We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Which killer is the worst to vs

Alastortheradiodemon Member Posts: 22

Tell the truth and leave a comment please

Which killer is the worst to vs 23 votes

The Hag
OctoCatsolarjin1justadreampalletdshp44 4 votes
The Skull Merchant
Linkdoukendark_hunter92BasementDwellerAGlassOfOJXernotonSpirit_IsTheBest09SHARKBOSSBoons123EEPcaiptcclainA_T_EDarkTheKittyF1Billy 14 votes
The Doctor
RainvaxTitsSleepyHMusxussu575TieBreaker 5 votes


  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 634

    I actually have a really fun time vs Doctor. But my least favorite is Dracula and Myers. Dracula is very boring in my opinion his wolf form should only have 1 pounce. His bats shouldn’t move that quick. His fire is just off brand nemesis tentacle. Myers it’s same rinse and repeat stalk get to 99 pop it slash me in the back.

  • Alastortheradiodemon
    Alastortheradiodemon Member Posts: 22
    edited October 6

    I personally think Myers is a fun killer but I'm sure you've faced the infinite regression Myers and you know how boring it is. My problem with doctor isn't a big one it's just mortifying to heat a million screams while trying to vault 1 pallet🤣🤣🤣

  • Gardhome
    Gardhome Member Posts: 61

    Why there is no Oni/Huntress/Wraith options? Literally the worst killer to face

  • Alastortheradiodemon
    Alastortheradiodemon Member Posts: 22
    edited October 7

    So sorry I was trying to keep it short and simple but unfortunately I can't add them but I'd love it if you commented your most hated killer

  • Alastortheradiodemon
    Alastortheradiodemon Member Posts: 22

    I actually hate wraith too but I've never come across a oni that I'd hate most are just sweaty AF and I just laugh when I window tech them

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,323
    The Skull Merchant

    out of these options for me its skull merchant because of those annoying drones that never go away

    but if its any killer then its that little bug chucky

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 627
    The Skull Merchant

    one pounce wolf form would be useless and leave dracula helpless a certain tiles.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 627
    The Skull Merchant

    My personal pick would be plague. Fun in swf but since I have no friends I'm left injured all match or cooked by corrupt purge :(

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 1,668


    “Oh look at me I’m Wesker I’m so cool! I do whatever I want, I wear sunglasses inside because no one will stop me. I run like I’m falling forward because that’s just how far ahead I am.” And then he hits you that itty bitty knife knowing full well he can Uroboros you whenever he wants. The hubris smh. Ugh!


    In all honesty it’s Wesker because he gives me the most trouble haha (and maybe a little bit because of how he runs). But I still do like Wesker as a character, just less than the other Dbd Killers.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,061
    The Hag

    The hag only tolerable because nobody play her.

  • Tits
    Tits Member Posts: 254
    The Doctor

    With the doctor ive had them camp people like crazy with no way to get to them without getting zappedsince the buff. Skull merchant wont be as bad tommarow but ive never felt she was terrible just has evil players. Hag always camps hooks with traps and sure u can wipe them but she can come back pretty fast in other ways. And myers is only annoying if he brings scratched mirror + map and makes the round take 45 minutes. Or instakills everyone at 2 gens done cuz someone let him stare lol. My most hated was wesker for always flying back and tunneling

  • AGlassOfOJ
    AGlassOfOJ Member Posts: 36
    The Skull Merchant

    where's nurse

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,715
    The Skull Merchant

    I used to love playing as and against Doctor but after his latest buffs he just feels a little cheap to me.

    But overall my disdain for Skull Merchant is greater. It's the most boring power design and the counterplay, which is quite limited, isn't fun either.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,225

    I don't mind any of the listed Killers (yes, even the OLD-Skull Merchant didn't bother me). The only Killer I will ever DC against (which admittedly requires going against them 3 times in one session, which has yet to happen), is the Accessibility Issue. Though I think most people call them Dredge. I'd rather not have to deal with a headache for the next three matches because Nightfall strained my eyes.

  • Musxussu575
    Musxussu575 Member Posts: 52
    The Doctor

    Doctor has the most devastating add-ons in my opinion. If you're facing a dual-iridescent Doctor, it's pretty much GG from the start.

    He may be the most oppressive killer because of this. Running Static Blast add-ons that increase range and reduce cooldown? Throw on Distressing and obliterate the whole map. And if you're using Distressing - which is an auto-include for any Doctor build in my humble opinion, as if it was made specifically for him - why not also use Infectious Fright? You'll literally be pin-balling from one survivor to another due to screaming, missed skill checks, and/or illusionary doctors.

    10/10 killer, bros.