We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

DC time-outs

Idles Member Posts: 1
edited October 7 in General Discussions

I can understand it in theory, but it's implementation is horrible. Sure, it's to stop the rage-quitters, or punish them, which I agree with, but it also punishes people who don't want to deal with obvious hackers, the very toxic side of the community that lives to ruin other people's experiences, or natural issues like having your internet cut out for whatever reason.

My first game of the night ended because my internet turned itself off and I had to unplug the adapter thing and plug it back in for it to reconnect. Now I have to wait 6 hours to play again, because apparently BHVR didn't design it to recognize a natural issue like internet problems is not the same as someone clicking on 'leave game'. On top of that, the timer never resets properly. Because it's been about a week, and three times I've had it instantly put me at 6 hours for DCing. One time was from dealing with a toxic team and I just wanted to stop playing the game. One time was to test it if it even reset. And then tonight- each of which was more than 24 hours in between each other.

i genuinely think the whole time-out is such a bad design/decision, and should either be removed, re-implemented better with actual A.I., or have the time-out be ten minutes at most. Because let's face it, the genuine rage-quitters oftentimes don't want to play anyways if they get to that point, so doing this to everyone else who may not be quitting for that reason is not exactly a good thing.

Soorey for this being more or less just a rant, but it feels like a kick to the dick for someone who's spent money on cells, killers, and who bought the game.


  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,534
    edited October 7

    The only issue I have with the DC penalty would be hackers holding the game hostage and internet outages. But the truth is, the overwhelming majority of players don't get held hostage by hackers, they mostly target streamers. For them it's a serious issue though.

    And if you DC because you're not having a good time in game or people are playing toxic, that's on you. If you don't want a 6 hour penalty, go AFK and accept the 10 minutes to 1 hour it'll take before the survivors leave and let them waste their own time trying to get your attention. Better than getting a 6 hour penalty. I don't like toxicity in this game either, but there aren't many countermeasures to slugging for 4 minutes, people hiding for 30 minutes, so you just have to make a choice when people do these things.

    The DC penalty needs to be here. Sure getting a DC penalty for crashing or losing internet a lot sucks, but at the same time, so does the match for the remaining players after you escape. No exception for killer either, it's not fun that a decent match just gets cut short when the killer DCs.

    I say we keep them, but take a serious look at hackers, holding the game hostage, and DDOSing.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,159

    I haven't played in years now but haven't they implemented some kind of afk detection that kicks you from the game and give you a leaver penalty?

    Iirc I read something about that for killers here, so dunno if it also detects survivor or leaves them to the crows.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,534

    I think so, but fairly sure that's only if you do it from the start of match. If you start AFKing after a few hooks, you seemingly don't get kicked. I don't AFK much at all though, but the few times I've had to do it mid match I haven't gotten kicked or any penalty.

  • Senaxu
    Senaxu Member Posts: 211

    These are two different problems.

    BHVR has done a good job of punishing you for regularly and frequently leaving a game.

    What leaves a lot to be desired, however, is the cheat protection, which is virtually non-existent.

    Fixing that by removing the DC penalty is the wrong approach and creates other problems that are bigger than the actual problem.

    People who say that they have been playing for years and claim that they have never had an obvious cheater are either unrealistic lucky people or simply don't play enough and have a lack of knowledge of the game, period.

    DBD has a cheater problem, it's been like this for years and nothing has changed significantly.

    Once this is fixed at some point you can address the problem with the DC penalty. Most people disconnect not because of internet problems but because of anger.

    It would be easy to fix that, like other games (f.e. League of legends), you can no longer enter the queue until the bot that replaced you in the game dies / the match is completed.
    So people who actually had a DC based on connection issues, which is the absolute minority of all DC's, have the chance to rejoin the game. All those who left the game because of a rage quit have time to clear their heads, calm down and then get back in line.

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,149

    I mean your first like 3 dcs are super short, you gotta be rage quitting or something to rack up a 6 hour penalty. I don't think i've ever had longer than a 5 minute dc penalty ever.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,253

    Thats the thing I always wonder with this kinds of vindicative posts.

    I once had a phase were I was always super angry at the survivors and how they could apparently effortlessly dance around me and at one point I ragequitted so much that I racked up a 1h timeout, which helped to clear out my head. Then, during my next match, I had a legitimate DC and when I reconnected I had a 6h timeout. Of course I was frustrated at that point … but it was also 100% clear that this was my own failing. If I had never rage quitted, I would have had just a 1min timeout, it only got to 6h, because I had an anger problem.

    But this was very effective, since then I have never seen anything higher then a 5min timeout. Being punished for a legitimate connection spike feels bad .. but if you DCed a veritable amount beforehand, well, then you got no one to blame but yourself.

  • Shinkiro
    Shinkiro Member Posts: 72
    edited October 8

    You summed it up really well tbh, its essentially a mentality problem for players and their own faults. But instead of reflecting on themselves like you did they continue to throw out vindictive posts and arguments over whatever the topic is and blame others. FAR too many people have an unhealthy relationship with this game, and unfortunately they seem to be the most vocal.