We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Devs address giving up on hook already!



  • Ilikechips
    Ilikechips Member Posts: 130

    Yes but they won't.

    If anything the kill rates are too low as some survivors on nightlight are escaping like 45% of the time. Some killers have under a 60% kill rate.

    Fun times are over for survivors.

    Say it with me now, it's only going to get worse.

  • Ilikechips
    Ilikechips Member Posts: 130

    I've just accepted that this is how it is. I've moved past denial onto acceptance lol.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 402

    game has 5 outcomes for killer.

    0,1,2,3 and 4k.

    3k and 4k are wincon, while 2k is a draw.

    60% killrate means average outcome of the match is 2k, meaning winrate averages at 50%.

    It's not that difficult to grasp basic maths.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 402

    escape rate is not tied to killrate because of asymmetric nature of the game.

    50% of x is not equal to 50% of 4x :D

  • Ilikechips
    Ilikechips Member Posts: 130

    Escape rate is exactly tied to kill rate. If they aren't dying they are escaping.

    They are the same metric.

    It is you who doesn't understand how that works.

    For your mythical mafematics feory to pan out you have to account for every possible outcome. Some games you will 4k, some you will 0k, 1k, 2k. You can't just take every possible outcome and say ItS aVeRaGe Of 2k So PeRfEcTlY bAlAnCeD, it is wildly misleading and incorrect. There are many possibles of combinations that fit because kill rate and win rate are not the same.

    The only thing you can say is 60% kill rate means 40% escape rate.

    Then you have to remember that you take away games with a dc, hook suicide etc before the stats are released. This means solo queue is absolute ass to play and a waste of time and killer is baby mode easy.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 125
    edited October 10

    Tomb stone piece is another one too it's so boring and no skilled, jumping in a locker only gives him free hooks anyways and I still don't get why it's not addressed. Myers onryu and triangle head should lose their passive mori honestly every onryu I face brings the most annoying maps where they easily spam tvs to get condemn kills and as soon as I see that and am slugged am holding sprint and just bleed out that point. I think she would need a rework that condemn can do something else like speed her up and give survivors debuff like slow gen repair, healing unhooking etch.

    Post edited by buggybug on
  • WW1PilotAce
    WW1PilotAce Member Posts: 82

    i agree with you, but they are not gonna fix it if we dont complain more, it took years of complain to add the dc penalty.

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 742

    Really, because I’ve been active on this forum since 2018 whereas your profile was only made March this year. Or are you going to say you’ve been lurking all this time ‘trust me’ lol.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,703

    Amusing topic.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 402

    if you check my posts a little bit deeper, i pay attention to problems on both sides, not like some people who keep accusing everyone else for their own lack of game knowledge :)

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 402

    thanks, i'm really not, tho i'm looking at the whole balance aspect of the game from a little bit more serious perspective rather than just "what's fun and what isn't"

  • LadyOwO
    LadyOwO Member Posts: 370

    Wethet or not you pay for a killer or not is completely irrelevant considering you agree to the Tos/EULA. The devs can modify anything they please since it's their game or did you forget that?

  • cheapslurpiee
    cheapslurpiee Member Posts: 8

    The problem is that yall aren't looking at the game in it's entirety... it's ALL an unprotected game loop. As killer, your annoying time wasting/unfun situations include

    1. 2v1 when survivors don't progress gens and hide

    2. bullying swfs

    3. Early hook deaths (outside of your doing)

    But on the flip side, you have actual "strategies" that allow you to inflict the same pain.

    1. Same 2v1 in which you only proxy 2+ gens, knowing that isn't feasible for survivors.
    2. Actively tunneling
    3. Face camping outside of AFC
    4. Bleeding survivors out (4 whole minutes)

    The game has effectively told people, it's okay for YOU, the killer, to be able to target me (the survivor) and end my game early leaving me tilted. Or you can stretch my game out longer and leave me on the ground for a 3rd of the average trial time. Those are STRATEGIES though.

    The argument seems to be, if you die on hook early, you're harming multiple peoples games so it should be fixed. Understandable. But survivors are not a legion. I do not get to jump to another's body and continue the fight. As an individual, I'm concerned primarily with my fun. So appealing to group fun, when I don't know any of you AND can't speak to you usually, is not effective especially when u want them to consider the killers fun.

