2vs8 : having to pick-up survivors and fear flash-light? The killer queue size is solved.

I've just watched the "live". There are many new things I don't like but that one will keep me out.
One of the best things of 2vs8 was to NOT have to pick-up survivors : just press a button and go on with the frenzy.
Now a good team will just serial-blind the killer.
Killers may have to stick together during pickups. One to pick up and the other to watch for flashlights.
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Or maybe if it's too much a problem, that other mysterious being you're queued up with could try to intercept/harass the flashlighters. In an almost… co-operative fashion?
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I had fun as both survivor and killer in the last 2 v 8... I will give it a go but if flashlights becomes an issue I just wont bother playing it. Better off spending my time in a 30min q in regular mode than spend my time being blinded. And I thought the point of no hooks was to prevent survivors body blocking in mass. It's annoying when 2/3 survivors body block in regular mode I can't imagine what it would be like to be in that situation with 6 or 7 survivors body blocking unless all survivors start off injured or something...again I will try it but the second it becomes an issue I just won't play it as survivor or killer
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So now you're forcing the killers to go around together the whole match and double-team every survivor, or else be descended upon by a flock of flashlights.
I thought getting double-teamed was unfair and boring?
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I might skip this 2v8 if the flashlighting becomes an issue. I feel like im already in normal and chaos mode getting flashlight beams in almost every match so i can't even think of having 4 of them in my face. I think this was a stupid idea. The cage system was the best thing in 2v8
I get headaches from the flashes so this 2v8 might not be for me.
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I’m sure that if flashlights and pallet saves are proved to be too powerful they will make changes. Someone suggested survivors instantly getting hooked once downed which could bypass both slugging and flashlights/pallets, so maybe that will happen. Giving survivors these tools to help combat slugging feels like the natural path but time will tell if it’s over-tuned. Luckily no changes or current states in 2v8 are final. Just testing out different solutions.
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Why do I get the feeling that all of you doomsayers are forgetting that the only way survivors ever have a flashlight in 2v8 is by looting one…
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This didn't stop my 2v8 games devolving into chain pallet blinds all the time. With so many survivors and so many chests, it's a numbers game and the flashlights have it.
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There's plenty of chests on the map. Also i'm just saying IF the flashlighting is too much i will skip the mode. I'll try it but for my own well being i will skip the mode if i will get constant flashes on my screen. I don't really enjoy headaches.
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I have a better idea. How about killers just don't hook you? That's a safe way to stop flashlight saves, it doesn't trigger the anti snowball mechanic and it also doesn't force both killers to stay together the entire time.
No matter how you look at it, this was not a good move. The less convenient and more risky picking up becomes, the more you incentivise slugging.
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You know, what would solve the problem immediately?
Adding Pig to 2v8! 🐽
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… Isn’t the point of 2v8 to play with another killer present? Not just separated into two 1v4 pens?
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Abundance could be a concern. We’ll have to see
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As long as they add a gen or two or just decrease the gen speed to compensate for the pickup time I’m happy with this change, survivors need more to do in 2v8 anyways. 7 flashlights (with chest luck) and double chases seems like even compensation to me.
My only problem with this is that this now leaves out base-kit Unbreakable as an option because it would leave the killers in lose-lose scenarios if they’re unable to slug the survivor and 4 survivors with flashlights around them.6 -
good thing they introduced a self-pickup method. Balanced around the survivors ability cooldown. Though we don’t quite know what that duration is yet, or when exactly survivors could trigger it. So now you have a choice to leave them to eventually get picked up (but they’re currently unable to perform other actions), based on your observation on if they’ve used their ability recently or not.
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That doesn't matter. If I can slug through 4 Unbreakables, then I can slug through this as well.
One thing I can say for sure though. Demanding that killers will stick together the entire match is not going to work. People will stop playing before they let anyone dictate their play style. We'll see how bad it gets but this is definitely a step in the wrong direction.
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The point isn't to stick together like glue, and it certainly isn't intended that you should be unable to hook survivors without the other killer present. That's like making it impossible to repair a gen except when with other survivors.
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It’s also not efficient for the killers. Every 2v8 match I was in where the killers constantly teamed up on survivors, a lot of us would escape. A decent amount would be on death hook, but they escaped nonetheless.
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Please don't forget that survivors will only be able to use items that they find in chests on the map, flashlights are not guaranteed at all.
