Favorite Event?

With another Haunted by Daylight returning I would like to ask all of you: What is your favorite event? What is it about your event that you love so much?
I love the Anniversary events as well as Halloween. In fact the Halloween event is probably my second most favorite.
However… the #1 spot on my list goes to the Blood Moon event. It was so hauntingly beautiful. Lacrimosa playing in the trailer background… A Blood Moon hanging menacingly in the sky… The blood! Just so much blood. So much blood… 🩸🧛🏻♀️
Not to mention the Blood Moon collection is probably my favorite cosmetic collection. The idea is just so gruesome.
What is your favorite event? Why? 😊
wow 🤩😍 That’s so wholesome! Lol
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either this years chaos shuffle or the 7 year anniversary event.
This year because me and a buddy played as survivor and and have a combined escape rate of 75% (he was slugged by a huntress one game) and it’s the most fun I’ve had in pretty much my entire game time.
And the snowmen where funny2 -
Wow great choices!
So you must be really enjoying the event right now. Are you and your friend still tearing it up in the fog this event?
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it’s Awsome, we don’t have to worry about meta builds or even builds in general, the best perks got was buckle up so we where cursing on skill and luck and we plan to continue to be dumb till the cows come home.
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That’s awesome 😄
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Ah, there is only one answer I can possibly give ya, my friend, and it is the 2018 Winter Solstice event.
Moonrise is a close second, of course, and I agree with you regarding Blood Moon. After they fixed the issue with the offerings it was pretty good, I even managed to get my Freddy to P100 during that event.
However, nothing beats the Winter Solstice of 2018, because that is when I first started playing DBD! I remember the moment I first heard that amazing Winter theme:
I actually thought it was the game's main theme, so imagine my surprise when it changed when the event ended.
It wasn't an elaborate event like many of the others we've had. It featured a Blood Hunt, Winter Party starters in the Bloodweb, hooks with Christmas lights and a few new cosmetics were available (Ugly Sweaters and Frosty Eyes for Clown, Spirit and Legion).
Not much when compared to others, but to me it is very special.
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Winter Solstice is my favorite mode ever. It was when I first started getting serious with dbd, I don’t even remember what year it was probably 2017-2019
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I remember the event! And wow what an introduction to the game. I can see how it left a lasting impression. 😊
Frosty eyes for Clown that’s right!!! 😂😂😂
Thanks for the trip down memory lane 💐
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The theme alone already sent shivers down your spine. Then I played my first DBD match as survivor, against a Huntress in Azarov's Resting Place. Huntress is very scary when you are a new player, especially back then with the Fog and the horror atmosphere still intact.
I loved it <3
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ngl mine is the halloween event because of the holiday itself making people wanna act spookier so we get really fun builds popping up and crazy cool skins💀👽️👻
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Good question. I think it was the Haunted By Daylight event for me. I loved the visuals and the entire gimmick.
I would still love it if they added an entire realm in that style. It has such a great atmosphere.
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I liked the ⛄️ event from two years ago (not the last one with the scary snowmen that jump scared you).
I accomplished one of the hardest Tome Challenges that event, to escape through the hatch using a Key.
I found a Key early in the match and once I found the hatch, I hid right next to it in a ⛄️, waited for the Killer to find and close it and made my escape as he went to patrol the gates 🤭
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Dang that’s so cool, you’ve been around a while haha
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Haha! What are your plans? What kinds of scary things will you be doing in Dbd? It’s starting to feel spooky around here 👻💀
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The last anniversary beat the previous holders. We loved the semi random effects that happened as the game progressed.
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yes! It was the first event I’ve experienced in dbd and it had its own music that I haven’t heard since.
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I would still love it if they added an entire realm in that style. It has such a great atmosphere.
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DbD is (at least for me) the only game where all of the annual events have been enjoyable. Especially I love Halloween and Christmas events.
But then again, I have been playing since 2020 so I don't have experience from the events before that.
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Oh wow hahaha what a great memory 😄
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Any favorite memories? 😊
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Yeah I have to agree with you. I look forward to all of them too.
And the events before were pretty good but they have been kicked up a notch.
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Had a match where we got down on death hook then a gen popped with the heal/exposed card. Juuuust so happened to be under a god pallet. Still died but bought a glorious minute outta it.
On the flip side had a match as Wesker (who's build runs lightborn) where grabbed a survivor off the ground only to have three beams pointed at us. We calmly stood there looking at them, shook our head and proceeded to use the remote hook. One of them was shocked enough at our audacity to let us get a grab (bound, infection grab, toss a survivor, whatever you want to call it).
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but bought a glorious minute outta it.
And wow, that moment of magic when the Survivors don’t realize that Light born is being ran 😂
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Does 2v8 count?
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Sure absolutely! 😊
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Also had a nice moment like this. He was sable. (There's a video too)
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I think we all need to see the video please.
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Anniversary 7 was my favorite event but most dbd events are pretty good in my opinion. 2v8 would win by a landslide if i counting different modes.
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I really miss lunar new year event
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Sure we can count different modes 😊
It’s the party pallets isn’t it? 😂
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What did you like about it? And yeah it was a good one.
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As a bonus, apparently it's a lot of work to turn a small video into a gif file small enough to post here
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What’s your favorite thing about the Halloween and Christmas events?
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My favorite has to be Chaos Shuffle.
The 2vs8 was fun until players began to try-hard it.
Other events are generally fun for a few matches, and are a welcome change from the usual mode, but nowhere as chaotic and anti-meta than Chaos Shuffle.
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Any memorable builds from Chaos Shuffle?
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Most perks and builds I got are either useless, either counter-productive. As far as I'm concerned, I'm essentially playing perk-less.
However, in a match in the school, I got a Blood Warden that has surprised the heck out of the survivors 😂
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Lmao gross. Very gross.
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Them party pallets was so satisfying to have. You can never was really be in a deadzone with them and they hard to get vaule from. No pre dropping...u actually got to be skillful with it.
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I really liked its simplicity and different concepts each year with different associated animal
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I enjoyed the winter event because I loved being a snowman and throwing snowballs. I'm referring to the earlier ones where the snowmen actually had smiley faces because it was cute. I also enjoyed the lights out events, specifically because of the candelabra and all the fun people had using them. Additionally, 2v8 was just different and fun with how many people could be in the match. I also liked the anniversary and Halloween events, as well as the My Little Oni event.
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Favorite year/animal? 😊
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Wow a little bit of everything! An event connoisseur 😊 Très bien!
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2023 /rabbit one was my fav
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Great choice 🐇🧧😊
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im gonna be doing stealth builds and bring us to indoor maps as i bring everyone to death hook but disappear before anyone dies
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ju parles français?
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chaos shuffle :)
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as i bring everyone to death hook but disappear before anyone dies
So evil haha. I love it.
ju parles français?
No… I just like the expression 😅😂
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Any fun memories or builds? 😊