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100% Disk Usage Causes Lags.

Member Posts: 2

Since the last update, the game uses 100% of my HDD, but when I wait in the main menu for a few minutes, disk usage stabilizes, and the game works normally without lags. I haven't tried it on my SSD, so I'm not sure if the SSD experiences heavy usage too.

27 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

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  • Member Posts: 22

    I use SSD and it's the same problem for me that you experience.

  • Member Posts: 6

    This was a major problem for me that I ended up fixing by deleting my appdata for dbd. it will reset your settings, but its faster to fix them than wait out your disk issues.

  • Member Posts: 776

    It's also causing severe GPU usage and it's causing sudden game crashes.

  • Member Posts: 3,745

    When i last launched the game and got into the main menu the textures were not fully loaded.

    I could see when the details were slowly loaded in.

    Never happened before.

  • Member Posts: 13

    I have this problem since the latest hotfix for the Dark Lord patch, 8.2.2 i think. I noticed per taskmanager / resource monitor, that DbD and System iterate for about 5 minutes on several DbD packages, no write orders, only heavy read orders, as if its checking consistency of those packages. Unfortunately it does this every time i start up DbD, and if i try to play in those 5 minutes the lag is so big that, for example, in the match intro animation where the camera turns around you, im forced to wait 2-3 seconds longer because i got several lags while the animation plays and im still locked in the animation, while other survivors are already running along next to me.

  • Member Posts: 95

    How did you do this? I've been having the same issues with disk usage for some time now. Things still run smoothly, but it is alarming when the disk use goes to 100% my fans go into overdrive.

  • Member Posts: 13
    edited October 2024

    I just tried deleting the DbD folder in appdata, it did not fix it for me.

    Post edited by Bahzur on
  • Member Posts: 13

    Midchapter patch 8.3.0 did not change anything, still 100% disc usage plus lags for about 5 minutes where i cant play and have to wait.

  • Member Posts: 1,032

    The same thing just happened to me. It took incredibly long for the game to launch, and when it finally did, the textures weren't rendered on the main menu and were loading very slowly. I mean, I know my PC is a bit outdated but wow, just wow, it's a HUGE difference from before.

  • Member Posts: 50

    win 11 or 10? epic games or steam? nvidia or amd gpu, cpu? I'm not asking for pc specs. just want to know the manufacturer.

  • Member Posts: 13

    In my case its Win10, on Steam, nVidia Geforce 1080 Ti and Intel i7-8700

    That was the first thing i did, didnt help.

  • Member Posts: 23

    oof i thought it was just me lol. i hella stutter and lag when in menu for the first time, switching to other menus freezes my game for a few seconds. usually first match is super frame droppy but then after all that the game runs fine and normal like it should. i hate this.

  • Member Posts: 3

    This symptom caused the game to freeze and he was ejected from matchmaking and penalized.

  • Member Posts: 13

    Patch 8.3.1 also did not change anything, still 100% drive usage for 5 minutes.

  • Member Posts: 3,745

    For me it is fixed on PC / Steam.

    My game loads normal again.

  • Member Posts: 13

    No change for me in 8.3.2

  • Member Posts: 3

    ・AMD Ryzen 5 2600・NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660・Install to HDD

    It still occurs in 8.3.2 environment.

    I usually set the graphics setting to High, but it occurs regardless of whether I set it to Low.

  • Member Posts: 13

    Still no change in 8.4.0
    Heres a screenshot from Windows resource monitor:

    Since the process itself that does that is the System and not DbD, i guess its EasyAntiCheat actually that is iterating on all DbD packages.

  • Member Posts: 13

    No change in 8.4.1

  • Member Posts: 237

    BHVR, please fix! It can't be that many players have to wait 15 minutes to even be able to play the game.

  • Member Posts: 237
    edited December 2024

    Guys I maybe found a way to "fix" a giant part of the lag issue, at least it kinda works for me (it doesn't solve all problems but for the first time since the release of the Dracula chapter I could start the game and instantly play without having major lag issues).

    1.) Download and install an older Nvidia Graphic Driver for your specific graphic card.
    My graphic card is GeForce GTX 1060 Windows 64 Bit so I looked up for a driver that got released prior to the release of the Castlevania PTB (6th August). I noticed that on the exact same day when the Castlevania PTB dropped a Driver update got released (Driver version 560.81). I installed that driver version and it still had the huge lags.
    So I downloaded and installed the Driver prior to that (Driver version 560.71 from 2024 Juli 16) and it actually got way better!
    But I don't know if every Nvidia Graphic card version got an update on Juli 16 so just try out if one of the older drivers works for you.

    Change your DBD Launch option to -dx11
    Steam Library → rightclick on Dead by Daylight → Launch option → type in: -dx11

    3.) Disable the Nvidia Overlay and the Discord Overlay
    EAC doesn't seem to like them much.

    - a big part of the menu and first match lags
    - a big part of loading times

    Doesn't fix:
    - every lag
    - slow loading textures
    - the problem that I can probably never update my driver ever again as long as I don't want the lags to return

    I need some time to test it further but this method seems promising at the moment for a temporary solution.
    (Yes BHVR, it still needs to get fixed).

    Feel free to let me know if it works for you! =)

    After further testing this isn't a solution.
    The game indeed starts faster and the menu lag is less, but it still lags ingame (first match).

    Post edited by Mondhirsch on
  • Member Posts: 13

    So… still nothing changed yet.

    Its been 4 months now, is there ANY update on this issue?

  • Member Posts: 3

    Maybe the 8.5.0 update fixed it.
    I've tried booting three times just to be sure, and I'm not experiencing the unusual disk reads that I've been experiencing.

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