One thing that was overdone with Distortion...

EDIT: Nevermind! The buff to 15s charge is better than this suggestion! Plz ignore! 🤘
Starting with 1 stack instead of 2 makes it pointless. It should start with 2 stacks.
OK, so I'm among the group of the opinion that Distortion requiring chases to get stacks back is a good thing... Even the time isn't bad to my mind, cause 30s is not asking too much of anyone... the direction of this is good.
However, my main thought behind supporting the Distortion change is hiding all game isn't the real point/power of Distortion, it's having a safe way to be made aware of the killer aura perks in play...
When the change to bring back tokens was announced I thought Distortion started with 2 stacks... that would be fine, that gives you 2 stacks to protect against Lethal Pursuer and figure out another aura perk... you then play the match knowing what's in play, with your good chases giving you back potential clutch aura blocks in future to capitalise on that knowledge.
However with 1 stack, you don't get that knowledge anymore. You get Lethal Pursuer, but that's it, no more value until your next chase....
As much as I wanted this perk changed to fall out of use with rats, this nerf I feel is a step too far... 2 stacks is nowhere near enough to facilitate the rat playstyle to the problematic degree, and I believe that would be a healthy change to give the perk a good niche to occupy without being braindead.
I hope BHVR still prepared to make changes, cause this is a simple one that keeps Distortion useful as a perk.
i think it start with 3 tokens and have much longer time to gain tokens… like 80 seconds for being outside and inside chase but it is whatever. the perk is significant worse at preventing tunneling.
i am not really interested in this perk. i am more interested in weave attunement for whether it will remain a decent perk to get aura reading in chase or dead.
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Thats fine too, either way, the point is it shouldn't let you hide all match for free, but it should give you the ability to pick up killer aura perks early so you can make informed decisions.
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the thing is, people that use distortion well, the good players don't really use it for hiding. they use it to prevent soft-tunneling. if all 4 people have distoration, it makes harder for killer to efficiently hook A—>B→A→B→A.
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Peanits already confirmed that they will reduce the chase time from 30 to 15 sec in the next patch.
Starting with 1 token is fine. Knowing that the killer has Lethal Pursuer is already huge because you confirm one perk and this one will be already gone for the rest of the match. Then getting found by any other aura perk and having a chase where you can gain two tokens for the next time, is more than fair. If the killer has LP, they will chase and hook a different survivor. If the killer then has BBQ or NWTH and you (the Distortion user not you in particular) get found, that is fine because at this moment you spread the hooks between your group. If the killer has no LP, you are safe against the other potential aura perk and you are prepared for it the next time (the next time = when two other survivors are already hooked). Lastly, the average killer only has one aura perk or a maximum of two but more killers rather run full slowdown.
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Missed that, thanks for the update!
I suppose you can guess at a second perk in play vs. Lethal Pursuer. 15s is pretty generous, so kinda make sense amd is a bit more reasonable.... though it still does tend to mean you're learning about the auras in play after you've already lost a hook stage... but 15s seems like you can disappear in the mid game.
Not convinced it'll be enough, but it is at least more reasonable
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the reduction to 15s makes it quite a bit better. - Though, given that there's plenty of killers where you effectively don't have chase is what makes the whole while-in-chase-thing a mit meh. But for that chase as a mechanic needs to get overhauled. - You can have a three gen chase with a Wraith and still not even have thirty seconds of chase according to the game. You can dodge a huntress for three gens and not have a single second of chase. And so on. It's not all killers but it adds yet another level of conditions that are out of a player's hands and make it miserable. —- That being said; I don't hold my breath for the chase mechanic to ever get changed.
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There's far fewer cases where survivors will never be in chase compared to survivors never being in TR. Also Distortion was already hard to regen against good Wraiths and Huntress since Huntress has a small TR and damage you at range and Wraith can stay cloak until they setup for a lunge.
With the buff to 15s, it'll be a solid counter against I'm All Ears or the new Predator since Distortion also hides your scratch marks meaning you should be able to easily lose the killer.
Overall the perk rewards keeping the killer busy and the nerf overall means the dev have an easier time adding in new perks that block auras without Distortion being the defacto best in slot.
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Distortion litteraly shuts off lethal pursuer making the perk useless for the rest of the game. YES i'm ignoring the extra 2 sec on auras.
1 token is fine.1 -
The killer can see the other survivors?
And lethal increase aura reading by 2 seconds, so the perk isn't countered until the end of the match.
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those 2 seconds are so usefull. bless them.
What if more than 1 person has the perk? than killer will just focus on 1 person only. you are sabotaging a player using distortion when lethal activates.
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Yes but you said distortion shuts off lethal pursuer making the perk useless for the rest of the game, which is a lie, and now people need to be chased to get tokens again, if they still play this hiding game, the killer will find them with their aura perk cuz they have 0 tokens now
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After sleeping on it, the more I've thought about it, the more I like the 15s change over 2 starting stacks.
Distortion counters Lethal, and after you get hooked it makes it harder to tunnel without significantly more commitment from the killer, as @Devil_hit11 says…
It also has a similar value for SoloQ as it does SWF, as with SWF you could have one person take old Distortion and call out all the aura perks in play. While that is still true to a degree, the SWF doesn't get all of the aura perk knowledge unless the Distortion player specifically takes chase to get stacks….
