We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Killers should start bleeding out survivors who give up at 3+ Gens w/ no kills

Feetman Member Posts: 15

TL;DR at the start because this is a big block of text:
Killers should slug survivors who give up at 3+ gens w/ no kills, because it makes the point of not DC'ing redundant by turning a 15 second penalty into 4+ minutes.

I play a pretty healthy mix of both survivor and killer (leaning Killer), and quite frequently players will just go afk under a hook or try to immediately kill themselves on hook or even start to sandbag their team. This will happen because of arbitrary and petty reasons and it always ruins the match for everybody left in it.

The survivors functionally cannot win, aside from some edge cases where the killer was actually really bad but most of the time the survivor that quit early probably would've been more of a hindrance anyway, sucking time and resources from the team.

For Killers, unless like I said you are truly and thoroughly terrible at the game, they're now stuck in a match that they can either take a 4k (or 3k w/ hatch if courteous) against a gimped team or farm and still have an unfun experience either way.

This is lose-lose really no matter how you break it, and the devs don't seem like they have any idea on how to stop it (which, fair) and they aren't banning people for doing it. Really the only person that doesn't lose out in this scenario is the Quitter themself, as their ability to circumvent the dc penalty means that while the other 4 players in their last match are now playing a rigged game, they're able to queue quickly into another match that they can promptly also ruin.

So, while it isn't the job of the community to "punish" bad behavior or to moderate the game per se, why don't killer players start bleeding these quitters out?

  • It's clearly not against the rules, otherwise BHVR would ban slugging.
  • It makes the point of not DC'ing and leaving a bot in your wake moot because it's either a 15 second matchmaking ban or 4 minutes on the ground. At least with a matchmaking ban you can do the bloodweb or theory craft a build or something.

It doesn't solve the problem outright but if more killers, even just like 20% of them started doing this consistently then every time a survivor does this they'll just have their time wasted too. Maybe other survivor players could also lend a hand and farm the survivor so it takes them even longer to get bled out.

Frankly this is an issue that will probably always exist due to the nature of the game and the community, but at the very least we can make it as miserable as possible for the people giving up for minor reasons. Who knows, maybe they'll realize they don't actually like the game and stop playing it. Or once they realize what's happening, start actually trying to play because they might as well. Or maybe they'll just eat the DC penalty which is perfectly fine too because then it means there's at least a bot to help the survivor team.

Anyway, I am just tired of consistently seeing terrible players get rewarded for throwing themselves out of a match quickly and feel like this could be one small way to help curb it, at least somewhat.


  • BlightAbuser
    BlightAbuser Member Posts: 112

    Been doing this a lot. Survivor tries to go next = gets bled out.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,716

    Backing off doesn't really work, unless I go hide on a corner and they don't see me doing it.

    I've tried slowing down but somehow survivors pick on it and seem to believe it's a signal for farming or something.

    I've also tried slugging and dropping in front of a hook, but doing that before two hooks is also wrongly perceived.

    The only move that works more consistently is hooking twice, taking care of not killing and checking people are getting unhooked, then only slug so they have more time to do gens.

    Most of the time it works fine.

    I usually let go several. It's not like the next match will not give me good survivors anyway.

  • Gardhome
    Gardhome Member Posts: 61
    edited October 14

    I mostly agreed give up against mostly killers is lame. But when you face Wraith/Huntress/Oni you want give up almost instantly cause this 3 killers the most overpowered, busted and frustrating to go against. But against any other should be punish for giving up. Maybe dc penalty is survivor died at 1st hook. But again Wraith/Huntress/Oni needs to be exception or hardly nerf for this changes.

  • EffenBlue
    EffenBlue Member Posts: 107

    But that's your opinion of those three killers. Other people have killers they don't want to go against. Why should your 3 be the standard?
    I have no issue going against Huntress or Oni. Only problem with Wraith is they all immediately come back to the unhook without fail.
    Some people don't like the puke noises from Plague so they DC, or find Shock-A-Doc annoying and DC, or Skull Merchant the biggest fail this company has ever made and DC… the list goes on.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 402

    out of those three, Wraith is literally not overpowered at all and Oni usually gets power early into the match because there will always be at least 1 soloQ teammate that will give him first hit early.

    Huntress is jut plain boring to face because average Huntress is just a zzz M2 fake zoning fest.

  • EffenBlue
    EffenBlue Member Posts: 107

    We are complaining about survivor getting "tunneled out at 5 gens"

    Are we though? Cause every time that get brought up it's "tunneling out at 5 gens is a tactical choice."
    Either way it's a 3v1 and doesn't change the way I play, 5 gens still need to get done.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,534

    Killers should start bleeding out survivors at 5 gens.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,331

    While I understand the point, I don't think doing something negative to negate something negative is going to bring about something positive.

    I've seen some survivors do this and found out that in some cases a teammate was AFK-ing almost the entire match. Or when at the start of a trial a survivor DC's and the others want to go next asap. Do I think that it's right? No. Do I understand them? Yes.

    I'm above slugging someone and wasting all of our time. What I prefer to do is let that survivor go next and go easy on the remaining 3, and just have fun. I do not care for getting 4Ks every single match, have better things to worry about in my life than a video game.

  • Doxie
    Doxie Member Posts: 150

    How is this thread even still up? I thought unsportsmanlike chat is taken down with a warning. I know, I gotten it and even temp banned. I'm not challenging just asking how slugging (while impart of the game) this just seems unsportsmanlike. You deny the other survivors a chance at an unhook etc. So how is this different than trying to unhook yourself except for the fact that it's the killer doing it.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 402

    i'm just talking about what the most vocal part of community complains about

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,015

    Yes please do it

    The more bleed outs the more chances this will be addressed in the future

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,158

    I'd rather end the match as soon as I can. How is me slugging out a player who doesn't want to participate any different from them suiciding on hook or me tunneling them out from 3+ gens regardless if they wanted out or not? The match is still going to be in my favor and it's going to be unenjoyable for the other survivors.

  • mecca
    mecca Member Posts: 303

    Perhaps I better idea would be to add a comeback mechanic so matches are not hopeless for survivor. DCing is only a problem because it's too easy for killer to steamroll and survivors have no way to win a majority of the time.

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 618

    It would be great if this caught on, because it might force BHVR to address the five minute bleed out timer. Imagine the reaction of all these psycho control freaks thinking they are punishing people after they realize they caused BHVR to give survivors basekit Unbreakable or a speed up the bleed out timer give up option or the like. Lol.

    You aren't the boss of the match just because you are playing killer. Get off your high horse you are playing a video game.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,249

     a teammate was AFK-ing almost the entire match

    This is usually the reason I'll want out of a match as survivor. And I've seen it when playing killer as well, survivors will want out and then I'll discover someone was AFK and it's like, "Well, that explains that."

    I'll also ask to leave if my teammates are griefing me. Doing things like throwing down pallets near me and vaulting over them and body blocking me next to a gen. It often happens when someone has a flashlight, but sometimes they're mad because I cleansed bones or something. A killer slugging me because I'm being griefed by my teammates isn't going to magically fix the situation and make me want to play. It's just reinforcing that yes, I'd rather bleed to death and leave the match than play this out.