Dracula needs changes

Batform, find survivor, hit, batform, instantly catch up, down. Mix that with bamboozle and it's guaranteed fast downs. The cooldown on batform needs to be increased or something else I can't think of. Wolf form seems fine still since it's high risk high reward and the hell fire hit box seems very inconsistent but not unfair most times. Just that dang bat form bypassing everything. It's like Chucky all over again.
Edit: I also think hell fire should have a 6 second cooldown on miss and 12 seconds on hit. It's too good for most lane based loops and layouts to get back to back.
As a Killer Centric player, (30/70). I wouldn't really mind Bat Form be gone for good.. But exchange that entirely to giving Wolf Form a 4% speed boost in chases.
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It's just the fact that he gets the speed/flight bonuses instantly and there's not much fatigue at all. If he can't hit you with an M1 after, he can at least start chase from 2 meters away. Since he can switch freely every 2.5 seconds there's absolutely no reason not to use it to close distance (unless the Killer struggles with tracking).
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115% move speed spirit with unlimited power duration and window vaulting with an add on to block the window. and Demo and Pyramid Head powers on top for no reason. yea seems fair….
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I must agree that Bat form has too little downside to it. It needs a longer fatigue duration during shapeshift, since it is near instant.
It needs a MUCH longer cooldown and a second or so added to its fatigue duration. Other than that, it is fine.This is coming from someone who just picked up Dracula for the tome challenges, and have had nothing but 3-4 kill games, aside from one where I showed mercy to the survivors. Though, even against fairly experienced survivor teams, I had little to no problem getting a 4K.
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"The devs always release a killer super strong, and then nerf them once the sales have been made!"
"This new killer is SO overpowered! Nerfs needed NOW!"
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You're using other killers as a reference for why a new one is strong, but if I just look Dracula by himself, I haven't heard any rational explanation for why he can't see survivors in bat form. Maybe if he could, we could talk about touching the form. But right now it's a form which can't see survivors (despite seeing the map!), deafens you so you can't hear, and cannot attack.
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I think what this shows is how conditioned we all are to settling for weak killers. It's just assumed, not even questioned, that "Oh, Dracula has multiple forms that he can switch in and out of? He MUST have a big cooldown to slow him down when he uses that." He's like the 1 killer who isn't handicapped like that, bar his cooldowns after he uses his forms' special attacks. Hillbilly has that cooldown, Pig, Spirit, Legion, Plague, Twins, Vecna. That's all the devs know how to do. "Why are y'all so restrictive on killer design?" Because that's not what you want. You want killers who are janky and a chore to play, perhaps because you never even play them. That's what I'd tell the community.
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It's literally just Bat Form though, everything else is fine. Instant 6.5m/s and ignoring all vaults is too much for a killer to get on-demand as a sub-power with a tiny cooldown.
And I definitely don't want him to be "janky and a chore". I've been playing literally just Dracula over the past week. But that doesn't change the fact that Bat Form is pretty unfair for Survivors right now.
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Interesting how bat form could do everything of that (6.0m/s instead of 6.5 but was still fast) and ignore every vault before they even touched it, but no one was talking about that form. Hell most of the people did agree that the form was underpowered much like Wolf and did need buffs.
Now its buffed and people argue non-stop that the form can ignore vaults and follow survivors after hitting them, which he could still do before the Bat buffs. Guess what? The real problem maybe be the 2.5 second swap instead of the Bat form?
Anyways, Bat form is still pretty much counterable. Cannot see survivors. Cannot attack survivors. Has both a delay + slowdown after trasnforming. The survivor can just throw a pallet and camp it and Dracula cannot even touch the survivor even with the addon that makes you shapeshift faster.
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"Wolf form seems fine still since it's high risk high reward"? Im sorry but thats a blatant lie. Wolf form is "high risk low reward"
Wolf form is underpowered as hell. Almost zero time to aim after first pounce, extremely tiny hitbox, extremely easy to dodge. The only way i consistently hit with the pounce is if the survivor is just not looking behind him or i caught him on a narrow hallway. Otherwise the survivor can just bait it and you just need to randomly aim into a direction and hope the survivor goes into the same direction, as i said, you have almost zero time to aim after first pounce.
And another thing, the Wolf form was marketed as the "tracking tool" Dracula has, and it does nothing for tracking. The orbs dont appear if survivors dont move so they can still hide from you and the closer scratch marks and reddish pools of blood are usually not needed in a chase and you could knew where the survivor is anyways. Also the killer instinct when survivor do a fast vault is too short of a duration and you can hear them vaulting anyways.
