We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

What are your hot takes?

I’ll start

Gens are fun to be on, it makes the game a bit scary when you don’t know where the killer is. It makes the game better and gives it pacing.

Stealth isn’t a bad play style, I take stealth and run a support build while others take chase, I sit back and heal, do gens and when I get them, boon totems. I’m there to help the others and I will take chase when the team needs it.

Both sides are fair, well mostly. I play at a lower level but I still think it’s relatively fair, all killers have the opportunity to get a 4k and all survivors have the chance to escape, however I understand the anti hook teams are unfair to killer and gen regress blight is unfair to survivors but for the most part it’s alright

You don’t need meta perks to have a good build, as long as you have a style that works for you it’s the best one.

Slinger is one of the best killers, he has the ability to pull survivors toward his, they escape they go to deep wound they get hit they take damage either way, and he can shoot through small holes, he isn’t as good as blight or nurse but he’s better then people give him credit for.

Jeff is the best survivor (he’s hot)



  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 1,002
    edited October 10

    Artist is better than Blight and therefore the second best killer in the game.

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 1,667

    BM doesn’t bother me when done to me. I actually find it hilarious when done to me. I think it's the exaggerated display of this type of passion that I find so amusing. It’s so ridiculous that I can’t help but laugh.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 875

    I don't know if these are hot takes, but…

    The DC time out should be 15-30 minutes max. Reason being it's better to get a bot in the game than to have someone give up on hook because they've already hit a 6 hour DC time out and can't step away from the game the way they probably should.

    Meg deserves human rights and you should be nicer to her (I'm a Meg main).

    Stealth is a totally valid Survivor play style and some of you guys could stand to learn how to creep around a little better. Not everyone wants to play a Tom & Jerry / Scooby Doo chase simulator.

    BHVR has the weirdest philosophy when it comes to nerfing perks sometimes. Instead of just doing the simple thing like making a perk weaker but keeping the same effect, they like to change its utility completely. Personally, I can't see anyone who used to run Made For This or Distortion ever wanting to touch those perks again.

    I preferred facing the old Chucky compared to "nerfed" Chucky without his scamper.

    Blinding the Killer should have a cooldown. Please, no more chain blinds. They're just annoying.

    I hear people say Wesker is the most "balanced" Killer in the game. I think he's just as busted as every other high mobility Killer in the game.

    Not every Killer needs to be equally strong. It's OK for there to be "weaker" Killers and "stronger" Killers. They don't all need to hit that 60% kill rate.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,877
    edited October 10

    Balanced =/= competitive. Competitive is about sweat; especially in an asymmetrical game, it means optimizing the fun out of the game in order to achieve better outcomes. Balanced just implies the game is fair, which is something you can appreciate even if you're playing something as casual and simple as war with a deck of cards.

    This forum is an echochamber of people who spend way too much time playing this game. If the people here love to assert they don't think this is a competitive game (which isn't exactly what you're saying, but I've noticed this, and do so myself here), normies definitely aren't going to think it's competitive.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,759

    Gens are fun to be on, it makes the game a bit scary when you don’t know where the killer is. 

    Agreed, though I'd more broadly say 'you don't have to be in chase to have fun as a survivor'. Not knowing where the killer is or how well a chase is going on with someone else is exciting.

    Stealth isn’t a bad play style

    Agreed, it's a key part of the game and there are many ways to do it and still be very helpful for the team.

    Both sides are fair, well mostly. 

    In the sense that both sides can be broken, yes, if the players want to play that way.

    In the sense that game has fun for both sides, yes.

    You don’t need meta perks to have a good build, as long as you have a style that works for you it’s the best one.

    Agreed, there are lots of valid builds.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 402

    old PainRes that activated every time you hooked any survivor on a hook was the healthiest perk i the game, DMS should've been nerfed instead of it.

    any perk, item, addon and strategy that revolves around denying hooks from the killer is extremely unhealthy for the game.

    Pentimento needs to be reworked.

    game needs much harsher ways to punish people that give up early.

    it's not shame to find fun in winning, but it's really cringe when you use meta perks and then complain how your opponent "doesn't play for fun" because they didn't let you win.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,791

    You made numerous comments that you hate Wesker.

