Should survivors have a "Team-based" score, rather than Individual? (Let's imagine: Part 2)

Let's imagine that survivor matches have a Team-based score, team-based Pip system, and MMR increase\decrease. (Basically you are getting more points, if your teammates plays well) Like… Your teammate just stunned the killer - and you got reduced (from usual) amount of points, or did the gen, escaped…
Individual is what we have now, btw.
With team-based score we will have these pros:
- If you played poorly\got tunneled early, you will still have a chance to get a decent amount of bp and get a pip. (Maybe even MMR increase - based on how well your team played)
- If at least 3 players escaped and you died - you are still won the match (I mean, your team have won, there is no individual winning) and got your MMR increased. (I'm not sure if it's pro or con, but whatever…)
- Every action\interaction against a killer such as pallet stun, blind, even chases by your team are granting you reduced amount of score\bp (reduced to balance).
- This system highly encourages team-play.
While it sounds good, there are probably inevitable cons to that:
- If you escaped and your team died - you lost the match, you maybe even get depip\lowered your MMR.
- If you died early - you will need to spectate the match until very end to receive more points. (If you leave from the lobby - you will get what your team earned at the very moment).
- This system not only encourages team-play, but afk playstyle as well. (It will be inevitable, obviously)
- You can end-up in a "MMR wall". (Constant unexperienced teammates will never give you a chance to get the pip\MMR increase)
- Your survivor matches are going to be HIGHLY dependent on the teammates you've got. (The worst one, probably)
It seems to me that the cons are much stronger than pros with this one… That's why I think it should not happen ever…
What do you think?
No. There's too many Survivors quitting early on hook and the griefing is out of control. I don't want my points dependent on this.
The game of SoloQ is not Killer vs Survivors anymore. Its Killer vs Survivors vs Survivors.
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A purely team based score would be bad - you're inevitably dragged down or boosted by the efforts of three other players, and that would cause resentment and accusations to boil up pretty fast. But the concept has a lot of merit to it. I think the best way to implement something like this would be a hybrid system, where individual score is factored first, and then a team score could be added onto that (but never subtracted/a negative modifier to personal performance.) So maybe you get tunneled out, and you get your piddly 6k score because you couldn't do anything, and then when the match is over, you get +1000 BP per gen your team completes after your death, +500 for every stun they get, and +2000 for every survivor that escapes.
Just spitballing the numbers, but something like this would be less punishing to survivors that sacrifice themselves in pursuit of team objectives so long as their teammates continue to succeed.
I don't know if it should touch MMR, though. MMR's a tricky beast, especially for survivors - being too high and too low are both very bad things for the player. I do think not losing or even gaining MMR if you die but your 3 teammates get out would be helpful, and it would help solos escape from the Clueless Teammate Pit. But at the same time I'm nervous that it could go too far in the opposite extreme and function to keep boosting players who need to lose MMR to be in a comfortable zone.
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Survivors win / lose as a team. I'd support it, but it would be a different game. It would go against multiple elements of the design philosophy. I could see it going really poorly in the long run, but as a player I'd be willing to take that risk, not sure I would if I was in BHVR's shoes.
I think the bigger change here is not the team based element, but BHVR actually giving firm win conditions.
MMR would be an obvious change, but I highly doubt most players think about MMR (which is what BHVR wants) given its hidden.
Survivors gain points as a team. I don't think that's necessary. Having individual scores is still a good thing in team games just for some end game comparison. Probably give bloodpoints for escapes to the team, and maybe some BP if a player just hangs on a hook while everyone else gets gens done.
Pips? Eh, whatever. I tend to forget the pip system exists until I get a BP drop.
Looking through your list of cons:
If you escaped and your team died - you lost the match, you maybe even get depip\lowered your MMR.
This goes with the idea of changing the game philosophy. We accept it in other team games that you might have the best game of your life, but you still lose.
It does create the possibility that people just to give up towards the end of the match (anti-climatic and bad game design). There's potentially no point in playing for hatch on the survivor side or trying to secure a 1k on the killer with a clear win condition. That said, the game is designed around not just the idea of win/draw/loss, but degree of win/draw/loss actually mattering. I think the community plays that way, even if doesn't seem to be understood in comments.
If you died early - you will need to spectate the match until very end to receive more points. (If you leave from the lobby - you will get what your team earned at the very moment).
I don't think this is necessary. No reason that a player can't leave a match with the BP they have and the difference is delivered to them later. I wish DbD had the ability to go back and look at like the last ten games played, so adding something like that would be a general boost.
If this was necessary, it would outright kill the idea.
This system not only encourages team-play, but afk playstyle as well. (It will be inevitable, obviously)
Despite the obviously, I don't see how.
You can end-up in a "MMR wall". (Constant unexperienced teammates will never give you a chance to get the pip\MMR increase)
If so, it shows a game problem that already is true. Survivors can't advance in MMR on their own. If low MMR survivors where just stuck (and actually going backwards) and low MMR killers going up, that would show a game issue that needs to be fixed.
Your survivor matches are going to be HIGHLY dependent on the teammates you've got. (The worst one, probably)
That's currently true and the nature of how any team based game works.
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I like these ideas, but I would say they need to take the point cap off of being in chase. Especially those who get tunneled and ran all game and had no other way to get points. It would even things out I believe and give us more incentive to want to run the killer more and get better since point allocation is so low given we only have so many gens, chests, pallets etc
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Survivors afk will become more often, because of higher possibilities of being carried.
Basically this: - "Why do I need to do anything, when my team basically doing everything for me: they're earning bp for me, they're earning pips for me, they're increasing my MMR (if possible)".
Even if the afk player dies first - he will still have the chance to earn bp, pips, etc. A some sort of "Passive income".
I just think it's inevitable, knowing some gamers… It encourages both - Team-play and Afk-play.
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If you know the game called "HOTS" (Heroes of the Storm) - they were having a team-based experience earning. (Experience earned from the hero\minion kills getting shared across the whole team).
It worked well in HOTS, but Dbd… I don't think shared score will work in Dbd, I'm not expert tho, the things like these need testing.
But I shared my concerns on this very topic. The cons are there, and without a doubt - it could be much worse than individual scoring.