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The flashlight loot rate should be about 16%. As a survivor, I maybe opened one or two chests in a 2v8 game unless I was desperate for a medikit, but even if you were to open three the odds of getting a flashlight are still only about 36%. That is simply far too low to consider them a consistent threat. With 8 people, one or maybe two survivors are likely to have a flashlight if everyone was sub-optimally spending time on chests, and that's not even more than you have to deal with in 1v4.
In light of the above, I really doubt it will be. Especially compared to a regular game, where of course survivors can guarantee they have stacked flashlights if they choose.
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Then simply use the strategies you use in the standard 1v4 for flashlights:
bat at swarming survivors, get some injuries, maybe even switch focus to another survivor, leaving the dying survivor slugged for a short while. (we still don't know the availability of the self-pickup yet)
face a wall.
pickup the survivor as quickly as possible to reduce the window a survivor has to position themselves for a blind.
Hell I think flashlights should be redesigned (the white screen is annoying), but there are methods to work around them, and they're a finite resource.
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Probably because you are right. That detail has escaped me.
We'll see.
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Or Freddy :)
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We need him ASAP for the Freddy+Not Jason combo!
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Wait, you can pick up survivors and carry them to the hook in 2v8 now?!
Khm… I'm really happy about that change.
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you misunderstood its masquerade event hooking you pick them up then it tp cages them now
Survs can flashlight save now but killers dont have to carry to hooks still
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With 8 survivors, it is almost impossible to keep track of everyone's items, so even if the actual amount of flashlights is very limited the threat is still there and has to be played around. Not to mention that pallet saves are also possible and with the amount of survivors and pallets it's more likely than normal that someone will be there to do it.
If the intention was to minimise slugging, then you (not you in specific but the people that decided on these changes) sadly dropped the ball here and I reckon that will be very noticeable both in feedback and also stats.
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surprised there aint a class on this starts with FL gets champion of light and built to last
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- this post makes me understand that the Killers don't want a challenge at all, but an easy game. What is the chance of finding a flashlight in a chest? maximum 1 or 2 in a game. Considering that there are 2 killers.... perhaps it is time to think about working in pairs and try to avoid these situations.
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How it's a killers not wanting a challenge when they are the ones who's gameplay gets less fun and much harder?
As for the announced 2v8 changes - it's a wheel been invented backwards ( if you understand how this can happen to things then it's good news for you ) because now killers have to spend even more time dealing with survivors by picking them up and survivors are literally rewarded for bad play by having the repair speed increased for the remaining ones. There are bunch of other changes that solely exist to discourage people from playing as a Killer 2v8 but in reality all they will do is force killers go as dirty as possible.
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I'm not all that concerned about flashlight saves, but as people have pointed out, the increased amount of pallets + Survivors on the map makes pallet rescues so much easier, and with the breakneck speed of 2v8 there's not really time to check around you before pick-up.
I really loved the stomp-hooking of old 2v8, it was one of the most fun changes for me. Also the amount of time it saved for not having to pick up.
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You wont get through the players with messages like this. Their mind is made up. If you want this mode to be a success, you will revert this change, that is the reality. I only play survivor in that mode and even I think its a wrong change. Good luck, BHVR.
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Hmmm i don't care about flashlights as killer. Palletsafes on the other hand could be problematic in this mode since there are so many but we'll see
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This was what immediately jumped out to me... there are no pre-game items, so the flashlight paranoia is over the top...
The going down under pallets problem though... that is a little concerning... not really sure what a killer is meant to do vs. that.
Like even if your teammate defends, you still can't really prevent the save... especially as Hillbilly can't instant down...
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I'm gonna miss squishing Survivors like bugs. Oh well. I guess it's fine if they want to bring flashy saves back into the mode but I personally didn't miss them.
If I'm having to queue up for 15 minutes just to play a Killer game where I'm not getting hooks unless the Survivors go down next to a wall, then I'm out.
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i dont think its fair we made it harder for killers to pick up just let them not have to. we dont need this mandy. :( there was nothin wrong with it the first time.
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that is rly toan deaf and unfair of u to say, i think killers just want to have a game that doesnt feel like they cant do much, cant hook, cant pick up. is that rely such an unfair ask?
i dont even play killer and i can see how dumb it is to say "killrs dont want challenge" when this mode gave srvivors so much help. i got out tons more easily in this mode last time and im not even that good. why dont survs ike us seem to want challenge in this mode? we got so many pallets and cool powers too but ppl want even more? what about the other half? :(