We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Fixing Pyramid Head's tunnelling and add-ons

SomethingChill Member Posts: 23

The Executioner, often referred to as the Pyramid Head, is not in a good spot right now. Nearly all of his add-ons are borderline useless and he is really problematic for the game. He is able to ignore all anti-tunnel features the Survivors have and end the game fast without giving the Survivors a chance.

In this rework I plan to change that. I want to make his power more rewarding, but also tone down his methods of turbo-tunnelling Survivors out of the game. I also reworked nearly all of his add-ons, since he really has just one or two that are ever worth using.

To start, here's what I propose to prevent tunnelling as oppressively as he can right now and what I would do to compensate for it:

Artwork is by Joe Misrasi

  • Survivors gain Endurance and Haste for 15 seconds after being uncaged. 
    • As of writing this, Pyramid Head's main threat does not come from his Special attack or even directly his cages. What makes him so oppressive is his insane ability to tunnel a Caged Survivor. Back in the day when Pyramid Head was released, hooks didn't give Endurance or Haste. This change simply fixes an outdated mechanic that was supposed to be changed but was most likely forgotten about.
    • The speed of the Haste is identical to the one you receive after being unhooked from a regular hook.
    • Hook related perks will still not activate.

  • Hitting a Survivor with Punishment of the Damned inflicts Torment to the hit Survivor(s).
    • This change was tested in a PTB once, but resulted in Pyramid Head becoming even more powerful at tunnelling. However, with Endurance after a cage this would not be too ridiculous. It rewards the Killer for good power use and is generally the direction I would like to see him go.

  • After being unhooked or uncaged, the Survivor will become immune to getting Tormented for 20 seconds
    • With Torment applying on M2, tunnelling after unhook/uncage would still be quite efficient. This change gives the Survivors a chance to play against it.

Now, for the part most people want changed about him:

Picture from the Silent Hill 2 Remake

All add-ons were designed with previously mentioned basekit changes in mind

  • Black Strap = Increases the projectile speed of the Punishment of the Damned by +10%. (rework)
    • A relatively simple add-on taking inspiration from the Huntress' Yellowed Cloth add-on. Executioner's projectile is normally relatively slow moving, so I think this add-on would fit perfectly.

  • Copper Ring = Increases the turn rate while using Rites of Judgement by +15%. (rework)
    • With Pyramid Head's turning speed being fixed normally, it's surprising he doesn't have an add-on that does this. A pretty grounded effect that can lead to interesting changes in gameplay.

  • Dead Butterfly = Grants the ability to see the area of effect of the Punishment of the Damned while using Rites of Judgement. (rework)
    • Helps beginners get a grasp of how far they can reach with his power. Perfect for a brown add-on.

  • Lead Ring = Tormented Survivors suffer from the Haemorrhage status effect. (rework)
    • A really simple effect to make healing for Tormented Survivors a tad bit more difficult.

  • Cinderella Music Box = Increases the Duration of Torment Trails in the environment by +20 seconds (instead of +15 seconds).
    • Buffed to compensate for the removal of it's counterparts

  • Forgotten Videotape = Reduces the recovery time of Rites of Judgement by -4 seconds (instead of -3 seconds).
    • Buffed to compensate for the removal of it's counterparts

  • Leopard-Print Fabric = Increases the duration of Killer Instinct by +3 seconds (instead of +0.5 seconds).
    • Buffed to compensate for the removal of it's counterparts

  • Spearhead = Increases the duration of Rites of Judgement by +2 seconds (instead of +1.5 seconds).
    • Buffed to compensate for the removal of it's counterparts

  • Burning Man Painting = Survivors who take a protection hit from the Punishment of the Damned suffer from the Broken, Oblivious and Blindness status effects for 60 seconds (rework)
    • Replicates Pyramid Head's perk Forced Penance. Not an effect that comes into play often, but when it does it's punished greatly.

