We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

No way people are calling 2v8 survivor sided

k3ijus Member Posts: 268

last 3 posts were calling it survivor sided, are we playing the same game? Last 2v8 was genuinely so bad for surviviors, every gameplay mechanic was reduced to trying not to get 2 tapped by the killers which is fun, is incredibly killer sided. On top of that killers ping were off the chart. The few killer games i played i won almost all of them but lost a few because of bad teammates, which by the way is exactly what soloq surviviors feel,x7. The game practically had insta hooking and basekit lightborn whilist survivios had shared sprint burst…. Its obvious to see which side had it better.

To top it off queue times for killers were 15-20 minutes, and surviviors had 400% BP bonus, imagine all of this but this time with even stronger killers


  • RFSa09
    RFSa09 Member Posts: 727

    Hillbilly + wraith were the best killers in the 2v8, I don't think blight or spirit will dethrone them tbh, but we'll see

  • kaneyboy
    kaneyboy Member Posts: 272

    I only played a couple, being chased by two killers just meant instant death 🤣

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 941

    It's just players projecting their own experiences onto others. If they struggled, then it must mean that everyone else did too. As they are high MMR, and never make mistakes. So the mode has to be to blame for their losses.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,315

    And people wonder why they don't keep it around permanently, would make the complaints about the big changes that come with early iteration way more severe.

    I don't see how anyone could possibly be surprised they'd throw a lot of stuff up to see what sticks when not even huge bp modifiers could make the queue times budge closer to a healthy state.

  • I_Cant_Loop
    I_Cant_Loop Member Posts: 457

    I found it to be quite survivor sided unless 1) killers were coordinating on comms and obviously skilled players, or 2) most of the survivors didn't ever bother touching a gen. My matches early on saw most survivors escape very regularly, and then as time went on I found #2 to happen pretty frequently. Another testament to how busted matchmaking is - the more you escape, the more useless teammates you get matched with LOL

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 882

    If both sides wanted to win and were on comms, it was more balanced than 1v4 at least.

    WWith the people I queued up with, I saw a lot of "wow double teaming this is so lame" but for me that was where the magic happened. Looping a killer tag team meant that you had generators uncontested for 7 survivors by sheer efficiency that should just be the position survivors would WANT to be in.

    Not saying it's easy, especially when you get pincered at a pallet by a Wraith and Billy but when you did it was legendary.

    I find survivors just didn't....grasp the game mode? Like, you know in advance that every killer has Nowhere to Hide, so why heal an unhook survivor near a Generator? Little things like that.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,126

    I think all classes are getting base-kit Unbreakable. And an infinite version at that:

    “Players can pick themselves up by using/consuming their ability if it’s charged”.

    Though not much has been said about the new survivor class abilities or what those cooldowns are.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,408

    The amount of survivors that would hide behind a tree, WATCH me kick a gen and not immediately start running...

  • Sandt1985
    Sandt1985 Member Posts: 327

    Its a bit of a mixed bag. I'be been in 2v8 games where the killers were in total sync and totally dominated us. And i've been in survivor games where we finished all the gens rapidly with only 2-4 hooks in total. it can swing either way

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,715

    Oh, was that the way they put it? I don't remember. Thanks for correcting me on that.

    Either way, I have my doubts this will end slugging in 2v8, especially with the other changes they made.

  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 725

    It was survivors-who-do-gens-sided. Given the number of games I had where I was literally the only one doing gens, I'm not surprised survivors lost a lot. It's not a game balance issue.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 790

    Do you think? I was able to do over half (if the other one was afk or I didn't hit as good as I could) sometimes even 3/4 (If I got support through auras and a few injures from the other killer) of the hooks as huntress alone xD with huntress there mostly wasn't a reason to combine the powers very much xD

  • coolgue1
    coolgue1 Member Posts: 126

    They ate calling it survivour sided because they omplement mechanic to balance the game out so killer can't just tunnel for win haha they are legit c9mplaint about a system that killer purely caused to be implemented I. The first place

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,116
    edited October 4

    One of the funniest experiences of my DBD career was playing 2vs8 as survivor and noticing I was the only player repairing a gen for a solid 45 seconds...

    I then got found and chased by Wraith, managed to survive for a whole minute, to the point then other killer helped... even then I survived another 20 seconds.

    I was thrown on hook, still saw noone on gens, and after getting pulled off hook and healed went for another gen and managed to get it done by myself... only to be found again due to the notification bubble and take another 40 second chase. You guessed it, STILL no other gens popped or were even worked on.

    Now on death hook, I focused on doing only the easy gens, my suspicions of my team heightened. I played like a total coward, immediately hopped in a locker the moment I didn't see 2 survivors in chase anymore.

