We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Please Nerf Killers

Killers are way to overpowered it's no fun to play survivor anymore, because all the killers play exactly the same as though they never got buffed, we would like to get more than 11k blood points per trail because of killers who end up getting blood points for playing sweaty.



  • MikeyMyers666
    MikeyMyers666 Member Posts: 42

    I don't understand the issue with "playing sweaty." This is a horror game. Isn't that the whole point?

  • Ricardo170373
    Ricardo170373 Member Posts: 696

    The problem is SoloQ, play against duos or trios or agaisnt full squad is more balanced or even more survivor sided than the killer depending what killer we talking about.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 790

    Why exactly would I change my playstyle if the killer I'm playing gets buffed? (at least that's what I'm reading from that?)

    I just play on the best of my abilities, if I can tunnel you without losing much I will do that, if I can camp you without losing much I will do that, same goes for slugging and creating pressure that way. I don't have any reason to handycap my own playstyle, it would only make me lose more and most people aren't exactly nice to you if you lose for whatever reason (even if you did it on purpose to be nice). Even if I play survivor myself I expect the killers to tunnel and camp because it would just more sensefull and I'm not even mad.

    And if you all end up with 11k points ether you heavely missplayed and got 4 man slugged or the killer was simply much better than all of you and didn't want to take ages to end the match. (Of course it also could be that someone left, but that isn't something that bhvr could fix very well sadly)

  • Paternalpark
    Paternalpark Member Posts: 663

    Change title to "Fix MMR" and ill upvote.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,203
    edited September 10

    I think my main issue with the Survivor role at the moment is just how awful it is to gain Bloodpoints compared to before.

    There really is no reason to play Survivors when you can do so much and earn so little, while as Killer you can do so little and earn so much. In games I do really, really poorly in, I still earn more Bloodpoints than the Survivors.

    On top of that, the BP scores rely on the Killer not being good at the game, but not too horrible at the game since they need to get hits/hooks for your BP… meaning it is just further more reliant on others and luck.

    The BP scores needed to be tuned a bit more imo.

  • CautionaryMary
    CautionaryMary Member Posts: 113

    I gave a GGWP to a Trickster on Playstation yesterday. I usually do it when the game was close or something like that. It does happen, just not as frequently as you'd think. 🤣

    I think the game has incredible amounts of burnout and Behavior needs to address some valid concerns about the game. I don't know if they're wanting a more chase oriented or stealth based game but I feel the enjoyment of the game went down once they started reworking the maps, which caused gens, hooks, and loops (abysmal pallets) to spawn closer together. It's either have the game be stealth based (harder with the amount of aura perks and add-ons) or chase oriented (harder with map downsizes, less speed boost than before, worse loops, and some killers simply depending on bloodlust to void a pallet in general).

    I get so many randoms who get caught at the beginning of the game and insta starts killing themselves on hooks and I haven't experienced it as much in the past as before. Yesterday in particular was dreadful for playing solo-queue.

  • Rick1998
    Rick1998 Member Posts: 249

    this is a survivor issue . When i queue for survivor is always get teamates who only goes for saves , are doing some ramdom tone challenge or they give up when downed the first time . Any of these scenarios is just the survivors fault for basically throwing the match and no matter what killer you're facing you will loose .

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,819

    This is a SoloQ issue, not an 'overpowered killers' issue.

    I'm escaping pretty evenly.

  • TheTom20
    TheTom20 Member Posts: 467

    I'm not finding that experience personally.
    My only issue with the game is the team mates who are useless or dc or give up.
    When people actually make an effort the games are fine.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,021

    I would be happy if they would at least make decent maps, that don‘t favor killers constantly and have terrible loops and 20 shortcuts for them. This game would then at least be fun while killers have still good abilities. Also hitboxes are very bad in this game, I get hit so many times, where it shouldn‘t have been a hit. Having nice perks would be nice, but I would much rather have good maps. Having nice perks and bad maps would change nothing (, only when the perks would be busted).

  • Paternalpark
    Paternalpark Member Posts: 663
    edited September 10

    Wdym? The killer is a tree trunk and survivors are twigs put together.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,929

    Uh no.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,061

    reading dbd forum threads are more entertaining than most ongoing shows. Every lunch break I tune in

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,819

    That isn't necessarily the case either, though.

    Maybe the top tiers, but you still need to learn each killer. It's not as black and white saying "Oh just play any killer and you'll win." That's probably only viable in low mmr. Once they face better survivors that will shift drastically, especially if they lack the perks needed to catch up with prepared and coordinated squads.