  • Mannequin Foot = Tormented Survivors who are downed with the Punishment of the Damned are afflicted with the Broken status effect for 45 seconds (rework)
    • Another add-on to play with the Broken status effect. Rewards you for good use of power and denies healing after an uncage (or more rarely an unhook).
    • Survivors need to be Tormented before downing them, simply downing a Survivor with Punishment of the Damned does not count for this add-on

  • Misty Day, Remains of Judgement = While using Rites of Judgement, Survivors within 8 meters of your position have their Aura revealed to you, but your Aura is also revealed to them. (rework)
    • A fun add-on that basically makes all nearby walls translucent while using your power. Can help with landing hits on Survivors through walls, but keep in mind that they can also dodge your power much easier as they also see where you are and when you are about to attack.

  • Tablet of the Oppressor = When a Survivor becomes Tormented by any means, all Tormented Survivors suffer from the Blindness status effect for 20 seconds. (rework)
    • Punishes all Survivors for one Survivor's mistake, but since getting Tormented is sometimes unavoidable, it only gives Blindness to not be too oppressive.

  • Valtiel Sect Photograph = Survivors who get Tormented suffer from the Exhausted status effect for 5 seconds. (rework)
    • Really simple add-on to deny use of Exhaustion perks. Not too unreasonable since getting a Survivor to be Tormented often takes some time.

  • Lost Memories Book = Survivors hit by Punishment of the Damned have their auras revealed for 5 seconds. (rework)
    • Takes inspiration from the Huntress' Glowing Concoction add-on. Simply helps you keep track of a Survivor after damaging them.

  • Scarlet Egg = Performing a Final Judgment shows the Auras of all Tormented Survivors for 6 seconds. (rework)
    • A lower quality version of his Iridescent Seal of Metatron add-on. Instead of revealing the Auras of Survivors after sending one to a cage, it reveals them after killing one. Doesn't always come into play, but gives valuable information.

  • Rust-Coloured Egg = Injured Survivors who are already Tormented and step on a Torment Trail suffer from the Deep-Wound status effect. (rework)
    • A Deep-Wound add-on to punish Survivors who are already Tormented for carefreely stepping into Torment Trails. Can delay generators or healing a decent amount if the Survivors are too oblivious.

  • Obsidian Goblet = When a Survivor loses Torment by any means, you gain the Undetectable status effect for 20 seconds. (rework)
    • Still playing with the Undetectable status effect, it now gives it really consistently and can make it seem like you are almost playing a stealth killer.

Feel free to give feedback on this, it's much appreciated! I want to help change the game for the better, even if my ideas never directly make it into the game. That being said, it would be awesome to see these changes, and I genuinely believe them to be better for the health of the game overall.

Here's a little bonus change that I would like to see changed for him:

  • You can now nod.



  • Made a new change to basekit where a Survivor who is recently unhooked or uncaged, they become immune to getting Tormented for a short while.
  • Buffed Leopard-Print Fabric add-on to 3 seconds from 2.

Post edited by SomethingChill at


  • Gardhome
    Gardhome Member Posts: 61

    20 haste after uncaged is too much, but if buffing his curving while using the power would be good trade. And do not touch Obsidian Goblet its fine the way it is, plus 20 sec is not enough (60 would be great), but anyway addon is fine do not touch it

  • SomethingChill
    SomethingChill Member Posts: 23

    I made it 20 seconds since Cages still prevent hook related perks from activating, so a lower duration means he would be just as good at tunnelling as he is right now.

    Obsidian Goblet as of now is useless. Insidious (one of the worst perks in the game) and only when standing in your trails? No thanks. 20 seconds of undetectable every time a Survivor loses Torment is more than you think. With the Torment on M2 change I also proposed, you are more often than not constantly putting Survivors into Cages. So you gain 20 seconds of Undetectable when you Cage, + you also get 20 seconds when a Tormented Survivor uncages someone. That's a lot of no terror radius.

