Thank you form admins/Mods

For taking care of that situation… it was very unpleasant and im glad its gone
It was ridiculous and disgusting.
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It is the second time this happens and, again, I wasn't lucky enough to avoid it.
This needs to stop.
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I really didn't need to see that. I scrolled off the image to report it, and it popped up on the screen again as soon as I tried.
I have a question though. What's to stop that person from coming right back and doing it again? Can BHVR hardware ban people like that?
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It was horrifying tbh. Don’t know if I’ll ever scrub those pics from my brain. What a sick, monstrous evil person.
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I hope they can, but apparently it has happened before.
Thankfully i didn't see it the first time, i didnt realize it was a problem before :/ that awful
seriously it was just shocking
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They need to turn off images again. Maybe permanently. We don't really need them
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its not something anyone should see, nobody does that without some sort of problems i hope they can get help with
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people ruining things for others, a shame but maybe necessary
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Yes :(
Afaik nothing would stop that person from doing that same thing again. Pretty sure their intent is to disturb the mods because they will have to see it.
At the very least new accounts shouldn't be able to post images.5 -
Agreed, there def could be a wait period before images are allowed to be posted
4 -
Maybe just not allow images to be posted by members unless they have been verified for at least 6 months or something?
I ❤️ posting images related to the topic I'm commenting on.
Let's find a way to weed these people out instead of take away a cool thing altogether.
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so...what happened?
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Gore posting... again.
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I unfortunately figured out what was happening the difficult way. It was a very scarring sight. I really don’t understand what makes trolls online think that THIS is the best use of their time. It’s just sad.
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Sorry that this happened - we've switched off new accounts being able to join the forum temporarily, to ensure security.
It's frankly disgusting and that person (clearly a previous banned account), is not someone that should ever be allowed on the internet!
It's not as simple as not being able to post images unfortunately as there is very many ways to get around that (links etc), and then it would have to be for everyone not just new accounts (due to the forum set up which is out of our control to change).
Again our deepest apologies to everyone who was forced to see those imagines :(
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Some nutjob was posting gore images.
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Looks like I picked a right time to do something else instead of my regular forum browsing.
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This would be the ideal solution. Unfortunately I don’t think it’s possible due to innate limitations of the forum.
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thx for heads up, i can't understand what kind of fun do people really find posting that stuff at all, but afterall, looks like they don't care about consequences
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I thought it was porn for a sec. Thank God I missed it.
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Ugh. Glad, for once, that I didn't come onto the forums a few hours earlier today. I remember the last time it happened, and frankly I'm pissed that we had to suffer a repeat. Some people really need to get a hobby and a slap in the head. Getting your kicks off whatever miniscule power you can exercise to traumatize others is just deranged.
Appreciate you, mods, and I'm sorry you had to see so much of that in the process of keeping us safe.
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i saw when they first started, and reported so many posts that i got locked from posting for a couple minutes. i was scared to open any threads for a bit because they kept spamming everywhere. i wish i could forget those images, im sorry to anyone who also had to see them
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Would it be possible to give us the functionality to flag/report a post without having to enter the thread? I had a good idea of what they were but didn't see the flag option unless I clicked on the thread
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their profile was open so you can ignore them and never see the posts till they get banned too.
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It's a shame an IP Address couldn't be looked at from anyone who has the audacity to have those sort of images in their damn computer or phone for that matter. Ping back to their location they were sent through and find the SOB, images like that should be illegal, and land these people in jail. Who knows what sort of files they carry waiting to do these things again and again. It's sick.
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That’s what I did as well, but I had to see one of those images to even know that I should do that 😵💫
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I understand but i hope something can be done about it to prevent it in the future. Hope the moderation team is doing okay
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That was horrifying….I am glad its over with. I wish I was lucky enough to have missed that.
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I'm glad I missed it. I remember the last time this happened too.
To the mod team, sorry you had to deal with this but thank you for getting it cleaned up, it's much appreciated.
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Glad it's safe to return. I saw two and just left
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Maybe users that are newer than a few weeks shouldn't be able to post images? That would make this kind of thing much more difficult to do.
EDIT: Nevermind, I saw that you can't set it for individual accounts, that's unfortunate.2 -
I'm extremely happy to avoid this psychopath. Sorry that you had to witness something so disgusting and cruel.
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Please, try to forget it.
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Good grief. I’m very sorry to read it happened again, and hope everyone who had to see that is doing okay.
If anyone needs a pallette cleanser, you know who to ask.
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I’m so sorry for everyone. ❤️🩹
If anyone needs a distraction DM me. I can act so silly you won’t think about anything else.
I’m sorry again everyone for what you all went through.
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The fact that the platform doesn't allow for relatively basic moderation capabilities such as disallowing new accounts from embedding/posting images or making new threads is kind of unacceptable in this day and age. It should not be a difficult thing to do with group permissions.
This is not an isolated incident and is a massive flaw in the forums, basically anyone with the will to stomach looking at these kinds of images (and the lack of empathy to do so) has the power to do this.
This needs to be prevented from happening in the future.
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Doggo cleanser
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On Reddit, they use the Karma system, where restrictions are in place until somebody gets to a certain level. Maybe that can be done here, ranging from limited posts and unable to post pictures until a certain time.
I missed what it was but - from what's been said thus far - it's not something I'm upset on missing. Nice to see everyone unified in this.
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People are messed up, I saw those images before they were deleted and my little cousin was in the room while I was on my computer, she had to see those images, I never clicked off a link that fast before like that so I hope she didn’t see it for long at all. I’m so mad right now because she’s 7 and doesn’t need to be exposed to that #########, and the fact that this even happened in the first place is ridiculous.
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Thank you from the bottom of everybody's hearts, this is an amazing game and the forums are a way for us to communicate and that was disgusting.
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I'm autistic so this is kinda living in my head rent free. I struggle with violent tendencies too, so this really put me into a tizzy last night despite last night otherwise being awesome. My brain never shuts up....ever.
I last night I laid out in my backyard and hit the bong to thr Northern Lights; seeing those float around was really beautiful, at one point I felt like the Light's were in the shape of a spine or ribcage and they were opening up and converging on me it was really trippy!
I took some videos, maybe later this weekend I'll see if I can upload the videos and post them here to the Off Topic section
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im so glad i wasnt here to see that thank u for getting rid of those mods :(
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Dang, thats messed up >___<
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Hope everyone who saw those awful things are alright, such a shame that this is becoming a recurrence.