    Of course, because I hate him more than any other killer. We are all here to talk about DBD, that will naturally include the things we dislike.

    I guarantee I have way more posts detailing how much I love Freddy than posts explaining my hatred for Wesker.

    As for Nurse, the suggestion of 10 blinks is definitely more unpopular than the fact of Wesker being terribly designed. I am not sure if you were here for that, but for a really long time Nurse used to have 5 blinks (and 7 on-release, but that was 2016 only), which was strong to the extreme.

    I think it is unlikely she'll ever get it back.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,024

    The Cleansing or Crotus Prenn (Nurse's tome lore) was good.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,791

    Because of how bloated his kit is, for a power of that nature. Hyper-mobility can be tricky to balance because of the way survivors have to play around it. They are powerful abilities, after all.

    Hillbilly and Oni are good examples of well-designed killers with hyper mobility. Hillbilly has the charge time to keep in mind and Oni has to build up his power, but in return they are gifted a good power. That is fun, and fair.

    Wesker in the other hand, is a perfect example of a horribly designed killer, for a power of that nature. He has barely any charge time to worry about, he can vault, he creates a countdown towards Hindered and he gets a notification of your location as soon as you get rid of the infection (which you have to do). Passive slowdown and information are good abilities, but they cannot be paired together with mobility. This is way too much.

    Even if you somehow play perfectly against him you will go down, because you will get slowed down and once you're fully infected he only needs to get you once, while not worrying about… well, anything. And it doesn't help that the few resources you can use against him are scarce, thanks to the map reworks, so regardless of which direction he throws you (which shouldn't exist as an ability to begin with), there is a good chance you will be stuck on a deadzone with nothing to use. His hitboxes are extremely inconsistent. Not to mention his incredible potential for tunneling, which thankfully isn't as intense as it used to be before his nerf.

    Also, he doesn't even contribute to the horror atmosphere and his voice-lines are annoying.

    He is not unbeatable, of course. No killer is. But I don't think his power is healthy for the game. I would be happy to never see him again.

    Terrible killer design.

    Oh, I was there. It still wasn't enough.

    5 blinks were not enough?

  • CrossTheSholf
    CrossTheSholf Member Posts: 250

    Gen regression needs to be buffed. 3 gens are gone, there are 8 regression procs per gen, it's impossible to take the game hostage. Rebuff regression stuff. Make pop 25% flat, make pain res 20% flat. Bring. Ruin back to 200%. Make COB 200%, Make OC 75-150%, rework Undone, make surge 12%, Etc etc.

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,323

    as someone who mains jeff whenever i play survivor i agree with you on everything you said

  • justadreampallet
    justadreampallet Member Posts: 132

    Jeff is obviously the best and I give the best list no one can dispute Jeff brother. We are the best!

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 877
    edited October 10

    Nurse needs her double stun back and both her and Wraith need lightburn back

    Oh, and Pain Res was better without tokens.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,353

    The game would be more fun with old Ruin+Undying and Circle of Healing back.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 402

    only thing in Wesker's kit that can be actually considered a problem is Hindered status effect, tho at the same time it's his only way of pressuring the map.

    His hugtech and urobending have a way to be avoided and his power is basically much fun to vs in 1v1s than those of majority of other killers.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,373

    Old Freddy was a genuinely good killer, it's just people couldn't play around his weaknesses when playing him.

  • ControllerFeedback
    ControllerFeedback Member Posts: 89

    Gens should go back to 80 seconds.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,024
    edited October 10
    Post edited by SoGo on
  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 767

    hot take: Merciless Storm should be the default of how gen skill checks work.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,254
    edited October 10

    There need to be hard limits on how many perks of each type you can bring. It would severely damage boring playstyles and introduce more perk variety. Two info perks, Two gen perks, Two second chance perks, etc.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,791

    I don't think this is an unpopular opinion these days, my dear friend.

    In the past? Yes. Many players tried to play him the same way people used to play Wraith and then got really surprised when it didn't work. But now, at least in here, I think many looked back and finally saw his strengths and advantages.

    When we get him back, I doubt there will be people claiming he is weak.