    Getting rid of hook attempts doesn't make sense to me.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 402

    But on the flip side, you have actual "strategies" that allow you to inflict the same pain.

    Same 2v1 in which you only proxy 2+ gens, knowing that isn't feasible for survivors.

    Actively tunneling

    Face camping outside of AFC

    Bleeding survivors out (4 whole minutes)

    bleeding survivors out can be fixed with team give up vote if all 4 survivors are being bled out, 3-gens are entirely survivors'fault, (but give up vote is okay in that case too tbh) and tunneling is either fault of chased survivor lasting <30s in chase or team not doing gens at all. Face camping is another case where it's better for camped surv to stay on the hook as long as possible and someone else to force trade at a suitable time.

    The argument seems to be, if you die on hook early, you're harming multiple peoples games so it should be fixed. Understandable. But survivors are not a legion. I do not get to jump to another's body and continue the fight. As an individual, I'm concerned primarily with my fun. So appealing to group fun, when I don't know any of you AND can't speak to you usually, is not effective especially when u want them to consider the killers fun.

    PvP games are exactly about that, to help your teammates even if you can't have your sort of fun during one specific match. Many people are acting like "idc i'll just give up" when they play soloQ regardless of how their teammates behave, but they will never do such a thing to their SWF teammates. That shows the unhealthy side of average soloQ teammate mindset.

    Getting rid of hook attempts doesn't make sense to me.

    it literally has 0 downsides. Benefits of removing it are:

    • quite likely reduced giving up rates;
    • easier way to detect if someone is actively griefing in your match;
    • survivor can be punished for afking after getting unhooksd by a teammate, because game simply doesn't let them suicide on hook.

  • VantaNite
    VantaNite Member Posts: 43

    Players dont respond to punishments, they respond to benifits. Its simply not human nature, once someone decides to disengage they are done. Once it happens you're just wasting everyone's time in a lost game. Want players to stop suiciding on hook, incentivize staying on hook. Want more players to stick around in a lost game? Add alternate escape options for 2 people instead of just 1 for the hatch at the end. Like say there are 5 gens left and its a 3v1 make it possible for 2 people to survive without having to do all 5 gen's but can do a secondary object that they need to complete for the alternate route.

    If you wanna solve things constantly with a heavy hand, all you'll have is a plethora of otherwise good players to benefit the player base. Reporting should be reserved mostly for cheaters and players using profanity as well players that just consistently take trolling too far.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 402

    look where did that "benefiting" way of handling these problem lead us lol. Because of "benefits" people feel encouraged to give up even more, meaning harsher punishments actually ARE better way to deal with this problem

  • VantaNite
    VantaNite Member Posts: 43

    Lol, how is it a "look where that's gotten us situation" when such things haven't even been implemented. Try your punishment option and all you'll leave in your wake is a bunch of disgruntled gamer just saying the game's not worth it.

    If you think you can control people by saying oh, if you don't do what I say ill punish you works. Then clearly you know nothing about people and nothing about keeping a game engaging.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 402
    edited October 12

    ohh right, instead of making people who are obviously burnt out take a break from the game, we should allow the plague of giving up to further spread and intoxicate community by possibly removing even more ways of punishment for giving up, what a great logic!!!

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 402
    edited October 12

    you know what is also foolish?

    To expect every other person playing a PvP game to shift their gameplay styles in order to match YOUR definition of fun, and then giving up as soon as you:

    • get 2-tapped by an M1 killer in your first chase;
    • get hooked;
    • your teammates not wishing to use the playstyle you wanna use;
    • your opponent not playing the way you want them to play;
    • your opponent playing killer you don't like going against (more than half of the roster lol).

    And then, it's "fault of devs and opponents" when you think everybody is supposed to play the way you want them to play. The most obvious symptome of burnout IS when you can't actually crave the fun in your game, and then expect others to respect your rules for "having fun".

    That doesn't go that way. It never did.

    Your teammates have a goal when playing a game, your opponent does, and if you think you should have the right to give up with 0 punishments because "they don't play for fun", you are wrong. Terribly wrong.

