teabagging then complaining about bad sportsmanship

how does this make sense? survivors taunting after every stun or sus vault whiff, standing around at gates, clicking flashlights the entire game, yet proceeding to complain that you're being a bad sport by using optimal strategies to try and win the game?


  • A_T_E
    A_T_E Member Posts: 109

    Rude people get dunked on, so they get salty

    When I see salt in post-game chat in this scenario, I simply write "lmao" and move on.

  • SpitefulHateful
    SpitefulHateful Member Posts: 303

    Because, you see, the modern meaning of good sportsmanship is "hold still and smile as I spit you in the face". So, forget about sportsmanship. It doesn't exist, it never existed, and it's particularly non-existent in online games. Ignore their whining.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 289

    I rather enjoy the salty tears of survivors post match, they can t bag throughout but when I get the last laugh at the end it gives me a sense of justice that can only be served with my own hand

  • I_Cant_Loop
    I_Cant_Loop Member Posts: 445

    Keep in mind these are probably teenage kids that you're interacting with. Don't expect them to be rational or mature

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,371
    edited October 7

    During the 2v8 event, I remember a Felix who kept t-bagging after every pallet stun. 5 minutes later, I give him a little back and forth before stomping him for the 3rd time. Next thing I know, I'm getting a PS message stating I'm going to get banned...

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 289

    The irrational and immaturity isn't just just confined to the younger lot, I've had streamers in their 30s complain post match with "your a bad killer, get good" "toxic"

    It's puzzled me after I get 4k how I'm a bad killer and why do I need to get good if I'm already getting 4k? They persist in giving advice like don't tunnel... No offence but my way gets me 4k I'm not going to take the advice of a survivor that just lost to me lol.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 938

    Are the ones tea bagging you the ones you are tunneling/camping? Cos if I'm playing solo queue, and the killer is hard tunneling da baby out at four gens, I might get in there will some of those good old tea bags.

    Or are you speaking about survivor players in general? Who started the BM?

    This thread needs more context.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 289

    T bagging for using a legit strat? Think that's the problem lol. Using an optimal strategy isn't bad sport it's being good at the game imo

  • Autharia
    Autharia Member Posts: 50

    How is it that every killer in the forums always tries to defend ruining someone's game experience with tunneling and camping as a strat that's not being toxic.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 938

    I consider using my rear end to distract hard tunnelers as an optimal strategy,

    Seriously though, I think tea bagging is so common that it doesn't mean much anymore. It lost it's edge like over a decade ago. It feels so inoffensive at this point. I don't think most players are trying to cause great offense with it, so it doesn't bother me. I guess it really comes down to how you perceive it. You don't really know what survivors are trying to convey. Sometimes it's an F-You, but other times it's just a WHOO! I DIDN'T DIE! I can't tell intent on the internet, so I assume the best, as it makes me happier overall.

    Plus I watched some compilation videos a while back, that used a dog toy squeak every time a survivor tea bagged. So when I see it in game, I hear the squeak in my head. It's hard to get mad at that lmao.

  • smokinggosling
    smokinggosling Member Posts: 61

    yeah its a legit strat, but so is me teabagging you to get you off of the baby meg you're tunnelling the hell out of at 5 gens. it's worked for me a few times before, to take the aggro off of my teammates by taunting the killer, they take it so personally that they usually follow me the rest of the game. even if i die, im helping my team, so its a legit strat that ill do if i have to. i dont tbag much at all unless in this situation, or ill give a quick bag in the exit gates if the killer was reallyyyyyyy really trying to BM me that match. sometimes it actually is a legit strat, sometimes survivors are just giving back the same energy you give them

  • Autharia
    Autharia Member Posts: 50
    edited October 7

    Survivors also only have 3 ways to communicate in soloQ. The point the wave both being extremely slow to even start and the quick bag that means a lot between then. Some times it a heal me or do this gen, sometimes a hi if you run in to them while moving through the map and some times an f you to that player on their team for messing up a skill check.

  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 717

    Last night I had a Dwight that teabagged and flashlight clicked at me all game, then when I didn’t give him hatch he sent me death threats against myself, my pets, and my family. Zero self-awareness, zero empathy. And it seems like he does it all the time because he was supremely confident he’d never get banned for it.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 289

    Because it is a strat, if it wasn't then the Devs would ban it

  • angel_pellegrino
    angel_pellegrino Member Posts: 23

    Some of the best advice I could give anyone looking to play killer is to turn off chat and play anonymous. It doesn't matter what you do or how you play. If you win, there will be salty tears. If you lose, it's "baby killer" or "ez". The more you play, the more likely you will encounter this kind of stuff eventually. Some survivors will always feel they deserve to win, even if they make the worst plays imaginable. Others feel that tormenting the killer as much as humanly possible is funner than doing gens.

    P.S. It's fun to run lightborn and look away when flashed, pretending I don't have it, so flashlight heroes follow me around the map like lost puppy dogs, not understanding why their prescious clicky isn't working. Less people on gens.

  • bazarama
    bazarama Member Posts: 246

    I get it can be a bit of fun but running to the very first pallet, dropping it and t-bagging at the other side is just sad especially when playing with windows perk.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,676

    Tell me you don't play killer without telling me you don't play killer.