  • Gardhome
    Gardhome Member Posts: 61

    He is already have anti tunnel cage mechanic, he cant see them and they teleport if he is too close to them. For goblet i thought that you mean 20 sec after someone is uncaged and thats not a lot, but if this works on just caged survivors is okay i guess. But i dont want to this addon changed cause this is weak but fun to use addon, i got a many Dragons grip value because of it.

  • SomethingChill
    SomethingChill Member Posts: 23

    That is true, he does have some anti-tunnel measures but they simply aren't enough. Pyramid Head is often regarded as the best killer at tunnelling, and that's mostly the reason he is so high on most tierlists.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,694
    edited October 13

    20 seconds is a bit too long. 10-15, sure. But 20 is too much.

    Torment on M2 is cool, BUT there needs to be a 10-15 sec "immunity" period for a surv freshly unhooked/uncaged. As it stands, I can m2 when an unhook/uncage occurs, down/cage the rescuer, then go tunnel the saved surv with little fear of repercussions.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,781

    I still don't love the idea of Torment on M2, even with survivors getting endurance out of the cage. I feel like it overshadows the idea of the torment trails too much and diminishes their value. It also makes it easy to just apply torment immediately to a recently unhooked or uncaged survivor especially since protection hits are impossible against it.

    I would also like to see his basekit punishment range increased a little, range addons are by far his most popular and I think it is a fair trade in exchange for the base BT on cages becoming a thing (which I 100% agree with doing).

    I like these addon changes, these are much better and a lot more interesting than what we have now. 2 specific ones I'll comment on:

    • Leopard-Print Fabric (killer instinct duration addon) should be buffed further. The existing purple addon with this effect is 3 seconds and it still doesn't see much play, so 2 seconds definitely isn't enough.
    • Rust-Colored Egg might be problematic for tunneling and negating base BT/OTR very similar to Pinhead's Original Pain addon, which rarely gets used for anything other than this.

  • SomethingChill
    SomethingChill Member Posts: 23

    Really good idea, I'll add that!

    Great ideas as well. I'll make Fabric 3 seconds and change the Rust-Coloured Egg a tiny bit so it cannot help with tunnelling while still keeping it's current effect.

    Thanks a lot!

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,116

    I've often wondered why the tunneling machine that is Pyramid Head is so frequently left out of discussions regarding it...

    I rather like this rework, especially the add-on ideas. Obsidian Goblet sounds awesome 😁

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,436

    Would be nice to give uncaged survivors some debuffs to action speed, maybe even for the rest of the match. Obviously this would be in compensation for adding anti-tunnel to the cages. Would give more incentive to cage survivors early instead of just saving it for the mori.

  • RFSa09
    RFSa09 Member Posts: 726

    i like your ideas but i think people underestimate how powerful his m2 is, the counterplay is literally break line of sight and pray for him to miss you (if he even tries to attack you instead of faking it) and i honestly don´t think this is problematic beecause the killer also have to make guesses to hit long range m2´s

    Misty Day, Remains of Judgement = While using Rites of Judgement, Survivors within 8 meters of your position have their Aura revealed to you, but your Aura is also revealed to them. (rework)

    this addon would possibly be one of the strongest addons in the game since 2016 (for killers) (8 meters is the range of his basekit m2) but besides that one i really really liked the addons

    Irrelevant gameplay


  • SomethingChill
    SomethingChill Member Posts: 23

    I think it's not needed. Something a lot of people forget is that cages deny all hook perks. That's a lot that you could already deny from happening, especially when the currently best perks for Survivor are almost all hook related.

    Often times when I play him the Survivors can very much counter it by simply dodging well. Sure, it doesn't always work, but it's surprisingly consistent if you can see the killer. The add-on does just that: both of you see each other through walls. Sure it's better for the killer, but it's an add-on so it's got to be worth using.