Actually I'm very happy where Distortion is now… fair play BHVR…
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Granted, there were killers where Distortion effectively never recharged, that's true - but I think overall it's a lot more common to not have a sufficient amount of chase than a sufficient amount of TR.
We'll see if the 15s make an actual difference (though, once again, the strongest killers are pretty much unaffected; if they get the jump on you via aura read, they'll still get the jump on you and you'll be on second hook by the time you get one token back).
Idk, I see Distortion getting more tweaks over the next year or so.
- I could also see tokens recharging both in chase and while doing a gen (idk, 50% gen progress equals one token or something like that). The complaint people had was about people with Distortion "not doing anything but hiding" and "being useless because they're just hiding all the time". Doing gens is quite literally the objective so if someone wants to play the stealth game and still progresses the objective I don't see an issue with that. - Except bhvr decided playing for stealth is not a mechanic they wish to keep (which is, tbh, the impression I've got).
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Year, this is also one point that I dislike about old Distortion: In SoloQ many players used it in a selfish way but in SWF it was one of the best teamperks (similar to old COH → One perk for all four). in my opinion, a perk should either be useful and healthy for SWF and SoloQ or give SoloQ a good QoL change (like new Quick Gambit, Bound, Kindred). The new Distortion is still useful but much fairer and healthier for both, SWF and SoloQ (still more value in SWF but no longer that insane since there is a fair requirement).
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soo...the average chase time of survivor per hook state is 20s (taken from stat where average time of survivors per match is 1min), which was 10s below the 30s threshold, meaning this 15s change was literally full-on cattering to loud players who plain refuse to improve and last less than 30s in chase.
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ummm...that's Object of Obsession, not Distortion if we talk about SWF value :D
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What do you mean?
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Object of Obsession is literally the best SWF perk in terms of not only dealing with aura reading on killer, but also having the way to always know where the killer is and to report it to the team, especially if your team knows the clock callouts. Also, when killers read your aura, you will read their aura too for the exact same time as they read yours.
Compared to this, Distortion is like "omg killer has this aura reading perk because my Distortion token got away omg"
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Before its nerf, Distortion was an amazing perk (it is still a good one but no longer that insane) because it does the same what Object of Obsession does but in a much better, easier to use, and safer way. The reason why you run this perk in SWF is to call out perks. It doesn't matter how you call the perks out (either by losing a token or by seeing the killer), the important part is that you can call out the perk. Therefore, OoO puts you in the bad spot that your aura gets revealed when it's not good - you can't always play around the reveal time. In SWF, you also don't need to know the exact location of the killer because you have teammates that can also give you the info where the killer is or where the killer goes.
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Distortion - cancels aura reading and removes scratch marks per token while not doing anything else, doesn't work against perma aura reading (Scratch Mirror Myers, Weave.
Object of Obsession - at base, reads killer's aura for 3s every 30s at the cost of your aura being read for 3s too (also provides action speed boost while your aura is being read)
Also, every time killer reads your aura, their aura is also revealed to you for the same time your aura is revealed to them, meaning this perk gives you insane value against Scratched Mirror Myers, Weave Attunement, while also giving you value against every single kind of aura reading, both perma and periodic ones.
In SWFs, this perk gives huge value even at base level, not to mention other cases where it gives insane value.
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Scratch Mirror Myers is not very common. Like how often do you see this build? Weave Attunement is easier to counter in SWF because survivors can call out the exact position of the dropped item and then the other teammates can drop their item in a useless spot for WA. According to nightlightgg, WA is also rather mediocre in terms of pickrate.
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you missed the part where i named those two as just the handful of aura reading aspects OoO is good against. I didn't hear any good argument for Distortion being a good team perk in SWF yet, please give me just one that isn't something OoO is already doing
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I've already said that Distortion is easier and safer to use than Object of Obsession and it can't put you in a bad spot. I
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easier and safer to use against killers with no game sense, thus creating you a comfort zone where you hold yourself back from improving (quite an average Distortion user experience), but when you actually face a killer with game sense, you will find yourself completely handicapped as soon as they find you and eventually give up very fast as the match starts. The most powerful perks in this game are the ones that have skill floor
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I guess we talk about different topics
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you have started discussion about Distortion being a great team perk in SWFs, i gave all the arguments against it. It's not a different topic, it's just that you tried pushing a point about overall crutch perk used only by bad players (similar to killers using Lightborn, excluding cases of people with photosensitive issues and flashbangs), while that perk has little to no space in good teams.
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This!!!! I ran distortion and quite honestly there have been matches where I didn't complete a gen but was chased almost the entire match. I wasn't getting the chase but had the heartbeat because they were tracking me. I mean it was good for my team IF they were doing gens. Distortion allowed me to hide after I was out of view.
One thing I noticed now is that in soloq no one is doing gens or going for hook saves. When there is 2 gens left and 2 survivors nothing is getting done, it's a standoff (this is from being a killer and survivor). There is a shift in how people are playing the game right now and no one is doing anything.
To stop inactive players remove the escape points or lessen them, give more points for gens because that is the main objective and you get the least amount of points. If a player doesn't meet a threshold of points make them redo the tutorial to play again and they can't rejoin play until they do. This I think would stop the bitterness of some killers letting the last player go that hid all game.