Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

After Iron Will came full circle, I think its time to let Sloppy Butcher fly again, too

Lets face it, some nerfs to some perks are a product of their time and the meta in which they lived, and sometimes the game changes so much, that the original situation that warranted this changes no longer exists, making this changes no longer feasable.

Sloppy Butcher feels like such a perk: in todays meta it feels like it serves no purpose anymore and it feels like it exists in a limbo, where it is held back by shackles that shouldn't exist anymore.

Not every action warrants an equal reaction, so I am not asking for a quit pro quo here, but rather that we might re-evaluate the changes that hit some of our favorite tools and if the situation that lead to this changes are still in effect.

Disclaimer: DH and MFT are forever exempt from this effect for the ways they strangled the game nearly to death.

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  • Member Posts: 843

    I still see it alot in my games but might be just me but its fine to return it if coh or selfcare gets buffed sure sable perk is okish but the time spent finding basement is as much time wasting as selfcare.

  • Member Posts: 1,960

    I'm still wondering why it was Mangled that got the nerf, and not Hemorrhage instead.

    It even sense lore wise, broken bones don't heal by themselves, but blood can stop pouring.

  • Member Posts: 1,815

    Sloppy nerf was most pointless nerf in recent years. I think Haemorrhage effect should have toned down a bit, so you lose only 1% of progress every second or something like this, and Mangled should be buffed to 30%, and timer obviously should be reverted on both.
    Almost every survivor healing perk provides more time saving than the only good anti-healing did and we still nerf it, like #########? And funniest thing is, there were no healing perks in top-15 survivors perks, when Sloppy was good perk, so I'm pretty sure it was another "spreadsheet" kind of nerf.
    Today we have another bunch of healing perks buffed, and survivors clearly underestimate it, they better shave off 5,4 seconds from gen with Deja Vu than save 4-10 seconds on every healing, and it's becoming really unfair in right hands, when whole swf reset takes like 15 seconds overall, just because BHVR tries to make healing perks more inviting for soloq. I myself adore to stack healing perks now, because it's insanely useful, especially on comms.
    So yeah, Sloppy and addons no doubt should be reverted at least, or better even get a buff from previous state.

  • Member Posts: 48

    What? Sloppy is still strong, especially on stealth hit and run. The perk was nerfed for a reason, we don’t need old sloppy back.

  • Member Posts: 1,716

    Like my profile picture shows, I loved this perk and I would love a return to it permanent mangled and hemorrhage, but it would instantly become meta again. It should probably only return with healing buffs.

  • Member Posts: 7,224

    Eh, nerfing Sloppy was fine I think. I disagreed with IW getting re-buffed

  • Member Posts: 419

    Nerf was necessary after the me skits nerfs, last day I had a match with anti-heal Wraith and it was the most boring experience

  • Member Posts: 328

    Hemorrhage and mangled should just be reverted and same with sloppy

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    I could live with Mangled staying on a timer, but man I just want permanent hemorrhage back that was why I loved Sloppy

  • Member Posts: 76

    i think sloppy could come back and be fine and also maybe stbfl was fine too. if we gon for chase we should give perks that reward killer for chase. :)

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    can they buff thanatophobia back to have -4% healing penalty?

  • Member Posts: 105

    I could live with that change if we get our medkits back to full capacity.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    TBH, super stacked medkits that gave you 3 selfheals at insane speeds were extremely busted, but the way medkits work now, with basically no destinction in them beside altruistic healing speed, which always used to be the least important metric, is just sad.

    I think that two heals would be a-okay, if the self heal speed can't be dialed up in any way. So if you gonna go altruistic, then yes, you can ramp it up, but if you go into a corner sanctuary, you will have to spend to full time, but you can get two heals out of your medkit.

    Also, I would lowkey like for each medkit to have some sort of identiy, ie "the fast one", "the durable one", "the skilled one" or whatever, but reckon that math would quickly single out the best one and only that one would be used, make the perceived variety moot, again.

  • Member Posts: 105

    I just want all the purple medkits I wasted bloodpoints on to go back to being 32 charges. It's frustrating and had I known about the changes I would never have spent bloodpoints on them.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    I feel you … on the other hand, BP is probably the least important metric in this game to "waste" in any capacity, there will always be more and new BP to spend.

    But still, it feels bad to have a big stack of the once hot ######### thats now basically useless. The best medkits nowadays are the brown ones, because you feel so little attachement to them and can have a basically unlimited supply.

  • Member Posts: 999

    The nerf to Mangeled and Haemorrhage was too much. It is understandable that the developers wanted to nerf these two to make it fairer for the survivor because their healtime got increased but putting them on a timer was wrong.

    In my opinion, they should remove the timer and nerf Mangeled from 25% to 20% or 15%. Nowadays, survivors have many good Perks to make Mangeled less annoying (We'll Make It, Plot Twist, Resurgence, Solidarity, Empathic Connection, Botany Knowledge ect.). Haemorrhage should also have not timer and no other changes but instead give some survivor perks and Medkit Addons the features of countering Haemorrhage this would be a fair counterplay that also gives the opportunity of buffing weaker perks and Addons.

  • Member Posts: 4,884

    I'd rather see STBFL be better again.

    I think Sloppy is largely fine.

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