Let's get rid of the training wheels

I know no one won't speak up so I shall do it

It's time all killer aura reading perks and add in gets the pain res treatment. Those of you who play long remembers at launch this perk had unlimited uses and it was change to just 4 tokens with fair counters whichI will not explain.

All aura add on should lose be removed and be reworked to something else. If anyone think a chucky with rat poison getting free wall hacks or a blight with serum then nope it ain't skill.

4 use only of all reading perk(cept bbq) Why should killers be handed free information all the time?The reason BBQ is exempt out of it is that it's counters are simple to do.

Lightborn should not be infinitely be blocking flashlights or flashbangs, killers wanna use this it's a team game argument when said killers are denying a team play of saving someone with a flashlight. 4 use of immunity then back to using proper play style of looking around before auto picking up people in fear if someone is trying to save.

Side note before all say then woo should get nerfed by all means go ahead cause I don't use it, bond I hate that perk too cause it's a killer perk used by survivors and all survivor perks cept woo are so mediocre to worthless. Yes also I expect so you like 4 slow down, and Yes I do. With how strong tool boxes are and so much gen perks there aren gen slow down do not bother me. Worst if a killer cant catch people who knows kiting(looping)

Also I was gonna push that there should only be one aura reading perk allowed and can't have multiples stacking yet that would be a bit too steep.


  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83
    edited October 9

    Yawn is that all try again. Provide some answers why you have 27 free info with no requirement and plz give me a list of crutches for survivors as they all been gone.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83
    edited October 9

    Hmm I still am needing an answer why is a problem for aura reading to be more limited why it be free all time. Why must lighborn negate a flashlight or flashbang all round? Surely before lighborn this was a none issue?why should plague deny all heal perks and take a while emblem from a survivor.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83

    Bad news for you I don't care or complain about 4 slow down, if a killer is bad at catching people what value does gen regress foes.

    Omg survivors save their team with a pallet or flashlight or flashbang nerf or bfp nerf.

    Omg survivors use ftp and buckle up to save someone and themselves and another person nerf

    Omg exhausted perks =nerf

    Omg heal build= nerf(including med kits)

    Omg Sabo build= nerf

    Omg boiler great wiggle= nerf

    Omg made for this measly 3%=nerf

    Omg endurance stacking = nerf

    Shall I go on?

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 632
    edited October 9

    Auras are fine with some exceptions, namely weave+franklins being a soloQ destroyer. The aura addons are meant to help players newer to those killers get a hang of how survivors play to learn how to use the power effectively but often make them rely on it. I would say its best to either remove them entirely or rework them to have some sort of tradeoff that a noob wouldnt mind but an experienced player would recognize as more valuable than the aura once they dont need it. However using that same logic I arrive at a similar conclusion regarding windows of opportunity.

    Also, its better that auras are stronger because that leads to a chase for slowdown meta rather thana regression meta. The less powerful auras are the more slots killers fill with pop, pain res, deadlock and grim embrace.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,075
    edited October 9

    You're really fixated on thinking stuff is free. Every aura perk has an activation requirement and costs at least one of the killer's perk slots. My definition that's not free.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83

    Most aura reading perks from killers to activate involve the survivor doing something and get punish for it like nurses for trying to recover oneself or others and what's the problem with making aura limited to number of uses just like distortion you and everyone seem to keep avoiding the question specially lightborn why is allow to negate flashlight all game which is one few defense of survivors?

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 632

    Nurses punishes you for trying to heal close to the killer, sort of a counter to overconfident players.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,970

    So uhm… why would anyone use aura perks after this update?

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83

    Not really I seen times where people would do there best to heal as far as possible and the killer still finds them with nurses whilst even chasing another survivor . Has nothing to do with overconfidence.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83
    edited October 9

    Yep and i play more patient and not auto pick up and whack them then fake chase them and that means they are not on gens so free injuries. @SoGo

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,805

    I want players like this to run aura reads on all the killers they own and see just how useful it really is once you reach decent survivors.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,188

    Lightborn should not be infinitely be blocking flashlights or flashbangs, killers wanna use this it's a team game argument when said killers are denying a team play of saving someone with a flashlight. 4 use of immunity then back to using proper play style of looking around before auto picking up people in fear if someone is trying to save.

