We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Anti camp working perfectly



  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,715

    If you simplify it to that extend, then of course it sounds like Us vs. Them. But the same could be done with tunneling and camping.

    Killers aren't complaining that gens get done at all but about how fast it happens. Just as survivors don't complain that killers kill them at all. They complain about how fast it happens and the strategies used.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,400

    The difference is that the survivor complaints are about play styles where people engage in the minimum possible number of gameplay mechanics and the killer complaints are that survivors are not choosing to completely ignore their win con, hope this helps.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,918

    I would rather devs scrap current AFC and just transport hooks when a killer lingers within X range for X seconds. At least then if a killer insists on camping it’s much more difficult to pull off, as they’ll need to travel across a map (even if it’s a small map) to do so.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,715

    Again, you ignore the actual point. Gen rush is a play style as well. It means that you ignore everything else, bring specific perks and items and stop healing to push out gens as fast possible. That is not normal survivor gameplay but a playstyle that is decided in the lobby.

    You could make the argument that tunneling is more of a natural playstyle because it doesn't involve any offerings, addons or perks.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,253

    @Huge_Bush Don't worry, people have OBVIOUSLY forgotten that facecamping was a thing that is now basically erradicated. So because most don't seem to remember its perceived to be an inadequate countermessure to perceived disproportionate effective strategies.

    I personally think that the bar could fill up a little bit more, BUT be visible to everyone, the hooked survivor, their friends and also the killer. Being transparent with how it works will allow to fine tune it a bit better, right now there are so many misconceptions, false claims and wrong observations about it that I feel going fully transparent for everyone involved would be the best course of action.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,253

    For real, we seldom are on the same book, but in this case we are high five

    This would solve so many problems, while also allowing the killer a certain defense tactic, like some Pyramid Head players do, ie purposefully displace the cage when a survior is coming for the rescue. This is a valid tactic, as after the displacement, the cage spawns at the literally most far off location for the killer to reach, giving the other teammates ample opportunity to go for the save, but it broadens both sides repertoire.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,353

    Oh, I’m not worried about them. They’re the same people who won’t be happy until the Survivor role is back to being the power role and they can bully Killers while being in their face all the time, knowing they’re safe because they have chance after chance after chance.

    And I’m not against improving it. Yes, the bar should be revealed to the other Survivors in the HUD. I dunno about letting it fill faster, especially since the hook timer is longer now, but I’m not against the devs testing it and see how it goes. The problem we have here isn’t that the AFC mechanic doesn’t work, it’s that people want to completely remove a Killers choice and force them to play how they want without thinking about the repercussions. You can’t take out a completely valid play style and eliminate a way Killers apply pressure without giving them another option. And even if they did, these same people will cry about it.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,431

    Tbf the name sort of becomes irrelevant when you realize that it is just about as useful as not having it in the first place.

    I don’t think anybody wants complete immunity but I have to laugh when the killer can stand just outside of the radius and still accomplish their goal as if they were face camping. The design for this feature is pretty bad.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,353

    The design is good for what the mechanic does, stops face camping. Now if you think it should be improved or built upon, I won’t argue with you. But saying it’s useless and doesn’t achieve anything is wrong. It does what it’s designed to do.

    The problem here is people have moved the goal posts from face camping to just camping and act like the Devs don’t do anything to improve their experience, forgetting how BT became base-kit (which people still don’t appreciate and claim is useless) and how Hook Grabs have been eliminated.

    And yes, plenty want immunity and for rescues to be completely safe. If they don’t, they wouldn’t expect to be able to go toe to toe with a camping Killer and succeed (you already have someone in this thread implying this should be the case) and they wouldn’t be asking for teleporting hooks.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,303

    If we want to get technical with definitions, Facecamping has not existed in the game since swivel-hooks.

    And no, specifically facecamping wasn't a problem, it was always camping. Specifically the kind of camping this nurse is doing.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,353

    Face camping is when the Killer is camping the Survivor face to face, regardless of the hook swivel. The removal of hook grabs and base-kit BT are proof that Face Camping was a problem. The AFC mechanic was just the cherry on top. There were plenty of complaints about face camping as well.

    Even after the removal of the hook swivel mechanic, Killers with insta-down abilities like Bubba, Hillbilly and Myers were able to make it impossible to unhook. Heck, even a good Doctor who knew how to time their M2 could stop an unhook while face camping. Now Survivors have more of a chance to save without going down immediately.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,400
    edited October 16

    He didn't complain about players who "ignore everything else, bring specific perks and items and stop healing to push out gens as fast as possible" or any other concretely defined and specific version of gen rushing, though, he complained about "gens get done too fast." If you truly oppose Us vs Them to the extent you claim to, I highly suggest you examine why you immediately assumed the most charitable interpretation of what the person favoring only the Killer experience said, to the point where you entirely rewrote what they said, but you took exception to and actively opposed what the person who was also considering the survivor experience in addition to killer gameplay. I certainly hope you saw what you thought was the aesthetic of Us vs Them in my post and responded to that without stopping to properly read the thread (let's be honest, we all do it, and given the length of the thread that's a perfectly valid excuse) because if not, well...

    Post edited by ratcoffee on