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Dracula has too much going for him

TheDavidKingMain Member Posts: 34
edited October 11 in General Discussions

His kit just has no downsides. He can play essentially any tile with vampire/wolf. Hellfire has INSANE zoning, better than even Pyramid Head, and a ridiculously short (almost nonexistent) cooldown.

And then there’s bat form… where do I even start. The fact that you can get a free hit with drac’s already amazing chase, switch to bat INSTANTLY and render any distance a survivor has gained to nothing, then again INSTANTLY switch back to an oppressive chase power is just ridiculous.


  • Lunareclipse_20
    Lunareclipse_20 Member Posts: 5

    Ngl this is a frustration i dont understand. It wouldnt make sense considereing how Hellfire works for it to not hit over vault locations. It would be a MASSIVE unnecesary downside and would feel extremely frustrating from the killers POV. It would only make his reliance on bat form more prevelant and would kick him down the tier list hard in a unfair fashion. Nemesis and Xeno can also do this with no cooldown and Pyramid Head not only hits through vault locations but also all surfaces not affected by elevation. Wolf form is not enough of a compensation to justify a change like this. It just doesnt make sense.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,374
    edited October 11

    PH has the better zoning ability with his ability and can be spammed multiple times at the same loop because the cooldown is 2.25 seconds. Hellfire is a 7second CD for the attack, far from "almost nonexistent." Quite the opposite actually it's one of the longer CDs for an ability compared to most of the roster who have shorter CDs. PoTD also doesn't slow you down to a absolute crawl to use it like hellfire does, and its a wider attack. Hellfire is not better than PH's PoTD.

    The reason Dracula is able to take you down is because this…I see so many survs who cannot path. They avoid 50/50s, pass up close pallets/windows, and run into open areas that make it easy for him to follow-up. You wouldn't run into an open area with a killer like Spirit or Singu on your back would you? That's like the easist survs to take down. Same with Dracula, if you don't put some objects between you or at the very least play the pallet while he is in bat form he'll down you.

    Also where are these free hits Dracula gets? Is there a sale on hits going on somewhere? How do I find this free hit sale?? I could certainly use some free hits, it'd be a lot less annoying than having to earn them currently.

    Post edited by Nun_So_Vile on
  • Aceislife
    Aceislife Member Posts: 315
    edited October 11


  • Lunareclipse_20
    Lunareclipse_20 Member Posts: 5

    He at best can be considered to have nerfed aspects of 3 killer powers wrapped into one. His cooldowns dont feel like theyre anywhere near part of some problems he has. Dracula has some of the harshest cooldowns of any killer completely made up by the fact he has 3 different powers to choose from. This is fine. It feels completely fair on both sides. in fact one of those powers feels completely useless in comparison to the other two for killer. I see so many people on the DBD forums highlighting personal frustrations with Dracula and those being reasons for a nerf but no one points out his actual (granted mostly minor) issues that should be addressed. it seems that when the newest killer isnt B tier or under DBD players absolutely hate it… super boring imo.

  • Lunareclipse_20
    Lunareclipse_20 Member Posts: 5

    I know you edited this but ill explain anyway:

    1. Phase moves much faster than Bat form. Even without add ons Spirit catches up way faster.
    2. Bat form is visible to survivors while Spirit Phase is not and instead survivors have to guess her loction based entirely on sound
    3. (The big reason) Spirit can M1 straight out of her phase while Dracula has to switch to a different form which carries a lot of downtime to it. (Spirit can create 50/50 scenarios while Dracula cannot.)

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 1,002

    He is actually a very okay killer. His wolf form is useless. 99% of the time you are better off using vampire form rather than wolf form. The thing is that the vampire form isn't that crazy either, it is just slightly better Nemesis. The bats are solid though.

  • CrossTheSholf
    CrossTheSholf Member Posts: 250

    Hes fine

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,060

    He better at cutting you off mid chase with teleporting than the dredge. All the bat addons are very strong. i don't think he op but i can see why players feel overwhelmed. So many things to watch out for vs one killer

  • cluelessclaudette
    cluelessclaudette Member Posts: 53

    BHVR needs money and OP Killers SELL SELL SELL!

  • emilyoberlin
    emilyoberlin Member Posts: 9

    normalize making killers unique but more punishing!!

  • Gastongard
    Gastongard Member Posts: 136

    He just needs a bit more cooldown for his abilities for being more balanced, is pretty much free hit on almost every scenario. You need to be braindead to miss a hit with dracula.

  • albertoplus
    albertoplus Member Posts: 312

    Dracula should not get touched unless they first buff Wolf form.