes to spend them, unless you forgot how long it used to take to spend them. Oof, that was a a time sucking boredom pit. It's practically a breeze now.
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I would give everyone bloodpoints for free if I could :(
I don’t really have many high level characters, my highest killer is Sadako with p12 and my highest survivor is sable with p22. There is no reason to push them much further. Since I have most characters prestige 3 I have only spent points when I want a special item, but sadly most of the good addons for Sadako got removed and survivors don’t have good stuff.
Spending bloodpoints still takes ages and that is was even slower in the past does not make it good now.
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I get that to a degree, and really the prestiges in and of themselves aren't important. But the items are to me. I regularly use a wide array of characters and probably 10 different killers, and keeping the all outfitted with even decent items is expensive.
Especially the killers, since many of them only have a few useful items mixed in with all the utterly useless junk also on the web that you have spend BP on.
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keeping the all outfitted with even decent items is expensive.
It would never try that with survivors. It’s such a waste.
Killers I can understand.
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They should add an "At least it isn't me" Survival event for Hooks and Deaths. Give every other Survivor 500 Survival BP when a Survivor gets hooked, and a 1k bonus if the hook is also a death. Give an extra 5k Survival bonus to all other Survivors if the first death is before the 7th hook.
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You don't "need" to farm bloodpoints in this game unless you're brand new and impatient.