Why is knockout still unchanged??!

It is purely for slugging and I don't think should be something encouraged. I only ever see it on killer's who plan to bleed everyone out. Why oh why is it still here…
The issue with it is not being able to see the slugs aura until within fairly close proximity. As this attribute ruins in soloq but does nothing in swf…
because it's not popular enough for devs to care.
I wouldn't mind it reworked.6 -
Cause survs have many counter force to it. Unbreakable, No mither, For the people, Buckle up, We gonna live forever and etc.
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So you're saying I have to bring perks to counter tunnelling, slugging, camping and hexes and don't get to use anything I actually want to use… No… how about just reworking this one perk that destorys in solo q but is otherwise useless, and not have to bring in another perk to counter a killer's playstyle that we may otherwise not get value from.
It also doesn't counter the fact that the person slugged can't be seen until within a close distance, which is the whole issue because yk, teammates aren't efficient in soloq, which is what it is.
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The entire dbd perk logic basis on counter specific playstile. Ds and Off the record for hard tunneling, Buckle up and etc for slugging, blood warden against end game altruism, forced penance for bodyblocking and etc.
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Yes but this is a specific situation we're talking about, and specifically the problem with the perk, not so much the playstyle, if you read what I added in the last post, maybe you'll understand.
Plus killers really don't bring those perks often (as they don't have to really), just gen regression/slow down for fast gen speeds.
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Probably because it has a low pick rate. The perk needs to be changed but I assume the devs are focusing on balancing more popular problem perks first before they tackle a low pick rate problem perk.
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Maybe because it's a weak perk with a low pick rate and 99999 ways to counter it?
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Give me the 99999 ways to counter not being able to see slugged solo q teammates auras.
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It's probably not used enough for it to be a priority.
That said it absolutely needs to be reworked, it is the most unhealthy perk in the game right now.
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It’s not a strong perk. That’s why. There’s better stuff to use than knockout
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Slugging is a valid playstyle
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be careful if you see that a killer is walking away from you and after a couple of seconds the survivor falls, add 2+2 to understand that the survivor is on the side where the killer went, if you read the TR and see that the survivor has fallen, it means he fell next to you
if you often on ground just bring 1 of a bunch of perks that completely counter knockoutif you are looking for a survivor, look near the loops, because most likely the survivor was running there, if you were dropped, try to crawl to the nearest generators/main/loops where other survivors will most likely be running
16 meters is quite a long distance and if the survivor does not specifically hide from other survivors, then you will quickly find him, at the same time, the killer spent a perk slot and will not progress in hooks, so this is a huge victory for you as survivors