    Not until BHVR fixes console performance. I stopped being able to counter blinds on console when dedicated servers became a thing. I've been blinded by survivors who aren't in my FOV, blinded at 90-degree angles, blinded when I'm not even in animation lock because I guess I can't turn my camera fast enough for the game or latency or something, I dunno.

    Leave Lightborn alone. I almost never see it and the few times I do it's usually another console player. If you think console killers are going to just play against flashlights without Lighborn, then you don't realize how miserable the console performance issues can be. "Using proper play style of looking around." Not only does that sound ridiculous, saying that the opposition has a "proper play style," but that's not what will happen. If Lightborn has a limited number of stacks, killers will either 1. slug everyone when the stacks run out, have fun on the ground; or 2. they will go stare at an exit gate and you will get to play gen repair sim. Those are what I did before I ran Lightborn.

    There are other ways to get saves than using blinds. Body blocking and sabo'ing and pallets and perks that help survivors get off the killer's shoulder all still exist. If you really want to force the killer to slug, you don't need a flashlight for it.

    I'll never understand the Lightborn complaints. I see it so rarely. And when I do see it, like I said, it's almost always another console player. Even against a team with four flashlights, I see killers bring Franklin's, not Lightborn. And even when I do see Lightborn and even if I'm desperate to get blinds because I'm working on a Tome challenge or achievement, Lightborn still doesn't bother me. It's such a non-issue. It's often the mark of a player who is tired of fighting performance issues playing this game.

    Side note before all say then woo should get nerfed by all means go ahead cause I don't use it, bond I hate that perk too cause it's a killer perk used by survivors and all survivor perks cept woo are so mediocre to worthless.

    Good to know that just because you don't use something it's cool if it gets destroyed. I like WoO. I used to run it all the time because it's so damn useful in solo q to know what pallets my teammates already wasted. I rarely run Bond but Empathy was a perk I used to run 100% of the time. These days, I run Bardic Inspiration instead of WoO and about half the time I replace Empathy with Plot Twist, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't care if either got destroyed. They're both good perks. WoO can be annoying to play against for killers but solo q is goddamn hell for survivors, so in the battle of who's-more-miserable survivors win in this case, WoO should be left alone.

    Omg boiler great wiggle= nerf

    Boil Over is a terrible perk in that it has always greatly screwed over console killers while PC killers hardly notice it. Normal non-Boil-Over wiggle hurts on console. I can always tell when I'm playing against a console killer by the way normal wiggle knocks them around. Even with it nerfed, I often still have to slug Boil Over players and just let them bleed out unless they crawl to a hook. It's such awful perk design, the only counter is slugging.

    If BHVR wants to separate this game into two separate groups, a version for PC players and a version for console players, I'm all for it. Players have to keep cross-play enabled if they want to get a match but I'd really prefer not to play with PC players. So please, convince BHVR to separate the two groups of platforms and then on PC there can be nerfed Lightborn and buffed Boil Over and whatever else and console players won't be punished by it.

    Bad news for you I don't care or complain about 4 slow down

    You don't speak for everyone. Most people don't want to spend 20 minutes sitting on gens as their entire match. Is sitting on gens actually fun for anyone? It's so boring. I've had killers be nice to me and my friend because our teammates suicided at 5 gens and one of us will just ask to be killed because who wants to spend that much time on gens?

    You want to nerf aura perks, which encourage interaction between killers and survivors, and you don't care about gen slow down, and gens are the second most boring thing in this game (the most boring thing is playing hide and seek: it's not fun to crouch around behind rocks doing nothing nor is it fun to go searching behind every rock).

