Least favorite (not strongest) killer(s) to face?

Excluding SM, of course. That's a given, and that they are reverting the most need changes ensure that hatred of her will continue (as will people leaving her matches). But I digress.
I'm talking about killers you just don't like for one reason or another (or for reasons you can't define). You just hate them, and hate facing them, even if you win.
For me, it's the Wraith. I despise the Wraith, even though he's a mid-tier killer. Have since i started playing years ago. Not much makes me want to go next immediately (to be clear I don't, but I really want to) more than hearing the Wraith's cloaking sound.
I don't even like playing as Wraith. Such a boring, predictable, training wheels killer.
I tolerated Wraith until they removed his lightburn mechanic. Both him and Nurse made them more bearable to face, plus Nurses double stun on pallets.
Besides that though I don't like looking at the ground so I honestly do not like Trapper or Hag.
Oh, and depending on my mood and how the killer plays, Trickster is up there but not for the common reasons people dislike Trickster; I have something called misophonia and Trickster seriously triggers that when they just fo nothing but spam knives on you while you are hooked. That sound of smashing bottles makes it impossible for me to think, and thr noises make me irrationally angry. I'm like a dog reacting to a vacuum cleaner
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Twins, Knight, Xeno, Chuckie, Nemesis.
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I genuinely DESPISE this character. It doesn't matter if I die or escape, the moment I see the killer is Wesker I just want to leave the game as soon as possible.
Terribly designed killer that should have never been added to the game.
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Huntress by far. Getting hit around corners with a hatchet that flew past you is probably the most frustrating and unfun experience in the game for me.
Plague is also up there, not because I don't like facing her though or think she's too powerful, just because too many people are afraid to play injured and cleanse the moment they get puked on.6 -
I don't hate Huntress, but her dump trucked sized, latency-aided hit boxes are exasperating for sure.
Plague is one of my mains, but I get it. Though few of the survs I face cleanse much, I do see a lot of it as a solo surv.
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We hate the saw bros. Billy we got a laundry list of reasons while bubba is more from past hate still being paid off.
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I main Trapper but he is my least favorite to go against. Sometimes I would say to myself “I’d rather face a Nurse right now.”
Even though I rarely get caught in traps, it’s the inconvenience of seen traps shutting down loops and the paronia of wondering if a trap is in this tall grass or on the other side of that window you want to hop while being chased. That paronia is so mental, I take it with me into my next match and immediately start watching the floor when the game starts. Now that’s nuts.
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I really dislike facing Trickster and Spirit. Trickster because his theme song weirdly gives me intense anxiety lol and his ability to tunnel through endurance and proxy is really frustrating to face. And Spirit just because the counter play seems very dependent on bringing a very specific perk or having expensive headphones and no hearing problems. Being a drummer for like 5 years makes it hard to hear her whispers. But I LOVE both of their designs, and their cosmetics are just stunning. Plus some Spirit players are really funny.
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I don't really like playing against low-tier killers. I don't know… No satisfaction…
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Hag and Spirit.
Hag because she so, so often tunnels in my experience, even outdoing Nemesis percentage-wise. And Spirit because I somehow really struggle with telling where she is.
Blight, Nurse and SM are runner-ups for how they get kinda overwhelming for me. SM in particular has a lot going on, and I'm very prone to get information overload against her.
Also Trickster, but that's mostly just because I find him kinda dull to face.
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Trapper makes me paranoic every time I play vers against him
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I certainly love boring Survivor gameplay getting more boring by deleting 25% of the mechanics (Altruism deleted). I certainly love teammates sitting AFK for 20-60s next to a puked on gen, with no mechanic to clean, even if it reveals what was cleaned. I certainly love when Plague starts openly proxycamping a hook, forcing 1 person to cleanse (while revealing the approach direction) just to be re-infected again, then everyone in endchat yells at the person who cleansed into the rescue, when the only alternative was let the Survivor die on hook. I certainly love the dynamic when either everyone or no one has to cleanse, and if a single person isn't of the same mindset, you lose. /s
Plague is the perfect example of how NOT to design a Killer.
