We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Anti camp working perfectly

Mr_Digi Member Posts: 143

I did not teabag or anything, i just held W, because its nurse. so she tunneled me off first hook. and then just waited with her power on the main building. The progressbar did not move at all, because she was outside the range. This is one situation where i would just "give up go next". 3 gens left at this point. i did struggle on hook so the others finished all gens, but its nurse, so she still got 2 of the last survivors



  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 554

    So you want to say that the nurse stayed in place for at least 70 seconds and instead of chasing and guarding the generators, she just stood there? congratulations, you won time to repair 3 generators and saved a couple of hooks for your comrades and you didn’t even have to strain, if it was another killer you would have saved a lot of pallets

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,534
    edited October 10

    If they want to fix this, they would have to remove hooks and camping entirely, or make survivors teleport to other random hooks across the maps that killers don't know, or hide hook information for a while after an unhook. Or something crazy

    Hooks have been in the game for 8 years now, there's no way a killer standing near it will change. Lots of survivor gameplay includes losing agency! For example when you are slugged and when you are hooked. But there are four survivors, so if you remove these states or minimize them then suddenly the killer has to deal with 4 active survivors at all times which is too much!

    I think anticamp does its job. If Nurse wants to sit there and let the others do gens, so be it. BUT the anticamp should be visible to all survivors. Some say we should add basekit kindred. Solos don't know how to deal with this, but teams can. As for the person on the hook? That's just what happens when you get hooked. What else should happen, they teleport somewhere random across the map and gain a hook state, but become healthy and automatically unhooked and some kind of immunity? That would solve camping, but how would you balance something like that? No way, that would be way too crazy.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,353

    Actually it does. The feature stops face camping, which it was designed to do. It was never intended to remove camping from the game.

    If that’s what you want it to do, feel free to start a new topic in order to discuss that and what you’d like it to do instead of how it currently succeeds in what it’s intended to do.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 637

    It's funny how people always have to correct the person who calls it "anti-camp" with "It's Anti-Facecamp, you fool!"  I'm sure people are well aware of it, even when they call it "anti-camp."  Hell, even in the BHVR Castlevania livestream when they were discussing the changes to Lights Out, one of the devs called it "anti-camp."  Probably only because it's easier to pronounce than "anti-FACEcamp."  Thus "anti-camp" is likely easier to type than "Anti-Facecamp."

    Anyway, I'm of the opinion that the whole mechanic is useless.  Even when it does its job, it's too easy to play around to get any real value from it.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,400

    i play killer to chase survivors not to stare at them. if i wanted to play like you're defending i would follow around an interior designer and watch paint dry instead

    that way i can do the same thing (stare for prolonged periods at something that isn't moving) be useful to someone and tell them when it's time to apply a new coat instead of making 4 people's day more boring (3 because they're forced to just do gens and not do alturism or chases or side objectives, 1 because they're forced to just run away from you and not do gens or alturism or side objectives)

    if you wanna pay for a game to play in the most mathematically boring way possible go ahead be my guest

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,129

    Not sure if you can say it is working, when it fixes a problem which never really existed.

    And when looking at the screenshot, there is 0 difference if the Nurse would be facecamping or standing there. And in fact, it does not really make any difference if any Killer is 12m away or facecamping, they are back at the hook when the unhook happens.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 302

    Watching paint dry is a false equivalency lol maybe a security guard or prison guard is more apt? The killer has to make sure there are no survivors going for the save and if they do then chase them off to try keep the survivor hooked. so it's not simply watching mindlessly like you say. To that point yes I do find guarding a hooked survivor fun, making sure they are not freed and if they are then making sure I catch them asap eliminate them and win the match. If my choice is to guard a hook survivor or go in circles with another survivor looping endlessly then I pick guarding the survivor (I already endured the boring bit of going through the loops to down the survivor so I'm going to get my worth out of it and keep them hooked if I can)

    Each to their own but fun is subjective, personally I find playing the game my way is fun for me...even more fun when salty survivors complain about it as if it's my responsibility to make the game fun for them at the expense of my own fun.

