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Least favorite (not strongest) killer(s) to face?



  • Member Posts: 94

    skullmerchant obvious reasons, myers because i always eat the tier three that my teammates give him.

  • Member Posts: 127

    For me there are three main killers I hate going up against.

    1.) Chucky. I think all the humping stuff is immature and dumb. And I've just found there to be an extra kind of vindictiveness to the way some of them play. Like some of them don't just want to win, they want to stomp on you in a personal way. I'm not for it.

    2.) Trappers. Nothing against the players. I don't have any beef with them. I'm just the kind of fool who will go down on a trap right in front of the exit gates.

    3.) Weskers. Weskers are like big versions of Chucky. I know if I see a Wesker there's zero chance it's gonna be a chill game and a 💯 chance I'm going to have to sweat to stay alive.

  • Member Posts: 1,960
    edited October 2024

    Looking at these comments, at least one killer from my main selection would 100% infuriate everyone.

    That being Artist, Hag, Plague, Legion, Trapper and Spirit.

  • Member Posts: 501

    I'll say im struggling against The Unknown i am hoping to improve the more i go against them

  • Member Posts: 1,558
    edited October 2024

    For me it's The Doctor. I have autistic sensory overload at basekit, if he brings the Iridescent King addon then it's a straight up DC from me. I hate to DC against any killer, but trust me it's better for the other survivors as that bot will 100% play better against the Doctor than me.

    (Pretty much every website deals with "Children with Autism" but it doesn't just magically go away when you turn 18, you're just better knowledgable in how to deal with it yourself…. the best way being removing yourself from the situation ASAP.)

  • Member Posts: 3,936

    I'm always tripping over my laces vs. Deathslinger for some reason... dunno why, I just seem to do everything wrong xD

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    Just touching on some of the comments I've seen:

    Regarding Ghostface - the reveal mechanic is so wonky. I've revealed him (and been revealed as him) with just a sliver of visibility, and been literally standing directly facing him like a gunslinger at high noon and couldn't beak him out. It makes no sense sometimes, and a mechanic you can't predict isn't good.

    Regarding Trapper - for me, the annoying Trappers to go against are the bad/new Trappers, because they put down traps in places that make no sense and they catch me by surprise. Like I play a fair bit of Trapper and I'm like "why on earth would they put a trap there?" Or maybe they're just playing 4-D chess and I'm just a goober.

    Regarding Singularity - Hux can be tough to face, but I don't get mad because he also takes a lot of effort to play effectively, and I respect that.

  • Member Posts: 372

    Agreed Singularity you gotta respect cause hes the complete opposite of SM he requires so much manual effort to put into to reach that high skill ceiling

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    Easily SM, Knight, Twins, Deathslinger, Trickster, Sadako, The Dark Lord, Chucky, Xenomorph, The Unknown, Singularity, Legion, Cenobite, Clown....did I miss anyone?

    Can't stand about half the killer cast tbh. Pretty anyone with an annoying power, slugs for a living, or who is too oppressive in chase is boring to play against

  • Member Posts: 918

    Onryo, Pig, and Pinhead.

    Onryo always trying to condemn people with the add on that causes stacks for healing, slugging instead of hooking, and forcing you to run across the entire map picking up more stacks to deposit a tape.

    Pig. Tunnel the trap, use add ons like tampered timer, crouch just out of range of hook anti-camp. Then you feel like you are sabotaging your teammates by popping a gen and activating the head trap but you can't 99 the gen with all the regression perks that could bring it back to 0 progress.

    Experienced Pinheads just memorize configuration spawns, bring oppressive gen builds and the game is just a constant chain fest. The chains themselves are annoying especially the extra ones that come out when you break a chain against an environmental object. Teammates act like they NEVER want to get the box.

    Honorable mention to Chucky who I never wanted in the game. Just one tall obstacle and you can't see the little bugger. As if his height doesn't make him hard enough to see, he's got stealth mode. Hooray! His curving ability is almost unavoidable on one that knows what they are doing. Also, most Chuckys I face tend to tunnel/proxy aggressively with Deadlock.

  • Member Posts: 76

    he is a stelth killer he sposed to steal and stay hidden?????? u not make any sense i think u just not good against ghost face that is ok i am bad against deathslinger!

  • Member Posts: 278

    I'm not a fan of trapping killers, so trapper and hag. Just kinda annoying and you can't counter their traps mid-chase so it kinda just ends up being a die by getting hit or die by setting off the trap situation, but I especially loathe hag.

  • Member Posts: 1,382

    Chucky is on the same level as Skull Merchant and Twins for me due to how overtuned he currently he is and due to how sweaty Chucky players are. He isn't technically the strongest killer since Nurse, Blight, and Billy still exist. Doesn't make him any more fun to play against. I actually feel like uninstalling the game whenever I get a Chucky. I enjoyed DBD more before he was added to the game.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    In light of recent events (last match), I think I am changing my "second most hated killer in the game" from Artist to Trickster.

    He is so rare that I had forgotten how just utterly miserable it feels to play against him. And I just had an extremely boring and unfun reminder.

  • Member Posts: 761

    Skull Merchant, Pinhead, Legion, Deathslinger, Pyramid Head, Xenomorph.

  • Member Posts: 6

    Trickster. Hardly any interaction with his power and often it feels like you have little counterplay

    Wraith as close second, I really don't like how easy it is to get first hits.

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