Give Survivor a Finisher when they complete Objective.

Something they can perform on Killer. I'm sure Killer would enjoy that. Just like Survivor enjoy being Finisher Mori.🤭
Sounds more like you are tired of being mori'ed and wants revenge, Revenge fantasies is not a good way to do Game Design.
13 -
More like Devs giving too much power to the Power Role which leads to one sided fun. Devs treating Survivor like a joke role to Killer fantasy when they all say Dead by Daylight should be horror.
3 -
What you say can be objectively be disproven by looking at the Killrates.
Is your claim that the recent mori change has made Killers more Powerful than before? How so?OR Do you mean that the recent update to Moris have backfired into undesirable behaviour from Killers? Many have done so.
7 -
I agree that it feels to me like the survivor role is just being victimized by the update, but I can only imagine what bully squads would get up to with such a thing :O
I also recognize that some survivor players even like to watch moris from the survivor perspective, but I do think the finisher mori makes moris so common that I feel survivors should get a way of resisting them. In a similar way to how you can struggle against being carried and dying on hook, if moris can now happen in any match regardless of offerings or perks, I think survivors should be given some agency in that scenario.
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You're not supposed to have any agency in a mori, just like you're not supposed have any agency after you're hooked the third time. Your role in the match is over, you lost.
6 -
But you still get to resist being carried to your third hook. There's a sense of struggle up to the last moment of it.
With moris, that sense of involvement and participation is gone. Instead, you just sit there and watch as your survivor gets murdered, which doesn't feel great. I think there should be some involvement from the survivor side. I mean, what person wouldn't fight back in that scenario?
In the past, I was alright with it since moris were relatively uncommon, but now we can expect moris to be very frequent. And I think both killers and survivors should have some agency up to the last moment they're in the trial.
1 -
I wish BHVR had named the four-man role "Sacrifice" instead of "Survivor." So that there'd be an appreciation for the simple act of surviving, that players would understand surviving is not the expected outcome but is them overcoming. It's not necessary to do damage to the killer for a win: it's the simple act of escaping that's the win. Instead, there's this sense that survival is expected.
It's the difference between watching a movie where the people are fighting off the killer out in the free world and a movie where they are imprisoned and struggle to survive and escape. All the "survivors" in DbD are actually prisoners. You escape the pit of monsters, it's a great accomplishment. (And then of course the person who escaped gets thrown back into the pit… just like the Entity sticks everyone back at the campfire and into another trial.)
When it comes to the finisher mori, what kind of animation is it people would prefer? Turning into smoke on the hook is super boring, that's not a fun end to a match. So then what would be preferred as the end-match animation?
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Yeah sure if survivors can only do it within a few seconds of the gates being opened. I'd take legion getting beat to death by Claudette over everyone sitting in the exit gates for two minutes smashing Ctrl.
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I always thought the smoke on hook/floating into the sky was loading time for the post game screens...
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The smoke from dying on the hook often causes my PS4 Pro's fans to go into jet engine mode. It's awful. The smoke and particle VFX in this game are not optimized.
Not sure if that's relevant, but if it's doing that and loading the post game screens it seems poorly done.
0 -
How so?
Patch notes from last year or so say otherwise. I hope you really don't think yellow mori basekit is a buff for killers…6 -
They won't answer you because they know you are right. You're making too much sense right. ;)
3 -
More like no answer will be good enough and talk in circles. 🤡
2 -
That's what I like to do, putting more rationality into out ideas, making them run the gauntlet of criticism. ;)
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Oh no, a power role having power?
A killer in a killing game actually killing?
We can't have that, no no no no.
6 -
The one thing I can agree with is survivor involvement. It would be cool if different moris had different animation "paths", leading to a more exciting experience.
Alas, I still think once a mori starts it should be a guaranteed kill. Its just visual.