  • Unequalmitten86
    Unequalmitten86 Member Posts: 205

    My personal favorite leave slugged survivor by the hook and face camp because the meter doesn't go up. It doesn't happen often but still annoying.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 302

    I don't mind the tag aspect, I don't like the merry go round scooby doo "chase"...it's not fun for me, it's boring and repetitive. If people took the chase around the map then fine fine but they don't. They find a pallet and loop it until they can't loop anymore then repeat on the next pallet. But I endure it to hook the survivor, when I do I make sure to guard them or tunnel them out asap to reduce the boring looping aspect as much as possible... I turn something boring and make it fun for me.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,918
    edited October 10

    If the end result is that the killer is almost immediately back at the hook right when a survivor is unhooked then no AFC didn’t achieve anything. The purpose of AFC is to give survivors a chance to get unhooked so they can play the game, not get unhooked and be almost instantly downed/unable to play. Additionally, sometimes if people see a killer proxy camping they’re not going in for an unhook, so that’s no different than when killers face camper closer than 12 meters before AFC. If AFC is such a grand feature why wasn’t it in 2v8 this way? If you got within 12 meters of a cage the cage moved. It didn’t produce a bar, it just moved across the map.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,353

    The Survivor on the hook is just not progressing their objectives which is reasonable because they lost to the Killer in a chase. Saying they’re not playing the game is flat out wrong.

    The end result is that the AFC mechanic achieves its goal, which is to stop face camping, which was a major complaint that Survivors had for years. As such, it now gives the Survivors more of a chance to work with their teammate to get the unhook.

    If a Survivor is too chicken to rescue when the Killer is proxy camping, they can go get a teammate to help them. Unhooking shouldn’t be risk free if the Killer gives up pressure on gens and is trying to confirm a kill. If the unhooked person goes down instantly after getting saved, they’ve misplayed. Especially since they have BT built in. It just means they or their teammates didn’t perform well enough.

    Cages teleported because there were two Killers and Survivors would have no chance at all if they both decided to camp the hook. You’re comparing apples to oranges. The two modes are not the same.

  • Bookern
    Bookern Member Posts: 319

    AFC is a feature they need to tune extremely carefully cause if devs make its range to far or fill to fast we could have survs jumping off hook without needing teammates depending on the map. That being said i do think we could buff the range by 2-3 meters and decrease the time it takes to fill by 4 seconds. However theres not gonna be a feasible way to make AFC work on ranged killers they are just always have that advantage

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,716

    "Unfun" is your opinon. What about the killer's fun?

    I find gens popping fast to be "unfun", let's make it so when a gen is done, all gens are regressed by half.

    "Unfun" … sigh.

  • Orvarihusklumpen
    Orvarihusklumpen Member Posts: 32

    Anti-camp is only there to punish facecamping, that's all the anti-camping mechanic was implemented for and besides Survivors have Reassurance

  • devoutartist
    devoutartist Member Posts: 123

    vs nurse tough doesn't matter her being outside of the "anti face camp" she still in your face because of her power and there nothing they can do about it she need tbh a rework she break the game in so many levels hell i'll be even more blunt 2v8 fix most of the game issues hook are a obsolete mechanic lmfao the cage system made the game more healthy on both sides

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,353

    If she uses a blink to get back to the hook, she only has one blink left. A teammate can bait the M1 and take a hit while another actually does the unhook.

    They’re never going to get rid of hooks. It’s a core mechanic that play styles and perks are centered around. It would be too much work for the Devs to remove them, change all associated perks and come up with an alternative way for Killers to apply pressure. Whether you like it or not, intercepting a rescue and preventing an unhook is one of the core ways a Killer has to slow the game down.

  • devoutartist
    devoutartist Member Posts: 123

    bating a good nurse ain't happening she fundamentally breaks the game to so many level they just need to rework het tbh and what you've described is the counter to nurse for every time she hook some one that ain't a counter just her breaking the game in general she get endless pressure for just existing

    for your 2nd point in glad they wont for one reason when 2v8 get's permanent it will show all the flaws that 1v4 has 2v8 fundamentally solved 95% of the issues that exists currently in 1v4 outside of slugging and will become the dominant game mode just because the base game of that game mode is more healthy in general for both sides

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,353

    Incorrect. It is very possible to bait a good Nurse. Even if you can’t, with two people, you can body block and force her to hit one of the healthy players and not the recently unhooked person. Current Nurse is fine and doesn’t need a rework, especially not one that BHVR loves to give that ends up completely neutering the Killer and making them frustrating to play like they did with Twins, Freddy and Skerchant.

    The Nurse doesn’t break the game any more so than Sweaty SWFs who coordinate on comms that let them get free information perks. She just forces Survivors to play differently, mainly focus on juking, mind games, LOS and even use stealth, just like how sweaty SWFs on Comms force Killers to sweat much more than they normally would to even stand a chance.

