Another update, still no Onryo demanifest intermittent visibility fix :(

Title, it's starting to get pretty upsetting that this bug still isn't fixed. I hope that this is resolved sooner rather than later
I know, I was specifically looking for it in the patch notes too but alas, nothing. I wish they’d at least acknowledge it and let us know it’s being worked on, it’s the only thing she has in chase and it’s indefinitely bugged.
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Me too, I was searching for it. I think we might get the buff with next set of changes or the next rework XD
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I like to see onryo changes in her chases
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It’s completely unacceptable that after 10 months we still have no information on if or when this will be fixed.
VERY disappointed.
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I kind wish they would revert the buff so we have the old values again and then they should revert the nerf to reikos watch (+50%), so we can get 1.5s again
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Honestly if reverting the buff is what fixes it I’m down for it because the current 0.7 seconds is useless.
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Yeah it is kinda funny that “nerfing” her would be a buff 😂
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Only in DbD could this happen 😭
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Yeah it’s really disappointing that this bug still hasn’t been acknowledged, let alone fixed.
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I wouldn’t mind the wait if we at least knew what was going on with it, but it’s just radio silence. I get Onryō isn’t very popular so it’s not going to be high priority but 10 months is a LONG time for what should be a simple number change…