- She makes soloq far, far, farrrrrrr worse
- Remove basegame mechanics, instead of adding to them (Oni and Dredge are good examples of getting a healing alteration/pressure mechanic right. Heck, even stealth Killers do this better with the threat of free 1st hits.)
- Encourage 3-gen styled defensive play with infection mechanics without an object cleaning interaction (I'd even be fine if they removed the clean button for the brown meme add-on, just so long as a mechanic exists.)
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I cannot stand Pig. Big slowdown at best, tunnelling/instakill cheese at worst. The only reason she gets away with it is because she doesn't have good chase potential.
You bet my ass I'll be playing as safe and as boring as humanly possible if I see a Pig.
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Hot take but he should be the second most hated Killer his over saturation of players for months made me despise him his bugginess like hit boxes and Urobending hug techs is extremely frustrating he also needs to be punished for missing harder just an annoying spam character
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Legion, and suprisingly not because of mending, legion breathes heavily in chase which stresses the ######### out of me
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Same. Wesker and Ghostface for me.
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The one thing that saves Wesker for me is looping him on fire barrels; his ability to smoothly glide around God loops but inability to handle one lil barrel is comical...then he overshoots and he zooms past you and vaults a random pallet.
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Knight. I never liked playing against him and I hate playing as him, so that makes it even harder for me to understand how to counter this killer, which increases my annoyance towards him.
As a Billy main my disappointment is immeasurable and my day has been ruined.
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Even with her on the list I would go with plague, i don't know how can anyone have any fun against her
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why do you hate ghostface? i dislike nurse only. the other two killer that are sort of boring to play against but not on the level of unfun is Pig and Myer's. i don't find the mori aspect of those 2 killers interactive as survivor. Kinda feels out of your control and rely on a combination of luck and team competency to survive + a bit of killer misplay.
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Recently Knight has been bumped back up to top spot. After his last update its just guard after guard after guard all game.
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Wesker, Billy, Blight
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My least favourite is the Twins, mostly because the few Twins players I've come across have mostly decided hump-di-hump and hitting on the hook are their favourite past times. Gives a bad name for any Twins player who doesn't do this.
Runner up is Legion, because they're very predictable, and a trial with them is practically scripted. You can escape the trial from them well enough, but the trial often feels like a mundane slog than anything exciting, which contrasts to the chase sound and fast action they promise.
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Chucky and Twins
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Twins is probably the worst for me. I rarely see them but when i do they all typically play the same, just slugging with victor. On top of that most people see them so rarely they don't know how to play against them. I could probably count on one hand how many times i've played against twins in the past year and all have been the same victor slugfests.
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Plague= this killer is disgusting and people like my friend who has eating disorders do not fancy puke sounds and she negates healing builds and emblem which is lame.
Wraith= Cause removing light burn was so stupid so he can get free hits and body blocks where you could have stop that by dropping a flashback on him.
Bubba= the most boring out of the instant down killers takes 0 skill to use his power and camper king and all other instant down killers power is limited minus perm tier 3 myers but I love bullying him in his own tcm game where he actually is fun there.
Pig= power is so annoying to deal with and all they do is tunnel people with active traps on and if you get caught with one trap just as the last gen pop, you only can escape via hatch and that's stupid and even if am not the one then am still risking the life of my other teammates who has traps. She literally is a walking gen slow down killer. I Much rather deal with pinhead box
Spirit= No counter play even with iron will and I hate how she looks and sounds like some crazy cat. I Can most likely kite even a good nurse better than an average spirit
Skull merchant= No explaining needed
Clown = force pre drop
Myers = All versions of him is boring and 95% play tombstone so I always auto into lockers more.
Legion= 24 hour mend.
