Least favorite (not strongest) killer(s) to face?



  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,853

    I'm not talking about balance; I agree the Ghost Face is going to perform terribly if he needs to wait for two power activations to get an exposed in every chase. I'm talking about how fun the power is to interact with, as per the thread.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    deathslinger, trapper (yes), spirit.

    they are still far from my least fav killers but i hate nemesis zombies and how bad gf's reveal mechanic is.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,672

    Artist, for some reason.


    Skull Merchant (although that one I see once in a blue moon)

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 861
    edited October 7

    Design wise, probably Pinhead. Whoever designed this Killer really leaned into the suffering aspect of the character. They must really hate fun.

    In terms of never wanting to see them again because you've played 800 trials against them already, that would easily be Ghost Face. Although having faced endless Huntresses in 2 Vs 8, she's getting up there these days too (but I enjoy playing the odd Huntress Killer game myself, so she at least has that going for her).

    I'd also add reworked Trickster to the list of Killers I can't stand these days. He was never ever fun, but now he utterly disgusts me. His power felt somewhat manageable before, now I feel like I can't do anything at all against him (yeah, yeah, Skill issue etc. I freely admit I'm not very good at the game and the only way I'm surviving most trials is if the Killer leaves me alone. Whatever. He can still get in the bin).

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,411
    edited October 7

    it is hard to not talk about a character's balance when your listing part that you dislike about his ability. you list around 4 reasons to why you dislike him. Most of them being balance reasons. Let me create list for you.

    1. Ghost Face is designed to be able to peek around corners, but survivors can't reveal him unless 30% of his body is visible.

    2. He banks progress on his stalk even after being broken out of his power, while survivor reveal progress can easily be interrupted and reset, especially since the reveal mechanic itself is temperamental.

    3. He can stalk you through objects you can't reveal him through and he can stalk you from a farther distance than you can reveal him from.

    4. You can see him coming the whole way and in the time it took to reveal him you get halfway stalked.

    In my post, i reply saying that ghostface reveal mechanic is at best delay to marking and not an ultimate counter. if we go individual on these points, i can easily answer why these balance mechanics are there in his ability. starting with first one. ghostface can stalk around corners while you can't reveal him because there has to leeway between stealth and you physically seeing him. revealing ghostface is all about positioning. the fact that you need exposed yourself and move outwards is part of the balance of him being successful at stealth in which in your post, you say he is not stealth.

    Second point talks about storing stalk progression. as i stated in my first comment, the reveal mechanic is not hard counter to his stalk. it is delay to his stalk. Your asking for his balance to include a 100% free removal of all stalk just for revealing him. So in summary, if survivor is good, they never get fully stalked because 100% cleanse mark progression. wow. talk about worthless ability.

    The 3rd point complains that stalk distance is greater then reveal distance. why is that? Well…. let's consider open maps. How do you expect ghostface to stealth if a map has almost no line of sight blockers? The only way for ghostface to stalk in that case is to out range his stalk with reveal distance. A lot of killer player have perception that ghostface is bad on outdoor maps with no line of sight blockers but that is in fact false. he has some advantage in those maps because no object block his stalk and he can simply out range the reveal. that is why mechanic is like that. your asking to change this balance such that reveal is shorter then stalk range. again, how would ghostface ever mark anyone in outdoor maps with no LOS blockers. you would brute force reveal through distance game.

    the last point complains that his leaning stalk is faster then reveal. of course it is faster then reveal. if the stalking is slower then reveal then again, how do you mark anyone? you would brute force reveal every time.

    If we changed balance of ghostface to make ghostface fun for you, there would be full proof way to never get marked vs GF. On top that, the mark is not that rewarding to begin with. it is just exposed at the end of the day. it is not that good.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,853
    edited October 8

    You make several different arguments about his power being the way it is for balance reasons. I am telling you his power is not fun to interact with in its current state, which is a different point entirely. I never suggest changes or fixes in my post.

    If you just removed all of the irritating garbage in his kit he would be the worst killer in the game, so that's not the solution I would want. He would need a rework to not have an irritating power while still remaining balanced.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,411

    those several points in your post for why you find ghostface unfun. most of what you stated that you dislike about ghostface was balance oriented. balance and interaction are closely connected. there is no rework that could be achieved that would remotely make him an effective killer for the point that you dislike about him.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,021
    edited October 8

    The Trickster - he was miserable to go against before the buff and now he’s even worse. Thankfully you still don’t see him that much.

    The plague - hate the vomiting and coughing noises. Makes me want to be sick in real life. Theres no genuine counter play to her. Cleanse and she gets the black vomit one hit down. Don’t cleanse and you become broken and she gets a one hit down . BS.

    Billy - since his rework the majority of them just down everyone.

  • WW1PilotAce
    WW1PilotAce Member Posts: 80

    skullmerchant obvious reasons, myers because i always eat the tier three that my teammates give him.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,853
    edited October 8

    Why are you bolding "you"? Obviously this is my opinion. These have been my comments.

