What killer tweaks you want in next year

Its not killers like Freddy who needs a huge rework or Ghost Face and Trapper who need a major tweaks. Its some small buffs to their power. For me its a Pig, in the last update devs gutted her heavily by nerfing her RBT pressure and make very small unnoticable QoL changes for her ambush. She feels extremly awfull to play right now and much weaker after that "buff". So thinks she needs is returning box aura and rule number 2 base kit.
Hag could do with something. The ability to wipe away her traps really hurt her.
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Knight. call to arms basekit, fix all the guard glitches and let the knight use his power wherever he is not because some tile/pizza/blade of grass is in his way.
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i think myers needs fixing cuz his power rly slow and out of date.
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I’d like to see Scratched Mirror Myers get a speed boost of 150%. 😘
Trapper to get faster trap setting speed and a base-kit movement speed boost for 7 seconds after setting a trap. Maybe boost his speed every time a Survivor disarms a trap instead? Let them test both.Doctor hallucinations run at Survivors.
Nemesis Zombies instantly teleport to a downed Survivor and start t-bagging.
Trickster gives up the knives and gets an machine gun.
Skerchant gets reworked to stand on her drones and flys around the map. She laughs maniacally as she throws pumpkin shaped bombs at Survivors.
Wesker gets a shirtless cosmetic.
Freddy gets the rework @GeneralV wants.
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Myers and Freddy changes i've been wanting for years and they are confirmed.
I'd like for them to also revisit trickster taking into account the feedback since his update. At the very least they need to address his must have add-ons.
No other killer comes to mind at the moment0 -
Mikey has got an update coming. He's going to be on the next road map too so we will know exactly when to expect his update.
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Love ya <3
Thank you, my dear, I sincerely appreciate the support!
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old deathslinger quick scope as on add on.
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I want Freddy nerfed again.
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If add-on passes count as tweaks I would still like to see ones for Nemesis and Pyramid Head. Also fix that POTD charge animation bug that’s been there since 4.x.0 while they’re at it, it’s so ugly.
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Add ons for Neemsis, Pyramid head, and Deathslinger
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For Artist i'd like some form of change to locker's instantly clearing swarm, like some sort of trade off in return. Maybe clear the swarm but renders the locker unusable for the rest of the match, while also leaving you blinded for 60 seconds.
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Slinger 4.6ms pls
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The Executioner needs a more varied add-on, and in fact I feel the devs could do woth looking back on their add-ons for eaarlier Killers for inspiration, as there are a lot of creative ideas back then.
I'd also liked another look at Hillbilly add-ons, because they're rather generic.
Just a general add-on overlook for all Killers, really!
Also, give Freddy and Myers a once over. Poor guys are icons of horror, and need a bit more respect.
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every single one of them needs nerfing so the game becomes playable…
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Would like to see some more love to Pigs Stealth and Ambush and hope for less focus on her Traps.
And a meaningful nerf to Nurse would be nice.
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- I wish for a Sadako/Onryo revert to make her more like her first version
- Pig buffs more trapp focused and reduced terror radius to 24m
- Doctor buffs to his illusions, so they move and do stuff
- Ghost face buffs
- Clown hindered nerf
- Freddy rework like @GeneralV suggested
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0/10 ragebait
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Thank you, I sincerely appreciate the support!
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Maybe a change to Chucky's Scamper to make it useable again. Don't know what, just something.
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- Vecna: The developers could reduce the cooldown for his spells and give them individual cooldown timers like Fly gets a 20sec cooldown while Mage Hand gets a 30sec cooldown.
- Pig: Her Ambush still needs some buffs to feel better. I would also like to see when she can break dropped pallets with this attack like Bight and Demo can already do (or at least make it an Addon).
- Demogorgon: His Portals still feel so clunky and need some buffs (faster teleport, longer Undetectable). The portal Addons also need some tweaks and reworks (e.g. the green mushroom addon gives you one extra second undetectable while the purple one gives you three extra seconds. One green Addon increased your teleport speed but you have two portals less).
- Unknown: the latest tweaks were a joke. The killer needs some tweaks for his UVX to feel more like his mainpower.
- Knight: Make Call to Arms basekit and reduce the punishment for being to close to a Guard that is hunting someone because it feels so stupid to get punished for being part of the chase and to use your power as a chase tool.
There are other things that I wish for different killers but these are bigger changes, reworks, or addon reworks and not tweaks which means to be small changes.
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Just gonna name a few things off the top of my head:
Trapper: Makeshift Wrap basekit
Wraith: Miniature Shadow Dance basekit. Adjust the add ons.
Doctor: Return unique POV music :3
Myers: Return unique POV music :3
Demo: Return unique POV music :3
Oni: Return unique POV music :3
Pyramid Head: Increase base range. Remove add ons with same effect
Blight: Increased movement after each consecutive rush added basekit, removed add ons with the same effect.
Twins: lil hat
Trickster: Bring back knives ramping up in speed
Sadako: Hitting a Survivor with a tape locks a level of condemned
Dredge: Can grab Survivors passing by lockers, not inside/going inside
Chucky: Can better turn shortly after performing a scamper