  • MissiCiv
    MissiCiv Member Posts: 85

    gens need to be 100 sec

  • LegacySmikey
    LegacySmikey Applicant, Member Posts: 598

    Not sure how hot they are but

    1.Solo queue isn't that bad & the games that are bad are almost always because of tunneling or more likely your team (your bad teammate issue will never be fixed by the devs)

    2.Scratch mirror myers is fun to face

    3.You shouldn't hide in a locker out of spite when A myers going for a 4k mori & your the last one you've lost just let them get their achievement maybe there would be less players using the add ons 🤷🏻‍♂️ (I have it by the way doesn't affect me)

    4.If Meg is last survivor she should be let out!

    5.If Steve or Leon are the last survivor they should always be given a mori!

    6. If the majority of the player base were playing this game 4 or 5 years ago they might whine a lot less! old BS that has been removed! Imagine some of the loops, toolboxes, old hatch escapes, powers, the list goes on! Doesn't mean the game today doesn't have issues but the entitlement (both sides) is off the scale, complaints are valid but in game & on the forum the player base is more & more imature everyday!

    Oh & for @GeneralV

    7. Old freddy was fun, not as remotely underpowered as people seemed to think & I got 3k plus with him almost every game!

  • AGlassOfOJ
    AGlassOfOJ Member Posts: 36

    definitely disagree with this one.

    Artist is really good at tunneling and can put survivors in bad situations by getting someone out early, but Blight has far higher map control, is far less predictable, and generally has a higher skill ceiling. Still, after hug-teching was removed I would agree they are definitely comparable and I think Artist is better than people say she is because of how difficult it can be to learn and how long it takes to master her.

  • AGlassOfOJ
    AGlassOfOJ Member Posts: 36

    Dead Hard is still one of, if not the best survivor perk in the game. It can outperform almost every anti-tunnel perk in the game, grants a huge burst of distance, pairs extremely well with Made for This, and if used correctly can basically revert MfT's nerf. It being less common also makes it much less predictable, and all of the mechanical problems that DH had before its nerf are still there after the nerf, you just don't have to deal with them basically every chase. It can still be used to take hits for teammates even when injured, it can still be used out of the blue to take even the most experienced killers by surprise, and it can still make some hits literally impossible near pallets because the killer has to play a waiting game that he has a very slim chance of winning.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,245
    edited October 10

    Generator-related perks should not exist on either side. Generators should be specifically balanced for each killer, with the gen slowdown the killer needs built-in (so basically finely tuned basekit perks based on the killer's strength and that complement the killer's power). And with that being balanced survivors should then not have generator perks, either. Trying to balance every perk so that it is neither too strong nor too weak on every killer is impossible and it hurts the game. This could be said of any type of perk but I think it's most true in the arms race of generator perks.

    Boil Over's only counter should not be to slug the survivor running it. It has always affected console killers more than PC killers and it is always in effect when a survivor is being carried. It's a horribly designed perk and needs to be completely changed.

    I really liked the candelabras in Lights Out 2.0 and hope they return.

    Last year's Halloween event was awesome and I want releasing the ghosts as survivor returned.

    Bardic Inspiration should have a cool down on the effect but not on playing the lute. (Also, get rid of the scream if the player rolls a one. Instead, have the survivor pull out the lute and a string snaps.)

    I don't think killer complaints got Distortion nerfed. Or at least, not killer complaints alone. There's been an increasing amount of complaints from survivors about teammates who don't play the game at all. BHVR's own data probably backed this up enough that they decided Distortion was creating a problem. I don't think BHVR would nerf a perk based on complaints alone, as they've outright said perception is often different from the reality when they look at the data. I keep seeing the people blame killers for this nerf but from my own experience killers adapted; meanwhile, teammates had no recourse but to take the aggro, and I think many who realized what was happening in the match would "go next" because it's one thing to take punishment for one's own choice of perks and another to take punishment for their teammate's perks. Original MFT caused the same problem.

    Are those hot takes? I'm pretty sure at least two are (the event-related ones).

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,448
    edited October 10

    According to this community for some reason?

    The game would be more fun if it was balanced around hooks instead of kills, for both killers and survivors. Killers wouldn't camp/tunnel, and survivors would get more time in the game, and the killer wouldn't feel pressured to camp/tunnel because the game would be balanced around not doing those things, and, ideally, those things would be fundamentally not possible from a design perspective.