    Balance and interaction are not closely connected. I am not a competitive person. Winning is not inherently fun for me. I want the gameplay itself to feel engaging. With Ghost Face it doesn't for the reasons I stated.

    I'm not talking about changing some sliders. I'm talking about fundamentally changing how his power works. That is what a rework is. If any killer in the game is balanced and fun to play against, and many are, then it is possible to rework any unfun killer in the game to be fun. If his identity has to change a bit to make that happen - and I'm not saying it does, but it could - so be it. I don't want to play a balanced game that isn't fun.

  • angel_pellegrino
    angel_pellegrino Member Posts: 23

    For me there are three main killers I hate going up against.

    1.) Chucky. I think all the humping stuff is immature and dumb. And I've just found there to be an extra kind of vindictiveness to the way some of them play. Like some of them don't just want to win, they want to stomp on you in a personal way. I'm not for it.

    2.) Trappers. Nothing against the players. I don't have any beef with them. I'm just the kind of fool who will go down on a trap right in front of the exit gates.

    3.) Weskers. Weskers are like big versions of Chucky. I know if I see a Wesker there's zero chance it's gonna be a chill game and a 💯 chance I'm going to have to sweat to stay alive.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 984
    edited October 8

    Looking at these comments, at least one killer from my main selection would 100% infuriate everyone.

    That being Artist, Hag, Plague, Legion, Trapper and Spirit.

  • TheTom20
    TheTom20 Member Posts: 467

    I'll say im struggling against The Unknown i am hoping to improve the more i go against them

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,409
    edited October 8

    For me it's The Doctor. I have autistic sensory overload at basekit, if he brings the Iridescent King addon then it's a straight up DC from me. I hate to DC against any killer, but trust me it's better for the other survivors as that bot will 100% play better against the Doctor than me.

    (Pretty much every website deals with "Children with Autism" but it doesn't just magically go away when you turn 18, you're just better knowledgable in how to deal with it yourself…. the best way being removing yourself from the situation ASAP.)

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,066

    I'm always tripping over my laces vs. Deathslinger for some reason... dunno why, I just seem to do everything wrong xD

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,853

    Singularity is now firmly in the "hate" list. I hadn't played them before enough to realize how pathetic EMPs are and how strong their ability is. More or less ignoring pallets and getting to repeatedly teleport right behind someone for the "skill expression" of clicking on them, with a projectile that automatically hits hit you click in time, is just silly. The only true counterplay is rushing gens. DBD 2024 in a nutshell.

    The voice lines are also incredibly cringe

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,915

    Just touching on some of the comments I've seen:

    Regarding Ghostface - the reveal mechanic is so wonky. I've revealed him (and been revealed as him) with just a sliver of visibility, and been literally standing directly facing him like a gunslinger at high noon and couldn't beak him out. It makes no sense sometimes, and a mechanic you can't predict isn't good.

    Regarding Trapper - for me, the annoying Trappers to go against are the bad/new Trappers, because they put down traps in places that make no sense and they catch me by surprise. Like I play a fair bit of Trapper and I'm like "why on earth would they put a trap there?" Or maybe they're just playing 4-D chess and I'm just a goober.

    Regarding Singularity - Hux can be tough to face, but I don't get mad because he also takes a lot of effort to play effectively, and I respect that.

  • Bookern
    Bookern Member Posts: 230

    Agreed Singularity you gotta respect cause hes the complete opposite of SM he requires so much manual effort to put into to reach that high skill ceiling

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,992

    Easily SM, Knight, Twins, Deathslinger, Trickster, Sadako, The Dark Lord, Chucky, Xenomorph, The Unknown, Singularity, Legion, Cenobite, Clown....did I miss anyone?

    Can't stand about half the killer cast tbh. Pretty anyone with an annoying power, slugs for a living, or who is too oppressive in chase is boring to play against

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 907

    Onryo, Pig, and Pinhead.

    Onryo always trying to condemn people with the add on that causes stacks for healing, slugging instead of hooking, and forcing you to run across the entire map picking up more stacks to deposit a tape.

    Pig. Tunnel the trap, use add ons like tampered timer, crouch just out of range of hook anti-camp. Then you feel like you are sabotaging your teammates by popping a gen and activating the head trap but you can't 99 the gen with all the regression perks that could bring it back to 0 progress.

    Experienced Pinheads just memorize configuration spawns, bring oppressive gen builds and the game is just a constant chain fest. The chains themselves are annoying especially the extra ones that come out when you break a chain against an environmental object. Teammates act like they NEVER want to get the box.

    Honorable mention to Chucky who I never wanted in the game. Just one tall obstacle and you can't see the little bugger. As if his height doesn't make him hard enough to see, he's got stealth mode. Hooray! His curving ability is almost unavoidable on one that knows what they are doing. Also, most Chuckys I face tend to tunnel/proxy aggressively with Deadlock.