Tamo Member Posts: 90

Nerf this killer!

I hated the change of Flashlights no longer having value for burn or getting rid of traps, the thing is though as a player on both sides I can see the annoyance for Wraith & although rare Nurse etc. too, but the traps has been the worst change going. Hag got the best out of that change because now your options are wipe the trap while your teammate dies or don't wipe & let the killer down you anyway. It's BS!

Not to mention the fact that the purple add-on that silences the trigger sound is in most cases iri worthy due to the change, in the game I just had (hence the post) I went to save my teammate on the hook - another is also on hook my swf partner & the last is being slugged - I'm injured & have time to wipe & save. The killer had the add-on I mentioned & the green range add-on. I crouched to the ONE TRAP the whole time & somehow the killer was able to teleport to it & that was game. It's not only unfun & has always been but now it's even more prevalent due to anti-camp, since it just doesn't care but still basically does the same thing.

Hag games may be few & far between, but if every killer needs their attention Hag needs hers & specifically in this horrible area that has sucked for ages now. Sorry for the rant, I'm sure many have opinions on this, if you're just here to say "get gud" save it & if you can think of any solutions I'd be intrigued to hear but otherwise this is surely something most of us can agree is scummy & could do with addressing.


  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 1,032

    I have to disagree with people saying the Hag is weak. She is far stronger than a lot of people realize. She is a solid high B tier on the current meta and can do well on almost every map in the game…

    …but yet, her current state is one of the weakest she had in years, even after the base-kit buff she received not too long ago. There are multiple ways of countering her, and wiping traps not only can be done by anyone, it doesn't even give the Hag a notification when it happens like flashlight burning did. She is still good, but she was way stronger in older metas, one of the strongest killers in the game between 2018-2020. Now she is great against unaware solos but has a lot of trouble against survivors who know how to counter her.

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 1,032

    Please, no base-kit Mint Rag, ever. That perk is strong when played right, but comes with the downside of making way harder to teleport instantly to a triggered trap when the add-on is not on cooldown, since you need to look at the trap first, or you'll teleport to the wrong one. You can also not place traps too close or too aligned or you might accidentally teleport to the wrong one when you need it. In other words, the Hag's entire playstile has to change and trap placement becomes more limited with that add-on.

    I think 115% Hag could be fine, but other good options would be to give her some movement speed increase after she teleports and/or give her a longer lunge after she does it, similar to wraith and spirit, Or maybe traps could inflict Hindered when triggered, because right now the biggest problem with her is that everyone has better ways of avoiding to trigger her traps, but even when they do trigger, a hit is not guaranteed, and there's not much she can do against survivors pressuring her traps by triggering them from a safe distance.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,924
    edited October 2024

    What the Hag do?

    She is one of the easiest killers to counter. Miserable\powerless to play as against decent\experienced survivor players.

    I think she need a buff. Something like 4.6 basic speed.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 2,024

    I mean, she's good at jumpscares and noob stomping but that's it.

    She is not op at all.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,603

    Do people really think Hag is bad? What are people doing on Hag? She can completely shut down half the map and snowball like crazy if you know how to set traps. She's really not that bully-able if you know how to play her at a high level

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,924

    The issue is coordinated group or at least 1 survivor who's going to follow you around. 1 good looper can just "sit on your tale" and wipe all traps you are placing, if you try to scare them off - you are 4.4 killer, you can't afford chasing somebody without a power.

    I mean, I shouldn't be the one telling you this, you probably know all that by yourself. Hag is good in soloq when survivors are not really aware of what to do, once they do know - you are pretty much doesn't have a power and you are 4.4.

    The issue I see in buffing her to 4.6 - she is a HUGE power creep to Trapper. If she gets 4.6 - it just will be completely unfair to Trapper - being one of the set up killers.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    @Tamo Okay, here is a challenge: try playing Hag for … hmm, lets say 10 matches and lets see how you fared. Optimally you would stream this so that we can all watch and cheer you on and feel with you, when you get inevitably bullied and rect into oblivion, but threre would be cookies afterwards for being this brave.

  • Yggleif
    Yggleif Member Posts: 374

    This isn't really true unless you're against soloQ survivors. If against a SWF or really good soloQ players all it takes is one person following you around wiping all your traps to ruin your game. Not to mention it is entirely possible to trigger a trap and get out of range for a hit rather consistently. Hag really only thrives on there being one really bad survivor or being able to hook trade reliably.

    Out of all the killers in the game Hag is probably the only one where the survivors dictate how strong your power is because unless you're playing chase hag you have zero ability to go after survivors proactively so you need survivors that don't know how to deal with traps.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,603

    Which is why I say experienced Hags don't really have these issues. Survivors try the follow-and-disarm strat a lot. Just continue into your web and set a few dummy traps along the way to waste their time. I usually set one obvious one that I don't intend to TP to and set another hidden one while they're screwing around with the other one.

    The player following you isn't doing gens, and you're eventually going to rotate to someone who is. If players are able to follow Hag and continually disarm her traps without getting tagged, she's setting some really bad traps.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,603
    edited October 2024

    I've played as her in tournaments and scrims multiple times. Following a good Hag and disarming doesn't work. What actually works is holding W up edge map and dying in corners away from the web. I've encountered that maybe once in the last year or two in public matches.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 2,024

    She ain't broken, she doesn't need to be fixed.

  • Yggleif
    Yggleif Member Posts: 374

    Okay and I'm saying as someone who mains the character and is very aware the average survivor is clueless against her she sucks lol and most other Hag mains would agree with me. Just because she can pub stomp doesn't make her good, most killers can stomp in pubs. If you actually play against good survivors it is a miserable experience a lot of the time because her power literally just does not work if the survivors know the trigger range and how to avoid a hit after triggering a trap. It is so bad that not even coup guarantees a hit if they do it right.

    Not to mention they can also just disarm traps if they feel like it if you're not patrolling your traps which defeats the purpose of them in the first place and you're mostly stuck protecting a 3 or 4 gen setup which is now much much weaker now that BHVR put a regression event limit on gens. Hag has serious mechanical limitations that need to be addressed because she is the only 110 killer in DBD that does not either have a mobility power or a ranged power making her chase literally the worst in the entire game. You are completely dependent on survivors following the path you predict they'll run which is fine that's what makes Hag unique but then you don't even get the hit if you predict correctly making her just nonfunctional. If a killer is reliant on survivors messing up rather than succeeding through outplaying them then that killer is not good.

  • SirBleps
    SirBleps Member Posts: 22

    wait, there are still hag players?!

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    They are 115%.

    Hag doesn't even have that.

    She has traps that can be disabled effortlessly or triggered in a way that makes them useless. And that's usually how a good group will play against her.

    If a trap triggers properly and the Hag reacts in time, she loses momentum upon teleporting so unless the survivor is standing still, she can't hit him.

    Many times, the "spin" towards the trap that's supposed to disturb survivors isn't even triggering. (Complained about many times by many people.)

    She is broken.

    The only ones being overwhelmed by her are the newbies.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903
    edited October 2024

    (bloody forum reply bug)

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    Michi still plays her and makes videos on Youtube.

    He also lists all her problems in at least one of them.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 2,024

    I think that Hag is fine as she is right now, but that might be because of my not-so-high MMR. (The weather is nice down here, thank you)

    If anything, she needs some buffs, especially to her add-ons (Grandma's Heart is the only add-on not updated with Undetectable in the game).