  • M1_gamer
    M1_gamer Member Posts: 353

    old Freddy was fun and not that bad.

    I'm bout to piss off 99% of the community with this next one lol.

    I don't like Demogorgon.

  • GhostsCore
    GhostsCore Member Posts: 24

    Nurse Isn't nearly as hard as people are willing to admit. She has a high skill floor but once you hit it. She's 90% muscle memory. And even on console she's still the best killer.

    That was 2 hot takes but eh they're related.

  • AGlassOfOJ
    AGlassOfOJ Member Posts: 36

    -Wesker in my opinion is probably one of the best balanced killers in the entire game. This is a surprising take because he's a universally unhated killer, fun to play as and engaging to play against. He can be one of the best killers in the game in the right hands, but even then it doesn't feel too bad losing against him because of how engaging his chase power is to play against, it almost always feels like a misplay on your part.

    -EGC (I'm pretty sure this is end-game chat abbreviated) I actually like a lot. Yeah, there's usually toxic people chatting ######### and being mean, but more often than not I see people sending their GGs and talking about something surprising or funny that happened in the game. I even get kind of annoyed when something super weird happens that I want to talk about and when I get to the EGC everyone's a console player so I can't talk to them. Toxic people will always find a way to make something fun into something negative, and that should never be cause for removing or never introducing a mechanic.

    -Well, it is. Killers want kills and it is infinitely easier to camp a survivor on a hook than search through literally the entire map to hopefully find a probably healthy survivor, only to hit them once and they either have enough distance to escape or have people come in for bodyblocks. Killers really have no other option if they want a kill, and you really can't blame them for not wanting to throw.

    -I agree with this, though mostly just because of how subjective "weakest" is. I don't think he was ever the weakest, but he was definitely usually ONE OF the weakest.

    -Of course, but that's the thing. Fun and balance are inherently intertwined. People play games for fun, and generally balanced games are more fun, so balancing a game usually leads to more fun.

    -I think the 5v5 gamemode teased I think a year and a half ago now would actually make a competitive mode viable for DBD as it would be a symmetrical experience. I don't agree with the people who say DBD is "just a party game" I mean, what other party game gets frequent balance changes and public test builds? But if people like a game enough, they will build a competitive scene around it. There may be balance changes and ramifications to the main game because of it, but it's inevitable.

    You probably aren't going to read any of this and I'm well aware I massively over-responded but I accidentally took 2 adderall instead of 1 and had some energy to burn off.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,060

    you gotta be my evil twin or something. Jeff my main and i think slinger a top 10 killer. I will never understand why people underestimate him

  • AGlassOfOJ
    AGlassOfOJ Member Posts: 36

    The game should be slightly killer-sided. Slightly.

    When I saw DbD's kill rates for each killer, I was kind of confused when they said they wanted the kill rate of each killer to be somewhere around 60%, when 50% made more sense to me, but I think I get it now.

    Think about every "DbD killer" that crashed and burned, didn't last more than a month, or was perpetually doomed to have a smaller player base than DbD throughout it's lifespan. Evil Dead, Friday the 13th, VHS, etc., the one thing they all had in common was how survivor-sided they were. This made sense to the developers, the larger portion of their playerbase wants to play survivor, we should make survivor more fun and easier to win with, what they barely took into account is how frustrating this made killer. But who cares? There'll always be someone playing killer, right? No, there won't be. A lot of complaints from players about why these games were bad (at least in Evil Dead and VHS' case) were the abysmal queue times, as well as how horrible playing killer felt. They didn't want to buff killer or nerf survivor, how could they turn their back on the majority of the playerbase by taking away their means of defense? Well, because they had these means of defense at their disposal, playing killer was incredibly difficult and many killer players opted for a different game, and thus the games died out, or at least have a much smaller player base than they used to.

    The exception is DbD itself. Look at some footage of old DbD, it was ridiculously survivor sided, the only reason it was balanced is because this asymmetrical horror genre was very new at the time and people didn't exactly know how to abuse survivors' capabilities, but they quickly learned. This is also why new asymmetrical horror games are burned to the ground by the survivor role when they come out, DbD veterans know exactly how to exploit the killer role in these new games. DbD had the massive benefit of being the first and having the least experienced playerbase, so they were able to slowly tweak survivor and killer into being more balanced at the same rate players learned how to use them well.