    Over the course of the next 4 minutes I completed 2 more gens and 75% of a third, before finally getting found and killed. This whole time bear in mind survivors were getting chased, they were getting downed, and rescued, and healed, etc etc... just everyone refused to touch a gen...

    It was the most surreal DBD experience I ever had where I was genuinely watching the HUD in amazement at not seeing a single repair ring all game.

    This was a pattern in every game I played. Survivors touch gens, killers lose, survivors pick their nose in a bush, killers win. Most games ended in a 6-8 man escape assuming survivors actually did stuff...

    I'm sure cracked killers teaming up were brutal to face... but I almost never saw that, I only saw goomba survivors lose and non-goomba survivors win xD

  • RFSa09
    RFSa09 Member Posts: 727
  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 790

    Well I think I've never played huntress better in my life and somehow everyone in this mode suddenly lost the ability to loop xD

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,924

    I can't speak for others, but while 2v8 was active, I played almost exclusively (like 95%) 2v8 survivor, and I have never escaped at such a high rate in all my years in DbD. I would say 2/3 of the matches I was involved in ended in at least 2-3 survs escaping though the gates.

    Occasionally there was a real killer snowball that ended in an 8K, but those were waaaaaaay in the minority.

    It felt surv sided to me.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,126

    Ideally slugging shouldn’t be entirely stopped (crawling for your life seems thematic, and there are reasons to go for other survivors).

    But as it is right now, kinda like how with carrying survivors didn’t use to have the wiggle mechanic and then eventually introducing the wiggle mechanic so Killers actually need to be mindful to hook a picked-up survivor: There needs to be a mechanic where just leaving a survivor on the ground isn’t necessarily the best idea as they could regain independent agency without impacting the time-efficiency of other survivors.

  • emilyoberlin
    emilyoberlin Member Posts: 9

    oh it definitely won't because killers HAVE to start slugging as soon as it's down to 3 survivors because god forbid 2 survivors get hatch in a game mode that doesn't even affect mmr, but dw now survivors will start to hide in lockers for 10 minutes to prevent being slugged with their infinite unbreakable!!

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,252

    The only losses I had as Killer, were when a Killer was actively throwing. Either they were throwing because they were bad, trying goofy stuff to meme with their friend, or someone literally went AFK making it a 1v8.

    It doesn't help that the new Killers include Blight and Spirit. That will make me even less inclined to play Survivor this time around, unless they bump the incentive up to 800%. I don't know why the least fun Killers are the ones they decided to add.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,918

    I think Blight and Spirit were just easier to stick in because they have relatively simple powers (Hillbilly dash, Wraith invisibility). They’re going to be difficult to deal with especially if they’re buffing Huntress but I think that’s also why BHVR tried giving survivors the new abilities (rebuilding broken pallets, etc). It’s what they did in lights out as well because survivors just wouldn’t play it.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,252

    Yeah I can see Killer object Killers like Plague/Singularity/Nemmy/Wesker being an issue, but I'm surprised they didn't throw Clown/Hag/Artist in (also if they are sticking to non-licensed). Although I can partially understand Doctor/Artist/Unknown/SM/(lesser Trickster) not being implemented if status effect tracks are too much. Kinda surprised that Legion wasn't there, but they could be OP or useless, depending on how they adjusted their power.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,715
    edited October 9

    god forbid 2 survivors get hatch in a game

    "God forbid killers try to get the best possible outcome." If you want to blame anyone, blame the devs for designing the hatch in that way.

    Also, survivors will simply not play 2v8 before they hide in lockers for 10 minutes. That's what happened last time. Either way, with infinite Umnbreakables this shouldn't be that much of an issue. You get up after a while, which means you still get to actively participate in the match.

    This is just "Us vs Them" blabbering.

  • emilyoberlin
    emilyoberlin Member Posts: 9

    survivors queue up for pubs and go next after hearing a terror radius, pinhead chain hunt noise, nurse blink, etc.. the state of survivor gameplay (solo at that) is selfish and they will always put themselves over everyone else even if it means stealthing around the map to prevent killers from getting them. i've been playing survivor for at least 3k hours and it's at its worst it has ever been for non swf. so yes, i think survivors will hide in lockers even if it means one of their teammates is getting bled out on the ground because killers don't want it to be a hatch game.

    that aside it is an arcade game that has no incentive, why some people will want to stretch out a game by 5-10 minutes just to hide is beyond me

  • Grimlet09
    Grimlet09 Member Posts: 77

    i think maybe they overbuff both sides too muc this time…