  • VantaNite
    VantaNite Member Posts: 43

    I asked for a favor, but again you dont care and went on a pointless rant that doesn't correlate to anything I said. Why are you bringing up my definition of fun when Ive said nothing that even points to what my direction of fun is? For what I said, fun is irrelevant. My point ties to human nature itself and your argument ties around how everyone should feel guilty and ashamed because they took themselves out of a situation they don't find fun. Is that selfish, yes. It ruins a game that others probably were enjoying to some degree. But since when were people benevolent enough to care about that, especially when its so quick to get a new game.

    People respond well to things they find fun and benefit them as much as possible. The more you can make that apply to as many people as possible in each individual game, and the less you'll see people take finding their fun into their own hands.

    Oh, and dont reply to me again, im almost certain you dont even read 90 percent of my post, and though you wont take advice in this regard. You should stop trying to shove burnout down peoples throats. You don't have to be burned out to ######### on hook or stop playing seriously. Fact of the matter is, you dont really know what anyone's thinking when they do, so you should stop acting like you do. You're projecting your own insecurities on me right and its cumbersome. My proof of that is how every time you respond, points that I don't even mention magically appear in your own writings. If not projection, how else is that supposed to appear there? Oh, and quit making it personal. You keep saying you you you specifically like im the one who personally took your cheerio's. Rather insulting.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 402

    1. i am reading your posts from first to last letter.

    2. your mindset clearly shows you are not a type of person for PvP games, there are way more relaxing games out there both you and every person who thinks others should follow imaginary rulebooks to throw matches in order to make it fun for others can play.

    Have a nice day.

  • VantaNite
    VantaNite Member Posts: 43

    Glad you're reading from beginning to end. I wouldn't have guessed from how you responded.

    2. I appreciate the opinion, but we'll agree to disagree. I get just as disappointed as the next man when I lose because someone quits, but I acknowledge they owe me nothing and have little to no expectations of a random individual with his own objectives. There's no imaginary rulebook that you're making up right now. People will simply do what they want just like what you're doing right now. If trust was my expectation then id form my own party to play with. If you cant get that, then its not my problem. Discounting me from being the type for pvp though is rather shallow when you know nothing about how I play. You seem to think that I'm just the kind of person that just leaves at the first sign of trouble, but I like to escape and win just as much as the next one. I've played my fair share of hopeless games just off the slime chance that we can make a comeback. So as much as you're entitled to your own opinion, frankly you're not qualified to judge me or anyone else. If that's all you can see from this conversation then id say you're perception is disappointingly shallow. There wont be any other responses from me so go ahead and get the last word, I wont respond again.

    You too have a good day.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,436

    Oh no, the "I don't care about your fun" crowd is suddenly upset that survivors aren't having enough fun to put up with hopeless matches. 😄

  • Efrost
    Efrost Member Posts: 33

    Removing unhooking doesn't resolve anything. As the survivor can either just chase the killer around accomplishing nothing, or afk at the hook which again accomplishes nothing. Though I think killer would prefer the latter as it basically gives them an as much time to look for the hiding last survivor as they want, which might be while they are pushing the idea so hard. Because to me it is blatantly clear that the ones who want to give up on hook to go to next match. Aren't going to suddenly feel forced to have to finish the match up after a change like this. So all you have accomplished is made killers stronger and still not fixed the actual issue.

  • Autharia
    Autharia Member Posts: 94

    Said killer is also for Iri shards so people paying $ for it is on them.

  • brewingtea
    brewingtea Member Posts: 247

    Survivor queues have been really long, lately. There was at least a 25% bonus all last night, when it's usually killer that gets all the Friday evening bonuses as people play with their friends going into the weekend.

    People are tired of the BS. No one wants to play an unfair game. Someone hooked immediately due to Lethal Pursuer? Might as well go next because it's just going to snowball while they get camped.

    I mean, what are you supposed to do when there are 5 gens left and only 3 survivors? Everyone competes for hatch (because there's literally nothing else to do) and it's MISERABLE

  • Bookern
    Bookern Member Posts: 319

    giving constant benefits leads to entitlement you ever try tweaking it theyll gut you

  • BoxGhost
    BoxGhost Member, Mod Posts: 1,354

    Hello! I'm closing this thread up to here due to the recent comments becoming toxic and out of topic.

This discussion has been closed.