    Killer isn't necessarily harder to win with, but definitely takes a lot more focus and effort on the part of the killer. If that effort and focus doesn't feel rewarded, players will not hesitate to turn their backs on an experience that pushes them to their limit only to get nothing out of it. This is sometimes what killer felt like in the early days of DbD, and it's how killer feels in other asymmetricals now. Killer NEEDS to be overpowered. He NEEDS to have a massive advantage over survivors, because when it's a 4v1, the 1 will always have more on his mind and more to do. If survivors have too many ways of fighting back, if their chances are just as good as the killer's, then half of the game is about putting in 4x as much work as the other half and getting an equal, or sometimes worse reward.

    Killer needs to have the advantage, even if just by a little bit. A 60% kill rate makes much more sense than I thought it did.

    TL;DR, Killer takes much more effort and that effort needs to be disproportionally rewarded more than survivor, many other horror asymmetricals died out because killer was too weak.

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,156

    Forced Hesitation and arguably Deadlock are horribly designed perks in terms of game health.

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 703

    Playstyles as a whole are not toxic and to many players take things personally. Slugging, Tunneling, Camping, Bodyblocking, flashlight/pallet saves, all are legitimate parts of the game players have a right to use. This includes Killers who only slugging and leave players to bleed out. Cringe definitely, but toxic? Nah. When it happens to me I just grab my phone and relax, go get a drink, etc.

    I will add that as obvious it should be, this does not include slugging or harassing a character or their player for skin color, gender, sensuality, etc.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 1,007

    I use to main Jeff, he's cool and all but very, "loud" like sluggish. All things considered lol. So since Vittorio appeared, I now main him. Why? (I know noone askedlol) because I like Bikers. And Jeff was that Biker guy. Bear-ish like, Big and Burly. But Vitty is that Biker Boss, the leader of the pack type.

  • Jock21
    Jock21 Member Posts: 27

    Huntress is powercrept and hella weak against good survivors even after her buffs, Idk how people can still gaslight themselves into thinking she's an A tier killer.

    Artist is just a weaker Unknown and against not clueless survivors her power only has value in zoning.

    Making Trickster a 115% speed killer was a good decision and I'd say he's definitely at least better than Deathslinger when it comes to ranged killers.

    Without her current very strong add-ons Plague probably wouldn't be an A tier killer (which I suspect will become the case as they'll very probably gonna nerf them in November).

    Vecna's honestly a bordeline C tier killer.

    It's funny seeing people debate who's the top of A tier killer between Spirit and Chucky when Dracula clearly wrecks both of them.

    Deja Vu deserves to be nerfed now that we have the 8 gens kicks limit.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,890
    edited October 10

    I'm going to make the argument that what you miss from 2018 isn't all the stuff you mentioned. What you miss is the game feeling new and fresh. It's easy to look back on things with rose colored glasses and forget about all the things you disliked from that era. Remember true face camping? As in the killer could stand right in front of a hooked survivor and other survivors literally couldn't unhook them. True infinite window loops? There used to be areas on maps where many killers had no counter play options. If a survivor ran to a certain area then your only option was to abandon the chase. The game was absolutely not more fun or healthy back then. It was just newer.

  • Aceislife
    Aceislife Member Posts: 315

    Old movement, which meant 360s weren't complete garbage (although good killers still never fell for them), was a huge improvement over the current system imo. Same goes for the flashlight changes they've done.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,791

    Both true facecamp and actual infinite loops were before 2018, though.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,890

    I think you're wrong about that. 2018 is 6 years ago. I don't think I've been playing that long and I definitely remember living through those things. I tried to look for patch notes for proof but I can't seem to find any from that era. If I'm going to be honest here, I was one of the worst examples of a face camper when I first played. I really don't have any right to get mad at anything a killer does as I have a lot of karma to pay back.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,791

    I am not.

    Actual facecamping was removed when Freddy released (October of 2017) and actual infinite loops no longer existed outside of Haddonfield with Balance Landing.