Arguing about the Bat form seems to be more and more meta right now, but its interesting to see that all of those things Bat form can do and people are arguing for (ignoring vaults, hitting a survivor and going into bat instantly) he could still do even before the Bat form buffs, and people not only didnt care about the form but most of the time it was being said that the form did need buffs because it was also a bit underpowered.
Leave the Bat form alone as it has enough counterplay already. People are trashing the form but it seems the real problem for them its the 2.5 second cooldown because as i said, before the Bat buffs it could do everything of this and people didnt care.
But again, even with the 2.5 second cooldown, people seem to counterplay me very well on every form. They camp thrown pallets or in windows they do slow vaults/move slow when i am in Bat form so i dont know where they are, they go into obstacles or run in circles when i pounce in Wolf form and they try to do the same in loops to bait the Hellfire. He seems pretty counterable?
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This'll be my last word here because I don't want to talk about Bat Form forever:
1. Yeah, the 2.5 second swap specifically to/from Bat Form is a problem. Switching between Wolf and Vampire on a 2.5 second cooldown isn't an issue.
2. If a survivor camps a safe pallet, just destroy it and turn back into a bat, catch up instantly. If it's unsafe, use one of your other abilities to hit them, and switch to Bat Form if they run away.
3. This is about using Bat Form as a catch-up tool, not patroling, so if you lose the survivor because you can't see them for 3 seconds I think that's a misplay from the killer, especially if they're injured and crying loudly.
4. Just because something has a "counter" does not mean it's balanced. You can counter a good Nurse by breaking line of sight, her power is still ridiculous and massively favours her in chase.
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I understand if you are not going to answer but I still want to add a bit more.
I still dont get why, again, the focus is the bat form while he could still do everything mentioned here even before the buffs (hit survivor, trasnform into bat, catch) and yet no one had a problem with it at all? Even there did seem to be an agreement that the bat form was a bit underpowered and did need buffs. So now it got buffed and people are pointing those things that could be done before the buffs?
If the answer is going to be "well it can be done faster now thanks to the reduced shapeshift cd", then again the problem seems to be shapeshift and not the Bat form.
About number 3, that works only if survivor is wounded (and not using iron will, which sadly is a very common perk now). Even if you use Stridor to counter it, if im not mistaken it still sounds quieter. Losing the survivor doesnt mean "the killer did just bad".
Want to end by saying that the difference is that Dracula's counters ar far easier to do and his power is far weaker than Nurse, so its not a very good example.
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Dracula is one of the most balanced Killers in the game right now. You can't see in Bat Form and hearing is not that easy, cuz the Bat Sound is very loud. If a Dracula Player manages to catch up and quickly down you with that, the Player has Skill and outplayed you in a fair way.
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spirit has a lot more precise information than dracula. her phase-walk therefore is a lot more reliable to land. Bat form dracula is easier to juke spirit. If you really hate Bat form that much, you could just Iron will vs bat form.
I literally use Mindbreaker right now as dracula because of how strong iron will is vs him. I really wish i could use Stridor but the perk doesn't work. it is still bugged. it is suppose give me sound when survivor use iron will but it does not.
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I don't think that Dracula is powerful enough. I hated adepting him.
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I am trying the reworked Genetic Limits right now. With Mindbreaker sadly if survivors can still see you, they can leave gen before to remove the exhausted effect, but with Genetic Limits you only need to injure them, so they will always have the exhaustion effect.
Also Mindbreaker is 5 seconds while GL is 8 seconds so its more difficult to get rid of it in chase.
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i prefer mindbreaker because it refreshes the exhaust timer. i find it most consistent because survivor cannot play around it as easily as genetic limits. genetic limits is just stay injured = empty perk slot. survivor will stay injured because iron will is better than health-states vs dracula.
if i was to use genetic limits, i'd use genetic limit+blood echo but this has a problem…. it costs 2 perks slots… where as mindbreaker costs 1 perk slot. I'll take 1 perk tax. really, i would just use stridor because… it actually does something that helpful for killer and is suppose counter unfun perk but bugged.
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He was weak when he first came out and then he got buffs + nerfs to the exploits with the bat form and the Wolf hug tech
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Holy #########. That's an insane take. How is Drac in any way similar to SM
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I would say that playing against Dracula is not about gaining distance between him and you, but rather it becomes a race to see who gets to the loop first😂.
Even Wraith didn't do this.
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You can counter bat form by walking instead of running so he can't locate you. There is a reason you can't see Survivors in bat form.