    The way you express your opinions gives the impression you don't care about the experiences of others in this game. Phrases like "by all means go ahead cause I don't use it." "Bad news for you I don't care." "Hmm I still am needing an answer." It's alienating to anyone who tries to converse with you. People who seem to lack empathy remove themselves from the group, they make themselves outsiders, and because they don't display respect for others, they and their opinions receive no respect in return. In other words, the way you express yourself makes people want to disagree with you. They will look for reasons to disagree with you simply to not be on your side of the argument. You may not care what other forum members think or say, but games are developed by people, not emotionless computers.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 632

    Thats on them for staying the terror radius. the range on nurses is much short than your typical killer TR so just get up and go when you hear it if you think shes got nurses. If they dont then they aren't respecting the threat of the killer or the perk and thats on them.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,075

    For nurse's you have to have damage a survivor and they have to initiate a heal within 24m. All that stuff is an activation requirement. No injured survivors? It can't do anything. Also realistically speaking when's the last time you even saw nurse's? It's not a very good perk.

    I don't have anything to say about lightborn because it has absolutely nothing to do with the conversation. What about Lucky break? What about unrelenting? What about tomorrow's weather? There's no relation to the topic at hand.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83
    edited October 9

    First of all if you read properly I brought up windows since all the killer mains make 1million qq topics about nerfing it and just mention incase anyone of them to use it as a counter as to why am asking for the killer aura perks nerf. Am expecting the oh woo should be nerf comeback

    To all of what you say lighborn wise nice try but no it's common and even if it's just 1 or 0 flashlight they have it

    Which part of me said anything about others and gen perk preference. Did I say we or they or out I said. I Don't mind chases but when you have a crutch like rat poison chucky getting free hits it's a problem

    The rest of what you say umm ok I play on both ps5 and PC and I don't feel no difference in any thing with killer or survivor wiggling or killer struggling.

    Yeah let's body block and award free downs for killer specially if they have made grit you yourself is showing you wanna be slug and Sabo ain't easy with how there is 50 million hooks so close to each other killer can just go to another one easy like dead saloon foe example.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83

    Lightborn shows aura when you try to blond the killer it has to do with the topic lol, if distortion is to not be use perm then why should lighborn be blocking flashlight all game?

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83

    So if the killer's is a stealth one which all of them and ph runs it or the person healing is has oblivious then what can they do?

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,075

    Ok. I can walk you through it numerically.

    The killer has four perk slots. If one survivor brings a flashlight and an accompanying perk then the killer with lightborn has negated a grand total of 2/20 things the survivors can do.

    Are you following?

    It scales up. If the survivors have 8 things that lightborn counters then they're still left with 12 functioning items/perks.

    Now the inverse. If one survivor has distortion they've turned off on average half the killers' perk slots. Say lethal and an aura perk of your choice. Most killers don't want to run more than two. That's just one survivor.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83

    Talk about over blown give me the other 18 things survivors can do.

    Can a med kit be use to strike a killer? Can a survivor close a window on a killer? Pallets hmm like theres like 95% of unsafe one . Can a key poke out their eyes or a map knock them out. Powder is only 5 mere seconds and syringe takes ages now possible use and smart killers always just notice when the med kit vanishes out of nonwhere.

    What other perk there to combat chases? The mediocre exhaust perks thst killers can still hit you with their Walmart connection during the sprint?

    In a one on one situation it's only 2 things pallets or flashlight or bangs so yeah try again.

    Perks are to be a gamble which imo its stupid for killers to see items and can brainless just put on Franklin's or lightborn. Tcm do not show either sides each other perks. Family can only see family and survivor can only see survivor .

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,188

     I play on both ps5 and PC and I don't feel no difference in any thing with killer or survivor wiggling or killer struggling.

    I play on PS4 and Switch. There's a big difference between PS4 and Switch, it's horrendously bad on Switch. And I can tell a difference as survivor when I play against a console killer and a PC killer. Console killers get thrown around and stuck on the environment constantly. PC killers walk in a straight line like I'm not struggling at all. If you think PS5 players should be separated into the PC-only group, that's cool. I think a lot of players on PS4, Switch, and Xbox One would just like to feel like the game's not trying to crush us by pitting us against players who don't deal with many of our performance issues. Hell, as someone who plays survivor on Switch, I see Switch killers struggle to connect a hit. Against someone else playing on Switch. For god's sake, we're on the same console but it affects the killers so much worse. And then the game forces Switch players to play with PC? Goddamn.

    The devs even stated the reasons for the Boil Over nerf were 1. survivors going to spots where they could not be hooked and killers were forced to slug, and 2. console was negatively affected by the wiggle much more so than PC, and the devs don't want to widen the gap between console and PC. (Don't want to, but always do by designing killers who suck on controller. And DbD still doesn't have basic necessary controller options like dead zone and response curve.)

