What are your hot takes?
Survivors are where a lot of the hostility in the game originates. And I say this as someone who plays a lot of survivor. I'll put it this way, I've never gotten a hateful message from a killer the whole time I've played this game. What I have gotten is survivors who, even though I'm on a console and don't have the chat, will go out of their way to personally message me outside of the game. That difference, between how killers vs survivors act after the game, is indicative of some of the stuff that goes on IN game.
I've had teammates side with the killer to sandbag, which is a million times worse than literally anything a killer has ever done in game. After all, killers aren't my teammates and I don't expect them to be very nice. And I've seen teammates seemingly playing the game solely to taunt and follow the killer around, tea bag, etc. Truth be told, I suspect that some killers start the game playing normally, and eventually turn into slugging, camping sweatlords after too many run ins with teabagging, toxic flashlight clickers.
What makes DBD different than some other games is that it's divided into two sides, survivor and killer. But I think some people take the morality aspects of being survivor too seriously. It's not good vs evil, guys. It's a video game. With human beings who want to have a good experience on both sides.
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I also believe that it's important for killers to play survivor every once in a while. A lot of how I play as killer is influenced by having played so much as killer. For instance, I don't see a weaker survivor and think to myself, "Wow. They suck and I'm gonna tunnel them out as soon as possible to get a 3vs1 yeah!" I mean, I'm sure the person playing is probably new or inexperienced and is having a hard enough time as it is, I don't need to stomp them into the ground for a 4k. It's a game. Sh#t ain't that serious.
And that's how I feel about running back to hook as well. I just don't do it. Endgame? I don't care. I'd rather patrol and pressure gens than go after the poor dude I just stomped on already. I like to spread hook stages anyway. I like to be the kind of killer I would like to play against. Meaning I never bleed out, camp or extreme tunnel weak links out of the game.
Like I said, sh#t ain't that damn serious, dude.
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Huntress is both the most fun killer to play AND the most fun to play against.
The only other killer I would put on par or (maybe slightly) higher would be playing against a Billy that only uses Chainsaw.
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The long lunge is the worst mechanic in the game even considering all powers and perks...
The distance a killer covers in that motion at whatever speed it is has effectively stunted the "close shave" aspect of the game especially when you consider how ping and hit detection is so weird in this game (see all DBD funny montages). The distance at which you should monitor between you and the killer is now more subjective to each game. You have the foot distance, the lunge distance, and the swing distance all to account for... wack
Some time ago, I think I heard a call of duty exec say "you want people to blame themselves when something goes wrong... not the game."
You can't do anything about this now (nor do I want them to) but I've had too many games and seen too many where you just go "there was nothing you could've done there" and I think that is paradoxical to what a game is.
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Basement should have two exits/entrances.
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I think clown is harder to play than singularity.
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im a survior main and i think its ok that winrate is only 40% for us. this is sposed to be horror theme game. we sposed not to win a bunch cuz we the ppl in a horror movie. i just think only fix we need is more bp so losing doesnt feel so bad.
most of time i hear other surviors whine mroe than killers and most of time my game is ruind by bad surviors not bad killers bein toxic. i think surviors are meaner than kilers and way worse sports msot of time :(
ppl who play ghost face are very funny and cute and idc when they betray me even bc its silly its just a game dont take so serous. :)
stelth killrs arent that bad thye ok u just runnin a bucnh of good perks that hurt them is all, i still see good pigs do rly well.
Wesker only good cuz u can abuse a bunch of bugs to ur advantage he is badly designed.
there to much gen progression not enough for killers to control gens and i think all the gen perks need fixing.
i wold rather see bunch of aura perks on killer than bunch of gen perks.
nurse is big reson buch of stuff too strng or complaind about or not fix on killer side. nurse needs a full rework she is to strong.
i think medkit nerf justified and i think green toolbox is to strong and needs a nerf.
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Killer Aura Perks Should not exist
Flashlights Should not exist
I said what I said 😤
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Personal hot take:
DBD was better before MMR (SBMM)2 -
Indoor maps are fun and also good for the game: less holding W because you can't see where the killer is coming from; good oportunities for mindgames and intercepting survivor due to the low visibility; stealth is more viable for killers, which benefits the weaker ones; slower map traversal for top-tier killers like Billy and Blight; and finally, more opportunities to counter the nurse, since it's easier to hide from her line of sight and mindgame her (I'm aware that Midwich and The Game are good for her because of the double floors, though). In other words, they mostly make high tier killers harder to play and low tier killers better.
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Well, friend, there are reasons why Old Léry's was and still is my favorite map in the game.