    But I do agree, the average player needs more help, but it shouldn't come at the cost of nerfing killers across the board.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,400

    They're not That overpowered, imo. Yeah, I'd love for some small QOL tweaks, but honestly the majority of complaints I have about the game aren't directly balance related but player attitude problems andtthose won't be addressed by nerfs. The game favors killers but it does so in a way that can be fun for survivors if you don't go against a Most Comp Mindset Killer Award finalist. Would live updates that encourage people to nit play with that playstyle, rather than overall nerfs

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 682

    It's not really Killers that are the issue, or the Kill versus Escape rates. No.

    It's just the same thing Survivors have told Killers for years now rehashed and the same things Devs did to Killers back then rehashed - stop playing in a way where you HAVE to win to have fun, these nerfs are actually buffs, see?. The Devs are clearly, CLEARLY trying to take this game in a more casual direction, everything screams it. The game is not meant to be competitive just because the player base is and because there is a versus element, it's meant as a casual versus game.

    Wanting to win a bunch is by definition, not casual. If your mindset as either role is to win a bunch or you feel like you HAVE to win to have fun at the role, your mindset is way too sweaty. So yes, this horror game is 100% asking Survivors to be okay with, and up to the challenge of, trying to do their best against a foe they can't beat. The game for Survivor isn't meant to be about winning, it's meant to be about TRYING.

  • SweetbutaPsycho
    SweetbutaPsycho Member Posts: 255

    I second OPs opinion that killers generally should be hard nerfed. But especially wraith and pig

    Take away wraiths ability to uncloak and make him watch angrily as survivors do gen.

    Make it so that when you load in as pig you first need to actually pass a trial yourself which consists of having to solve university math equations. If you give thr wrong answer you get banned from DBD for a year.

    Also make it that if you down a survivor as pig you get a trap placed on yourself that you need to disarm in 60 seconds or your PC explodes. (Pig players need to be stopped)

  • LadyOwO
    LadyOwO Member Posts: 370
    edited September 11

    Well killers have to play sweaty in to combat SWF bully squads. It's always fun to get all the salty messages after you've decimated a SWF group. Especially if they've got TTV in their names :) I've gotten death threats from Twitch Streamers on console and I will keep doing my best to make them miserable :D

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257
    edited September 11

    Nice, wanna stream? You might get very popular if you manage that without tunneling as soon you get an option.

    If you always 8 hook without perks, then I would respect that even on Blight/Nurse.

    Unless you then let all of them leave on purpose to lower MMR. We have seen this one before.

  • Hecata_Harbinger
    Hecata_Harbinger Member Posts: 28

    I main Susie. I'm nearly P100 so it's a personal challenge to play my main without perks.

    My friends say I should but I got some strong anxiety so it's been a struggle to bring myself to try again.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Legion makes actually sense for this.

    You don't really need tracking and have build in slowdown to some extent.

    Groups where you lose, which split/bodyblock while mending, would probably win even if you have perks, so it doesn't change much.

    From all characters I managed to play perkless on Blight and Legion.

    I like either endgame, or chase build on Legion tho. It's fun...

  • Autharia
    Autharia Member Posts: 94

    The thing is SoloQ has maybe a 90% loss rate for survivor, 50% cause of teammates, 40% from sweaty killers that think they only match SWF's(the smallest % of the games population are), 7% are killer being nice or farming BP so they open the gate them self letting people leave, and the last 3% is an actual escape.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 300

    Maybe your playing survivor wrong? You can get lots of BP by doing totems and doing challenges. you don't have to escape to get good amount of BP. I'm a killer main, but when I play survivor I go into the match with the mindset of "probably not going to survive but will see what I can get out of it" makes being survivor way more fun than going into a match think "I'm going to win".

    As for killers playing exactly the same... It's no different than survivors generally play exactly the same from day 1, loop loop loop. That's not fun for me as a killer or survivor but it's part of the game and I accept that I either need to counter it or deal with it. Doesn't mean survivors should be nerfed... Although tbh gens fly pretty fast so I wouldn't mind that being nerfed but there are perks and frowned upon tactics to get me through

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 402

    why are we acting like killers exclusively sweating in this game when most of people on both sides complaining about other side "not playing for fun" while they also bring the meta stuff into their matches?

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 402

    it's only survivor sided at the highest skill levels of game, but that kind of lobbies is not even achievable through current matchmaking system (because game is basically balanced based on this kind of matchmaking and current MMR system), meaning any lost match from any side is truly just a skill issue from either side.

    Any semi-decent killer player will 3-4k often, and any semi-secent survivor in a semi-decent team will have a 3-4 men escape, people just feel the neccessity to theow tantrums because they want to win, but feel like they shouldn't have to improve because "bro akshually i'm a casual player so that means game should still catter to my refusal to improve 🤓"

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,353

    You signed up and made a first post just to bump a month old thread? You’ll fit in nicely.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 402

    ohh wait, i didn't even see the date of OP lol.

    But not like this isn't just another thread intentionally made by you-know-which kind of people dwelling on forums