    To all of what you say lighborn wise nice try but no it's common and even if it's just 1 or 0 flashlight they have it

    Must be a region/MMR thing. No idea what server Texas is on, but that's my server. The killers I go against don't waste a perk slot on Lightborn unless they're on console, and even then it's rare. I see Lightborn a few times a month, maybe.

    If it really is common for you to see Lightborn, it might be because flashbangs are uncounterable during pickup, even when staring at a wall. Maybe if the devs fixed that issue, Lightborn would return to its normal usage rate of nearly zero. Players shouldn't be required to use a perk to counter a bug/oversight, and yet that is how DbD works. It's like how so many players feel that Iron Will is required to play their favorite character because some are louder than others. I play Jeff without Iron Will, I understand I am going to die unless the killer lets me go. That's just something I have to accept right now, and I do accept it because I'd rather die than give up one of my chosen perks for Iron Will, but the devs need to fix survivors so their injured volumes aren't so inconsistent.

    First of all if you read properly I brought up windows since all the killer mains make 1million qq topics about nerfing it and just mention incase anyone of them to use it as a counter as to why am asking for the killer aura perks nerf. Am expecting the oh woo should be nerf comeback

    Your words: "before all say then woo should get nerfed by all means go ahead cause I don't use it". So, you're saying, go ahead, argue for it to be nerfed, you don't care because you don't use it. And I'm saying, I do sometimes use it and I care about people saying it should be nerfed because I don't think it should be nerfed. You're the one bringing it up. You could've just said "Don't make this an us vs them, this isn't about survivor perks, this is about killer perks." Instead you specifically picked on WoO. You did.

    You are creating arguments with the things you say. You're not heading them off or mitigating arguments, you're creating them by expressing yourself in a manner that comes across as antagonistic. And you bring up survivor perks, talking about how they were nerfed, like survivors and killers started off perfectly balanced and every nerf to survivors has created a greater imbalance, but that's not the case. This game has never been perfectly balanced. Not ever.

    Which part of me said anything about others and gen perk preference.

    When you said "Bad news for you I don't care or complain about 4 slow down" it sounds dismissive, like gen slow down is perfectly fine and anyone who does complain is wrong. That's how what you say comes across due to your words and the tone they infer.

    Knowing that you do care about others' preference for gen slow down is good, because my opinion is the opposite: I don't want to go against killers running 4 gen slowdown perks. It's boring. Sitting on gens is boring. I prefer going against aura perks. I don't mind dying, but I mind a long drawn out boring match. My teammates' progress on gens comes to a grinding halt the moment they're slightly inconvenienced. At least if the killer hits them near the gen, I or my friend sees where they were and we can go save their gen before it regresses to zero (unless they run circles around the gen… and many of them do). If it's a gen slowdown perk that stops them and not the killer seeing them and getting a hit, then we'll have no idea where the gen is. Which is one of the reasons an aura perk is preferable to gen slowdown. Another is that some gen slowdown works without the killer being anywhere nearby whereas an aura perk requires the killer to intervene themself to get the survivor off the gen. The killer doing something themself = the killer is occupied. That's a good thing for the rest of the team. (Theoretically, anyway. If the team bothers to use their time effectively. God solo queue sucks.)

    I'm not arguing that gen slowdown should be nerfed, I'm just saying that too much slowdown can lead to very boring matches. Too much aura reading has never been an issue to me, except maybe all-seeing Wraith being annoying when we're on RPD and people have burned four flans, but that might be a skill issue and I don't come across all-seeing Wraith very often, anyway. Personally, I don't have any vendetta against a particular perk that I can think of at the moment (I might be forgetting something). Most truly problematic perks have been nerfed: Tinkerer cut down to once per gen, Dying Light no longer being a tunnel-out-the-obsession perk, Undying only works once, Sloppy Butcher has a time limit (it still feels horribly annoying as survivor, but it feels nearly useless as killer, so I'm not really sure how to feel about that one), Nurse's blink attacks count as special attacks and don't work with Exposed perks (which means there some perks that need to get un-nerfed, actually).