    Tunneling isn't personal. A killer that tunnels you doesn't do it to "ruin your game experience". They do it to win. The same as survivors, who run away from the killer.

    Some killers also like an easy game and want to win without any issues but that's not going to happen, is it? Survivors try to optimise their playstyles and so do killers.

  • TheTom20
    TheTom20 Member Posts: 467

    DbD community has huge double standards sadly

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83

    I don't think it had to do with playing x side then it's like me saying tell me that you don't play survivor without telling that you don't play survivor.

    As someone above posted t bagging can be use for other things like please heal me, thanks for unhook,please don't finish the Gen/totem or even a thanks for a nice killer who gave hatch, or yes your tunneling the baby Meg who just bought the game 10 mins ago and I wanna be chased instead and not burn my finger out on just 5 gens, so both sides honestly will find whatever the other side does as toxic even if it's it's legit srltrats(tunneling)(looping, team saving,)

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,676

    [...] both sides honestly will find whatever the other side does as toxic even if it's it's legit srltrats [...]

    That's what I said...

    What is however toxic is teabagging the killer the entire game to make them feel bad. It is the equivalent of a killer smacking you on hook. What I find weird is that some people claim they do it because they want the killer's attention but as far as I am concerned this only has the opposite effect.

    If you go out of your way to teabag a killer, then you are not sitting on gens anyway, so there is no reason at all for the killer to go after you of all people.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83
    edited October 8

    Fair enough but yeah killers claim they smack on hook to mute survivor scream yet me the weirdo who has calm spirit as base kit still gets smacked for simply looping or saving someone ( no t bags) at that point I should then have all rights to t bag without killer being mad since they hit me on hook first right?

    Also I do gens am saying after completing at least 2 to 3 because killer is tunneling baby Meg amma get annoyed and want some Chase points too so I use it to try get attention off my tunneled baby meg.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,676

    First off the mindset: "You bm me, so now I have the right to bm you!" is terrible. Try to be the better person. You don't have to go out of your way to be a shining beacon of virtue but simply not bming isn't too hard, is it?

    Second; of course the killer wouldn't have any right to complain in that situation. That would be a double standard, which has got to be the lowest of logical fallacies.

    I'll be honest, I don't think teabagging the killer to get them to stop tunneling works. I know it doesn't work on me. Why would I care about that teabagging survivor when baby Meg is about to die and I win the match anyway? If you really want to get the killer to stop tunneling, then you'll have to make it physically harder than going after you. Head On can help with that but of course you won't be able to predict whether or not the killer will tunnel or if the baby Meg will run by a locker (assuming you are not on comms with her), so you'll have to find a different way. Body blocking can work. Flashlight / pallet saves can also work.

    All of this is not guaranteed to help but it sure is more effective than teabagging because the killer can simply ignore that, which only leads to you wasting time.

  • LadyOwO
    LadyOwO Member Posts: 356

    I mean if I tilt you enough to the point you start to play badly then that's solely your fault for taking the bait. It's a strategy that hardly works on good killers tbh. As for endgame chat It could be that I've grown a thicker skin in all my time plain multi-player games but you really shouldn't let it bother you. People like that exist in any multi-player game you play and won't change anytime soon

  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 364

    They're not really comparable. Someone T-bagging, humping on ground, pointing at or slapping on hook has nothing to do with gameplay. Slugging, Tunneling, and Camping have everything to do with gameplay. Tunneling, Slugging, and Camping are typically so difficult to counter and so strong that they have actual built in mechanics in the game alongside with purchasable perks to try and help with the balance of it. A T-bag or a slap on the hook will never be as impactful as any of the "playstyles" you are referring to.

    When it comes to being a bad sport, yes, most of the time T-bags, humping on ground etc. is all very bad sportsmanship, because majority of players agree that it is. Majority of players (even the most baised) also aknowledge that things like Tunneling, Camping, and Slugging suck to go against, even if they are not against the rules.

    If I were to T-Bag someone I would not be surprised they don't like it, and if I were to Tunnel someone I would not be surprised they don't like it. The two are not comparable game play wise, but both are acknowledged by the majority to be heavily hated.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 289

    I know I didn't claim it was nor should it be bannable, as far as I'm concerned if survivors t bag then killers will do the equivalent or worse such as W S back and forth for 4min or ramp up the slugging tunneling tactics that survivors hate so much. Survivors shouldn't complain about "toxic" playstyles of killers when they openly provoke by t bagging and gloating in the manner they do, they are just asking to be tunneled out or bled out.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83

    Likewise killers should not provoke a survivor by smacking on hook, back and forth on ground or shaking their heads when a survivor was just doing normal looping and mind gaming with no flashlights or flasbang, they got a medkit, and get down by VPN abusers or Walmart connection getting undeserving hits at that point their asking to be t bagged or if they do have a flashy start then being clicks. Also some t bag because that disrespectful Franklin's perk yes its a very tilt perk.

  • Aceislife
    Aceislife Member Posts: 286

    Did they start BMing before or after you tunneled?