We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

So... A distortion change

I noticed distortion was nerfed into the ground but nothing seems to be done about the INCREASING number of aura reading perks that killers have.

Do they just want survivors to hate the game?



  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,373

    Distortion is getting buffed and Weave is getting nerfed, so your point isn't really all that valid. 15 seconds to charge a token means it'll still have plentiful Tokens even for Survivors who are bad at chase, it'll be hard to NOT get at least 1 Distortion token in a chase.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,447

    I think you have a different problem if a killer brought in 25 aura perks into the match.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,373

    Well, those Distortion changes will likely be out in a couple of weeks, so not long to wait. I can imagine it'll help Survivors who aren't very good at chase a ton.

    Franklin's/Weave wasn't exactly well countered by Distortion either way pre-nerf, considering it eats up tokens extremely fast. The better counter in this case is Object of Obsession, since it's unlimited and gives you aura reading on the killer in return.

  • hacendado
    hacendado Member Posts: 5

    Object of obsession is not a counter. It gives you problems when you are the obsession. Your aura is automatically revealed to the Killer for 3 seconds every 30 seconds. It increases your chances of being the obsession and if you are not, you can become it just by pure luck with Friends Till the End. It is too unpredictable and it is not worth revealing your aura just for the killer to find you.

  • Sebaaasy
    Sebaaasy Member Posts: 2

    Onryo has an Iridescent aura reading addon that shows survivors 12 meters from an active television when projecting and it benefits from Lethal Pursuer.

    Bubba has the Light Chassis add-on that lets him see survivor auras in an 8 meters radius sphere (this means he can rev his chainsaw and see survivors on the second floor if he's on the first floor and viceversa).

    Pig has Amanda's Letter, when crouched she can see survivors in a 16 meters radius sphere at the cost of half her power.
    She also has Amanda's Secret, which reveals auras of survivors removing reverse bear traps for 6 seconds (8 seconds with lethal)

    Knight has Healing Poultice, which reveals survivors auras around the Assassin's 8 meters radius sphere when summoned.
    They are revealed for 8 seconds (10 w lethal). He also has Jailer's Chimes now, which reveals for 8 seconds the auras of survivors that cross his patrol path. Finally, he has Flint and Steel, an addon that lets him see survivors that are 24 meters away (in a sphere as always) from a dropped pallet whenever he summons the carnifex.

    Deathslinger has no addons to see auras, which doesn't matter because even if he did he couldn't do ######### about it because he's slow as ######### and survivors pre-run against him so chases last 2 to 5 business days.

    So congrats, you were right about only one of your statements. I'm not gonna read the rest of your post because it reeks of "Killers have 100 addons and perks to see auras while us poor survivors HAVE to use distortion to stand a chance!".
    Can't you see that one addon that counters that many things is grossly overpowered? People who defend distortion are not liked by killers nor by their fellow teammates lol. get good at looping and stop crying.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,918
    edited October 10

    you forgot Zanshin Tactics (Oni) and Human Greed (Dracula).

    Post edited by Ayodam on
  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,373

    It is a counter though, like a very good counter. I'm very sorry if you don't have the skills to handle having your aura maybe periodically revealed, but it's undeniable how good Object is against Weave, it lets you exploit the perk against the killer, since you can control where you drop items.

    Dropping a medkit at shack against a killer with Weave and you have Object is insanely good for you.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 125

    Also it's a easy win for stealth killers and so help me God if they have rancor, which then that reminds me if your using ooo wouldn't throw killer Also see your aura with rancor?

    I know without it ofc you see theirs they don't see you but if they can when you have ooo that is very disgustingly bad.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,002
  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 125

    Watch the next complaint is calm spirit/harden countering every scream perk and destroying doctor lol.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,458

    Stealth killers are literally a joke lmao, ghostface, myers pig and the like are easy to just run around in chase, why should I care if they know where I am, they all have audio ues that alert me of their presence and if they are using 4 aura perks then they lack slowdown and chase perks meaning a good chase, which is easy to do against a stealth killer, will win you the match.

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 271

    aura reading is much stronger on killer than survivor. and windows should just be basekit.

  • AGlassOfOJ
    AGlassOfOJ Member Posts: 36

    In an absolute best case scenario, sure. If you're playing against 4 lobotomy patients I could totally see this happening. In reality survivors actually have the ability to run away from the killer, and the killer also unfortunately can't clone himself 3 times so every other survivor will be typically doing something useful like doing gens or unhooking/healing while the survivor runs away. There's actually this neat technique called "looping" which counters the strategy of standing still and letting the killer instantly down them like you seem to think happens every game.

    Survivors also get 4 powerups called "perks" that allow them to play around the killer and not all instantly die. I could recommend some beginner survivor guides if you'd like.

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 271

    I doubt it would actually be but if it was they could buff killer to compensate in some way. Making it basekit (with ability to turn off) would help lower the gap between solo que and swf.

  • AGlassOfOJ
    AGlassOfOJ Member Posts: 36

    BBQ is definitely one of the more healthy perks to discourage camping, but I feel like it does a little too much for just hooking survivors, which you'd be doing anyways. Not a huge nerf, just change the distance around a little or have it guarantee you see the furthest survivor or something. Idk, maybe it doesn't need a nerf, but it can be insanely strong in the right killer's hands and pretty annoying as survivor.

    Also there's no way you just called Devour healthy for the game just because it slightly suggests you shouldn't facecamp lol. You can still somewhat proxy with it decently well and as soon as survivors realize you have it, it completely butchers the pacing of the game as every survivor is thrown into a tizzy trying to find it.

  • AGlassOfOJ
    AGlassOfOJ Member Posts: 36

    40 meters is really not that far, and with distortion being much less popular, it also indirectly gives you info by telling you that the survivors you don't see are within 40 meters of you. I don't think it needs a huge nerf, but completely cutting out the time it takes to find the next survivor by giving you the info exactly when you need it that you are rewarded with by doing something you'd do anyways feels a little strong to me, especially on very mobile killers like Blight, Billy and Xeno.

    Also, I understand it is definitely healthy for the game and discourages camping but that has never been a super strong argument to me because perks being a band-aid for the core game mechanic's problems have always been a bad thing. We're seeing a lot of that recently with more and more killers opting to slug because of the massive amounts of anti-tunneling perks and bounceback perks like We'll Make It and Resurgence making hooking sometimes hurt you more than it helps you.

    I don't know what the solution to these problems are, but I sure as hell know it isn't a pay-only perk.

  • Sandt1985
    Sandt1985 Member Posts: 327

    Then hop in a locker, or hide behind a gen, or use Object of occasion, or Off The Record, or Boon Shadow Step, or Sole Survivor, or even the current version of Distortion.

    There are plenty of ways to counter aura reading in specific circumstances that you could use, but what you want is a catch-all perk that just negates aura reading in its entirety like old distortion.