    Meanwhile, the changes to maps are horrendous, the maps need fixing; in my experience those are doing more damage than any perks. The new map tiles are godawfully useless and I get stuck as both survivor and killer on the junk in the environment. Maps, console performance, and the horrible state of SBMM (escapes are inconsequential, I want teammates who participate and play at a level similar to my own, escapes are not necessarily a determining factor in whether or not someone is a good teammate) are the things that I see negatively affecting my matches.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83
    edited October 9

    I agree with all you said, sorry that you misconcept the woo part as no I don't it nerf myself even though I don't use it and yes the maps is bad real bad on both side, thing is I just want aura perks to feel Abit more fair cause as I said I know some weird survivors qq on bbq and it's like what? It's a healthy one with the easiest counters of all other aura perks. It is what it is at the end of day anyone will be annoyed at having something for their play style annoyed.

    But both sides should stop chastising the other on what they run and how they play, it's annoying but it's a game and people should just play a game how they feel ^^. Yeah ps5 runs like a PC pretty smooth and yes i use to be on ps4 when neme released so i can imagine how ps4 strains since the all the changes the gsme got. Also may I ask does switch have the anno mode like ps and ps? I know xbox don't

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,116

    Iirc they nerfed Endurance stacking due to people using it to body block other Survivors right after they got unhooked, so if you wanted to go after the person that unhooked, the unhooked person would just body block you to oblivion haha

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,188

    But both sides should stop chastising the other on what they run and how they play, it's annoying but it's a game and people should just play a game how they feel

    I agree with this. As a survivor, I pretty much never complain about how the killer plays in the game. I might gripe in my head a bit about something, but it's usually like "Why couldn't he hold back a little? We were terrible and there were five Bloodpoint offerings," but again, it's a momentary personal complaint which I keep to myself, everyone has those, and I accept that I'm being personally biased. My complaints on the forums are mostly about teammates, and rather than complain about the people and say they should play better I try to focus on it as a problem of SBMM and game design.

     Yeah ps5 runs like a PC pretty smooth

    Glad to hear. I'd heard mixed things in the past. Some players said PS5 performance decreased as the game continued to be updated, but others experience no issues. I bought an external SSD for my PS4 Pro so the game would run better; there aren't enough games on PS5 that I'm interested in for me to justify the extra upgrade. (I was forced to get the SSD a couple years ago when performance dipped lower than even on Switch, I'm not even being hyperbolic the frame drops were horrendous, PS4 was almost literally unplayable; I don't know what performance is like now without the SSD. I imagine PS4 is decent in general, but I always have to specify I'm on an SSD because I don't know how much of an impact it has.)

     Also may I ask does switch have the anno mode like ps and ps?

    Yes, Switch has anonymous mode. It's not really needed though, because Switch doesn't have profiles the same way PlayStation and PC do. Also, you can change your name on the fly at any time on Switch. I like to name myself according to the character I play. Like calling myself "Mad Max" when I play Jeff with the appropriate outfit, or "Guitar Hero" when I'm Jeff in the heavy metal outfit with Bardic Inspiration.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83

    Omg am jealous now lol psn = need to pay for changes... PC can too freely too and I love names like chase me please wesker or trickster yes am a big simp for the two of them sometimes they even turn friendly for it and I beg em to Kill me just for playing along. this wesker and I had a good one yesterday but he wouldn't hook me after all my team left and I really wanted him to he wanted me alive darn it. (Leon yoichi main).working on trevor which hey as alcurard I amma put chase me father drac oh your giving me ideas now xd and no hard feelings to you or anyone here I apologize if I came off as hostile it's just abit daunting at times that things go bad for the good ones cause the bad apples ruins it for both side. Believe me and if you want I can provide my ytd of me not using distortion ad just hiding but to still be a good team player. Happy gaming all am running ooo.

  • CrossTheSholf
    CrossTheSholf Member Posts: 230

    I swear you lot will never be satisfied until killers perks are all on the same level of usefulness as undone

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 632

    heal somwhere where you could see them coming or by a pallet, the general healing strats vs jumpscare killers. unless ur on lery's then its over :(