Chucky= Boring and more cocky with shet talk than wes makes me wanna just grab him through my TV monitor and all of them are toxic, campy tunnel,humping,hit on hook wraith 3.0s though the tiffs don't seem to do so.
Unknown = Happy return to hook Andies and just lame easy teleport spam
Singularly =no matter how much distance you get they catch up easily with teleport to you spams and they have built in spirit fury making pallets a waste.
Everyone else is good with wesker,trickster and vecnas being my favorites and the rest in my good days.
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Chucky, Trapper, Freddy, Clown, Knight, Twins and Plague. I'm thankful that only one of these is common lol
Also if we got the REAL Freddy I wouldn't mind him nearly as much
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Knight and Ghostface
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deathbringer, everytime i manage to put some distance between him and me and he just hook me, eliminating the gap between us , that make me feal this killer isnt fair
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Sorry but the list don't lie😇
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I despise The Legion because each game against one is just a mending simulator. Plus they all use the same slowdown builds that makes getting anything meaningful done as a survivor impossible. It's usually not a problem on most maps but on smaller ones he's completely busted
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i dont like playing with deathslinr or plage. their playrs are always really mean :(
wesker is also rly annoying he shodnt be able to get half those hits. hes just one big glitch and thats what makes him good and thats it, its rly unfair.4 -
y ghostface? knigth i get hes unfun i dont like being teamed up on, but ghostfaec seems fine… hes just rly hard to see. is it cause he can tbag????
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Deathslinger for one reason only. He makes no sound when he's about to shoot you in the butt. I hate it.
Knight. With the new buffs he got he's become quite annoying and they like to 3 gen alot.
Single Larry aka Singularity.. i don't like how he can camp and tunnel with his power and you can't get rid of his blobs..only disarm them for a short while. Also like to 3 gen with their blobs.
Fan favorite Skull merchant. Do i need to say why? We've been through this dance and she has no good qualities.
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I agree with this list, I used to not mind Nemi but after his buff I feel like he borders on broken at tier 3 now. Xeno would not be so bad but some of his tail hits are just so BS it makes me enjoy him (it?) less
I would add Trickster to this list too…
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Chucky, Pinhead, and Blight.
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I ######### despise Skull Merchant
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thats funny because i feel like hes ez to handle bc i am always revealing him when he clearly doesnt want to be or shouldnt be. i think the reveal is just buggy and needs fixing, not the killers fault. :/
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I absolutely hate Myers because of the insta mori addons. If I see a myers I just jump into a locker and wait until i either get picked up and die, or somehow the doors open...
Also bubba is pretty boring to play against
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acty i thik maybe that is the intent of the power???? y else would he be able to do that?
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i'd say his reveal is suppose at best prevent the initial hit from exposed before you get to a loop. a ghostface that doesn't mark and down in first ability is already failed ability. time-wise. it is 20 second minimum chase time extension. Previously, it was 30 seconds.
the most successful usage of ghostface's power is being mark someone and immediately down in a single usage of gf power. this is because you spend least amount of time. for example, you hook someone, you know a survivor is on gen, you exposed them, down. if we account for walking time because ghostface is immobile killer, that is 20 second time investment for a down. that is on either on par or greater time efficiency than top-tier killer chase killers in the game.
as soon as you fail power, the 20 second for a down is now 40 second for a down and often more because lots of loops for ghostface are not particular favourable for an experienced looper. so while his high is 20 second chase, his low is like 60 second or even game-losing chase. so even when he is successful at exposing you, the reward isn't great because his base-kit anti-loop is non-existent.
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hes punished plenty for missing because when he misses his double dash hes way way WAY out of position. Urobending is fair because if he hit you with power you should get hit. The hug tech hate is understandable but their frame perfect timings so i think we should let them slide.
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deathslinger, trapper (yes), spirit.
they are still far from my least fav killers but i hate nemesis zombies and how bad gf's reveal mechanic is.