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Singularity and Sadako are the more balanced killers in the game giving survivors actually something pro active to do in order to win the game instead of sitting on gens.
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1. SoloQ - in design as well as in theory - is perfectly fine. It's not the game which is the issue, but the players.
2. Players would be much more successful if they were to push through a trial, even after having been hooked within the first minute, instead of giving up. If I can win after having been the recipient of the first 2 hooks, then there's no reasonable excuse anyone else can't.
3. Disconnection penalties should be harsher, based upon the consistency a particular player disconnects.
4a. BHVR are doing a very good job at the game, although…
4b. ... the suicide on hook and giving up in game is easily enforceable, but my belief is they - for some reason - cannot be bothered dealing with it, due to how many tickets they'll get. This, I do believe is more about how many extra tickets they would get, rather than any desire to deal with it. Their arguments regarding this are flimsy at best.
5a. Perk design currently is becoming more uninspired, but I do not think it is down to a lack of ideas, but more a rush to get Chapters out there. They need to slow down, at least for 1 year, and focus on newer designs, or even experiment with existing perks to create new ideas. Despite this ...
5b. ... DBD does not need a "health Chapter". They need to have a more robust testing team and either more employees dedicated to that section, or an outside third party to analyse the coding they have. Even then though, it's much better than before.
6. Maybe not such a hot take, but DBD needs Eddie, Angela and a new Maria cosmetic for the Silent Hill Collection.
and finally, unrelated to DBD yet relevant in current horror gaming:
[Bonus 7]: The most realistic ending for Silent Hill 2 is **Leave**.
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- Anon Mode was a mistake and is almost entirely pointless since you can either just private your Steam account or ignore people's messages
- Lerys and Hawkins are good maps and we should have more maps like them
- The community by and large has no idea what it's talking about, and BHVR make the right call when they don't listen to us more often then not
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I gotta say that's a hot take for sure. Old Freddy was easily the most dogshit killer this game has ever seen in my opinion. He was a m1 killer, and he couldn't even hit people instantly when you found them. The only real "power" he had was his addons.
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His power was in the info and slowdown you got, combined with his smaller TR made it very easy to ambush people from unexpected directions. Keeping people asleep let you keep on top of the game as well as giving you perfect info.
If you were advanced and knew the timings of the invisibility by heart, you could use that as a chase power. Think Sadako but better.
He was a very macro orientated killer that was weaker in chase than a lot of killers, and I think people struggled to adapt to his unique playstyle. However, I really don't think he was bad, I and a lot of other dedicated Freddy mains could make him very effective.
He was undeniably hard to pick up, though, which I think was the main contributor to his reputation. If you played him like just an M1 killer with a 7 second waiting time to hit someone, then you'd struggle a lot. He had a lot of different fundamentals than the rest of the killers.
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The timing of the invisibility is exactly what made the survivors be able to get away without you getting a hit every single time. And without an addon, they could just wake themselves up with a failed skillcheck. There was no special, or "different" learning curve, because he was just a m1 killer, but far worse. His addons is what made his power, if I recall correctly, being asleep didn't even slow down gens or heals by default? Or maybe it did. But without the pink addon it was easy to wake yourself up. And if the survivor wasn't asleep you had to forget about ambushing them.
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Being asleep gave a 50% action speed penalty to basically everything. Gens, heals, totems, gates, chests, the lot.
None of his Pink addons had anything to do with making it harder to wake up either. There was a Green, Yellow and Brown addon that reduced Skill Check chances while asleep however.
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Was the "not being able to wake up from skillchecks"- addon before or after the rework?
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If you weren't able to wake up from skill checks then if all 4 survivors were asleep there'd be genuinely no way to wake up. Alarm Clocks weren't a thing back then. It was either fail a skill check or find an awake survivor.
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Yeah, I just thought about it, I think the addon I actually was thinking about was the one where all of the survivors would be asleep at the start.
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Well, you'd be wrong. Half the current trending things are survivors whining about camping, tunneling, aura reading, and certain killers
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Hot takes
Not every killer needs to be high tier.
I've you are releasing killers with fast traversal on the map and good loop shutdown then maps need to STOP being nerfed. I dont want to play in a shoebox with 4 viable pallets where 4 gens are right next to each other.
Stealth play is valid and if used properly can me getting safe rescues and doing gens.
I DESPISE nurse, her 'counterplay' is hoping she's new or messes up her blink which isn't counterplay at ALL!
Billy needs a cooldown on his chainsaw, I said what I said.
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communism good
(not really please dont take that seriously)
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My hot take: Distortion didn't need to be nerfed, instead they should've added more ways for it to be difficult to hide for a long period of time.