    2vs8 didn’t show any flaws. It’s a different thing on its own. The only reason hooks teleport is so Killer A doesn’t hit the unhooked person only for Killer B to down them a second later. Don’t get your hopes up on teleporting hooks coming to the base game any time soon.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,154

    It was meant to prevent killers from being up close to your hook. All it did was teach killers on how to proxy camp. Sorry m8

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,400

    Survivor definition of unfun: killer plays in a way that everyone, killers and survivors, gets the minimum total possible amount of gameplay interactions imaginable

    Killer definition of unfun: survivor plays in a way

  • devoutartist
    devoutartist Member Posts: 123

    im gonna hard disagree here if you require two healthy ppl just to unhook some out of a hook the one that gets injured will get down a smart nurse wont pick up and go back to the injured unhooked survivor and they'll be in the hole twin currently is strong just need to know how to play her most ppl don't merchant need a complete rewords from the ground up freddy's funny enough has his niche that hes not as bad as ppl say but he def need his rework

    a good nurse and blight can go to a 4 digits win streak in this game if you're a good player no killers should ever have that ability to have a winstreak like this it's perty much a joke tbh even the sweaty swf at high mmr don't even have a positive winrate in general the high mmr killer vs high mmr swf killrate is 55% the average winrate for killers at that killrate is around 48% killer about 12% is a tie and for survivors it's in 40% it's still a huge margin for killers on average to win yeah you need to try hard vs them you still win a but ton more than they ever will some of the bottom tier killers at high mmr won''t be viable that's normal like every game at high mmr you're more restricted

    as for juking/stealth nurse you can't she there are so many aura reading in the game currently that breaking los is irrelevant currently vs a good nurse will almost never miss in most situations even if you try to mind game the player skill in this game have improved so hard that she is completely breaking the game in competent hands she has no weakness for the most part witch leads to can i genrush before she kills us being absolutely greedy with hook timers and even then it's still favored to her

    and for that last point yeah that's what im saying it didn't show flaws witch will take a good chunk of the player base only playing this game mode because it's a healthy dbd witch both side can enjoy it's fixed like 95% of the problem outside of the sluggin i don't have any hope for teleporting hook behavior opened themself to that in the sense 1v4 will feel more and more unplayble in the general populace witch imo will force them to reconsider how 1v4 fundamentally works including hooks and mechanics for me it's not a hope more like a inevitability and a when

    by the way im saying all this respectfully sorry if it come a bit rash or i don't know how to say it lol anyways i think im gonna end it here because i don't thinks will see this eye to eye but i wish you a good day

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 302

    Sometimes they do leave them hanging until last min then save them, it's wise to do that and work on gens. I still enjoy those matches and when all gens are done noed kicks in. I usually get 3/4k and have fun so it's all good for me 😁

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,715
    edited October 12

    I disagree. Basement face camping was not all that uncommon and some maps have hooks that are great for face camping. That no longer works and the AFC forces killers to get away from the hook at least for a while.

    Meaning, you will always be able to get that survivor off the hook (other than a basement camping Bubba /Billy because they can stay at the stairs, which should be fixed). The AFC was never meant to grant full safety to the unhooker but make it possible for that hooked survivor to get back into the match instead of dying on their first hook.

    The hook time increase also helps with this and if all that is not enough, Reassurance is an option. If a killer tries to camp for 100 seconds, that's enough for the other survivors to do 3 gens.

    Camping by far isn't as strong as it used to be.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,715

    Come on, stop it with the Us vs. Them.

    Neither of this is even remotely true. Because it's an overgeneralisation of what a very small minority of players think.

    First and foremost both sides want to have fun. Many get their enjoyment out of winning, so that's what they will try to do. Survivors and killers both. The problem is that the strategies that lead to wins are often very unfun for the other side.

    Killers don't like it, if the match is over before anything really happened and survivors don't like it if they can't play the full game because the killer slugs / tunnels / camps. All of these have their place in the game but should probably become more situational, which at least with tunneling and camping seems to be the case because we have a lot more anti tunnel perks now and base kit changes to camping.

    We also see a huge amount of complaints about aura vision, which really only leads to the killer finding you more often and creates more actual interaction. This is mostly due to overexposure I assume but still it goes against what you said.

    Everyone has their pet peeves with the game (I for example don't like if survivors play for pallet saves because it forces me to slug) and pretending otherwise just results in pointless Us vs. Them.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,400

    Personally I think complaining about gens getting done (in the abstract) is far more Us vs Them than anything I said