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Artist, for some reason.
Skull Merchant (although that one I see once in a blue moon)
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Design wise, probably Pinhead. Whoever designed this Killer really leaned into the suffering aspect of the character. They must really hate fun.
In terms of never wanting to see them again because you've played 800 trials against them already, that would easily be Ghost Face. Although having faced endless Huntresses in 2 Vs 8, she's getting up there these days too (but I enjoy playing the odd Huntress Killer game myself, so she at least has that going for her).
I'd also add reworked Trickster to the list of Killers I can't stand these days. He was never ever fun, but now he utterly disgusts me. His power felt somewhat manageable before, now I feel like I can't do anything at all against him (yeah, yeah, Skill issue etc. I freely admit I'm not very good at the game and the only way I'm surviving most trials is if the Killer leaves me alone. Whatever. He can still get in the bin).
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it is hard to not talk about a character's balance when your listing part that you dislike about his ability. you list around 4 reasons to why you dislike him. Most of them being balance reasons. Let me create list for you.
1. Ghost Face is designed to be able to peek around corners, but survivors can't reveal him unless 30% of his body is visible.
2. He banks progress on his stalk even after being broken out of his power, while survivor reveal progress can easily be interrupted and reset, especially since the reveal mechanic itself is temperamental.
3. He can stalk you through objects you can't reveal him through and he can stalk you from a farther distance than you can reveal him from.
4. You can see him coming the whole way and in the time it took to reveal him you get halfway stalked.
In my post, i reply saying that ghostface reveal mechanic is at best delay to marking and not an ultimate counter. if we go individual on these points, i can easily answer why these balance mechanics are there in his ability. starting with first one. ghostface can stalk around corners while you can't reveal him because there has to leeway between stealth and you physically seeing him. revealing ghostface is all about positioning. the fact that you need exposed yourself and move outwards is part of the balance of him being successful at stealth in which in your post, you say he is not stealth.
Second point talks about storing stalk progression. as i stated in my first comment, the reveal mechanic is not hard counter to his stalk. it is delay to his stalk. Your asking for his balance to include a 100% free removal of all stalk just for revealing him. So in summary, if survivor is good, they never get fully stalked because 100% cleanse mark progression. wow. talk about worthless ability.
The 3rd point complains that stalk distance is greater then reveal distance. why is that? Well…. let's consider open maps. How do you expect ghostface to stealth if a map has almost no line of sight blockers? The only way for ghostface to stalk in that case is to out range his stalk with reveal distance. A lot of killer player have perception that ghostface is bad on outdoor maps with no line of sight blockers but that is in fact false. he has some advantage in those maps because no object block his stalk and he can simply out range the reveal. that is why mechanic is like that. your asking to change this balance such that reveal is shorter then stalk range. again, how would ghostface ever mark anyone in outdoor maps with no LOS blockers. you would brute force reveal through distance game.
the last point complains that his leaning stalk is faster then reveal. of course it is faster then reveal. if the stalking is slower then reveal then again, how do you mark anyone? you would brute force reveal every time.
If we changed balance of ghostface to make ghostface fun for you, there would be full proof way to never get marked vs GF. On top that, the mark is not that rewarding to begin with. it is just exposed at the end of the day. it is not that good.
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those several points in your post for why you find ghostface unfun. most of what you stated that you dislike about ghostface was balance oriented. balance and interaction are closely connected. there is no rework that could be achieved that would remotely make him an effective killer for the point that you dislike about him.
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The Trickster - he was miserable to go against before the buff and now he’s even worse. Thankfully you still don’t see him that much.
The plague - hate the vomiting and coughing noises. Makes me want to be sick in real life. Theres no genuine counter play to her. Cleanse and she gets the black vomit one hit down. Don’t cleanse and you become broken and she gets a one hit down . BS.
Billy - since his rework the majority of them just down everyone.